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It is easy to become the owner of a snow-white smile these days. All you need is to use the services of dentistry and install veneers. These are thin plates on the front surface of the tooth, which maximally imitate the properties and appearance of natural enamel. Such a smile is designed to bring joy for many years, but sometimes there are situations when the overlays need to be removed. How are veneers removed and what happens to the teeth afterwards?

Veneers are divided into 2 types: composite and ceramic veneers. Composite veneers are made of the same material as fillings. Ceramic veneers are diverse in composition. These are glass-ceramics, and alloys based on feldspar, and polycrystals.

composite and ceramic veneers

6 reasons to remove veneers

  1. Wear and tear of composite veneers. Composite veneers don’t look flawless for very long at all. They absorb pigments, get covered with microcracks. These veneers have to be replaced every 3-4 years, and polished every 6 months.
  2. Damage to ceramics. Ceramic veneers are durable, but this durability also has a limit. A real tooth is capable of breaking under the influence of a strong blow, what to say about a thin plate. An accident, a direct blow, or mechanical overload as a result of biting something too hard can lead to chipping and cracking.
  3. Cavities. Veneers only cover the front of the teeth. They protect the teeth from bacterial penetration. But natural enamel can’t always resist pathogens. Plaque accumulates on the inside of the teeth, which can provoke the development of tooth decay. For complex treatment, veneers have to be removed.
  4. Gum Diseases. In some inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, the gum shrinks. A thin strip appears between the edge of the veneer and the gum, which is noticeable when smiling. In such cases, the onlay is replaced to restore the fit.
  5. A desire to change the onlays to a better quality. Veneering is an irreversible process, so there is no way to give up onlays. Many patients get tired of frequent updates of composite veneers and change them to ceramic veneers.
  6. Doctor’s mistake. Sometimes dentists do not follow the technological requirements and veneers are poorly fixed on the enamel. If the plate fits loosely, it is uncomfortable and also leads to the development of infections. Bacteria build up under the veneer and cause tooth decay.

In some cases, veneers are poorly fitted, too large, protruding. This also leads to the fact that they have to be replaced.

If the veneers are uncomfortable, fit loosely, a piece of the plate has broken off, you should immediately consult a doctor. Problem veneers will be replaced, preventing inflammation, serious mucosal problems, or even tooth loss.

The veneers replacement process

Let’s tell you right away – it’s not painful. The entire procedure takes place under local anesthesia, so the patient may experience only mild discomfort. There are 2 ways how to remove veneers from teeth.

The first way is the classic way. They are simply cut off with a diamond bur. The doctor’s main thing is to stop in time and not to damage the thinnest layer of enamel, which will be useful for fixing new overlays. But it is necessary to completely remove not only the veneer, but also the cement.

The second method – The plates are removed with the helpa laser beam. The laser affects the cement layer by layer, and it is destroyed. The process is very painstaking and takes more time.

Laser and burr veneer removal

Directly applied composite veneers cannot be removed with a laser, only with a bur.

Stages of replacement

After removing the veneers, the surface of the teeth is cleaned from the remnants of cement. If necessary, dental treatment is performed before the veneers are replaced. In most cases, additional preparation (removal of enamel) is not required. The process of replacing veneers with new ones follows the same algorithm as the initial installation:

  • taking an impression;
  • color selection;
  • placement of temporary onlays;
  • fabrication of veneers;
  • fixation.

Stages of Imax veneers placement

Is it possible to remove veneers without installing new ones?

It is impossible to leave the teeth unprotected, even if such a desire appeared. The prepared tooth is characterized by increased sensitivity. Food, hygiene, will cause unpleasant sensations. The appearance of the prepared tooth is far from perfect. On the front teeth, this is especially noticeable. The thin layer of remaining enamel is not able to protect the tooth to the fullest extent, the risk of tooth decay increases many times over.

tooth after veneer removal

The main disadvantage of installing veneers is the irreversibility of the process. Having installed veneers once, you will have to do it always. But the advantages are undeniable: veneers give you self-confidence, make your smile attractive and protect your teeth.

The only alternative to veneers is crowns. Unlike onlays, crowns surround the tooth on all sides. In some cases, this is important. For example, if you had to treat a deep cavity and put a huge filling. It is undesirable to put a veneer on such a tooth, but a crown is quite possible.

crowns and veneers
