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Is there any harm from dental implants or is it a misconception: reviews on installation

Dental implantation is the replacement of the root of an extracted tooth with a biocompatible metal rod that fuses with living bone tissue. The upper part of the implant is prosthetized with a crown or bridge, providing aesthetics and functionality. Some people refuse the surgery, condemning themselves to the discomfort and low functionality of using removable prostheses.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna, Podolsk "Dentalroott" is the third clinic where I turned with a desire to restore my teeth. In the first in our Podolsk I was refused because of diabetes (although in a compensated stage). In the second one in Moscow they voiced a cosmic price for 4 implants, a lot of additional procedures plus bone grafting, and without it, they said - no way. Well, I didn't stop there. Dr. Voznyuk, whom I consulted at the Ruth Clinic, carefully studied my scans and anamnesis and told me that it was possible to place implants directly, without grafting - but special basal implant…
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Dental Implants – Placement Process and Lifespan

Implantation is a surgery to place dental implants. They are made of a biocompatible titanium alloy and replace the root of an extracted tooth, designed to support a crown. During the procedure, the doctor implants the implant into the jawbone through an incision, puncture or into a fresh hole. The operation is performed under anesthesia, which eliminates painful sensations. The timing and order of dental implants depends on the treatment protocol. It is selected by the attending physician based on the complexity of the clinical case, the condition of the oral cavity, age and health of the patient. What is a dental implant A dental implant is a construction made of biocompatible material that mimics the root of a living tooth. Once embedded in the bone tissue, it holds a crown, bridge, or removable denture. Unlike traditional prosthetics, the installation of implants restores the physiological load on the jaw, prevents bone atrophy. According to the structure and design dis…
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Dental implants – types and prices, comparison of manufacturers

Implants are titanium roots that are implanted in place of missing teeth and loaded with dentures. They help to restore the functionality of the tooth row, to achieve aesthetics. Implants differ in design (double-jointed, monoblock), method of installation (classical, basal, mini-implants), size, shape, material, cost, etc., as well as in the type of implants. Pros and cons of dental implants Dental implantation prevails over traditional prosthetics. It has undeniable advantages: Efficiency. The implant fulfills the functions of the lost element, evenly distributes the chewing load on the jawbone - prevents bone atrophy. Aesthetics. The variety of materials used to produce crowns fixed on implants provides a natural look of artificial teeth. Comfort. Removable and fixed prosthetic structures are securely fixed in the mouth. Durability. Titanium roots are able to serve a person for a lifetime. Compared to traditional prosthetics, implantation has only a couple of …
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Open bite

Bite disorders occur in different forms. One of them is an open bite. It is fixed quite rarely - up to 2% of patients have such an anomaly. In 12% of children under a year of age, there is an incorrect bowing, by the age of 6 years - 5.6%, and in adults the percentage is quite small - 1.8 - 2%.

What is an open bite

An open bite is an incomplete closing of the frontal row of teeth or the lateral sections. A vertical gap is formed, which causes not only an aesthetic problem, but also functional disorders. Quite often this type of pathology can be combined with another form of occlusion, and it is necessary to treat a distal open bite or mesial bite.


Visual signs of an open bite:

downward shifted chin and enlarged lower part of the face; half-open mouth; the upper lip is narrow and taut at the moment of closure; palate shifted downward and backward; the nasolabial fold is smoothed.

Intraoral sympto…

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Mesial bite

Mesial bite is a disorder of jaw closure, when the lower jaw protrudes more forward and overlaps the upper incisors. This brings the patient not only problems of a psychological nature, there is no proper aesthetics, possible discussions of the defect from the outside, but also affects health in general. And the treatment of mesial bite in an adult, child is long and difficult. There is work from all sides: myofunctional gymnastics, massage of the alveolar process, the use of orthodontic constructions and periodic visits to dental specialists.

What is a mesial bite

A mesial (medial) bite is an occlusal anomaly where the jaws do not close together properly. The forward position of the lower tooth row to the upper tooth row is noticeable even visually.

Mesial jaw occurs in the population up to 10% of the total number (quite often the pathology is observed in the Mongoloid race). And unlike the distal bite, mesial occlusion is diagnosed less …
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Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 13499

Crossbite occurs in 2% of patients. These are children and adults. There are many variations, quite often this type of occlusion is combined with other anomalies. Improper bite can be treated, but it should be started as soon as you notice deviations from the norm. Otherwise, therapy alone may not be enough.

What is a crossbite

Crossbite is a crossbite - the upper and lower jaw closing in a horizontal plane. Violation on one side or both, in the frontal zone or lateral. Occlusion occurs in a crossed position, the tooth rows, individual elements are overlapping.

Signs of crossed occlusion

One of the visible symptoms is certainly the asymmetry of the face:

the corners of the lips are at different heights, causing the smile to be shifted (crooked); the chin line is deviated from the central axis.

Visual asymmetry in crossbit…

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