Recommendations after Flux removal

Reading time ~ 1 min Number of readings: 29219

Flux (periostitis) - a disease associated with the spread of pus in the connective tissues. The main causes are caries or pulpitis, often occurs also after tooth extraction. Extraction of the tooth element - dental surgery, which can be accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

Example. When removing dystopian wisdom teeth, the doctor makes incisions and stitches. The wounds are vulnerable due to multiple bacteria.


Swelling after tooth extraction is a normal reaction to soft tissue trauma. Swelling subsides on the 2nd or 3rd day after the procedure. If on the third day it does not pass, but increases, accompanied by a slight rise in temperature, severe pain and deterioration of well-being - it is flux, which was a complication after extraction.

Preventive measures

To remove the tooth did not become the cause of acute flux, it is necessary to necessa…

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What to do after teeth whitening?

Reading time ~ 1 min Number of reads: 3339

An in-office procedure, that is, an appointment with your doctor, is an effective way to make your smile truly white. The hygienists and therapists at each of ROOTT's clinics use innovative ways to make your teeth whiter - laser and oxygen.

At the same time, we remind you that both the doctor and the patient are responsible for the result of whitening. Even if everything is done perfectly, you can easily spoil the effect if you do not adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

Special care is needed for whitened teeth for the first 2 days. At this time, the enamel is sensitive to mechanical, chemical influences, to coloring pigments.


Provide a gentle hygiene. Take a soft brush, find out from your dentist what paste is best to use, do it after meals. Brush your teeth 3-5 minutes longer than usual in the morning and evening. You can addition…
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Cyst under the crown

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 25108

Even with high technology prosthodontics, a cyst under the crown of the tooth appears. The causes of cystic formation are due to the error of the prosthodontist or dental technician. Poor oral hygiene after prosthetics leads to such consequences.

To prevent this from happening, dental procedures should be performed by experienced dentists. We look forward to seeing you at ROOTT clinics in Moscow.

Causes of the development of the formation

With us you will get a solution to the problem and removal of cystic formation, regardless of the cause of its appearance.


Features of development

Inaccurate fitting of the crown

Organic debris accumulates between the crown and the tooth, which is difficult to clean out with standard procedures. Their decomposition leads to inflammation, which reaches the root and becomes th…

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Tooth inflammation

Reading time ~ 1 min Number of readings: 20340

With the high quality of services in clinics, there is still a risk of inflammation of the dental unit after dentures. You need to find out what caused it to get rid of it with minimal loss.

Causes of inflammation under dental crowns weakly fixed design, which allows pathogenic bacteria to penetrate and act on the ground and susceptible stump; inadequate fit of the structure to the residual limb - gaps between the edge of the denture and the base of the tooth. This is a place for food debris to collect, decompose, and turn into pathogenic flora; poor quality of treatment, when the canals are filled incompletely or when the root is perforated. Symptomatology of the inflammatory process that develops under the crown

After placing a prosthesis on the prepared stump, the patient dreams of a problem-free operation of the restored unit. Cases when an inflammatory pro…

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Fluorosis: methods of treatment, diagnosis and causes of occurrence

Fluorosis is a chronic pathology of tooth enamel that occurs due to an increased concentration of fluoride in the body. It is manifested by the formation of spots, defects of different size, color, and shape on the enamel. The disease is epidemic in nature. Dental fluorosis is characteristic of areas with excessive fluoride content in drinking water. Also, workers of some industrial enterprises (plants for the production of aluminum, laser equipment, etc.) are susceptible to the disease, due to the increased content of fluoride compounds in the air.

Causes of fluorosis

Fluoride is an element that enters the body with water, vitamin supplements, foods, air. It takes part in the formation of dental and bone tissue, strengthens enamel, prevents the leaching of calcium from the body. However, if the lack of fluoride increases the risk of carious destruction of teeth, the excess leads to the development of dental enamel fluorosis.

The permissible level o…
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Aesthetic dentistry

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 3792

Not all patients go to the dentist because of a toothache, many are not satisfied with the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the appearance. The problem requires correction. The section of dental medicine includes procedures that provide teeth with a look.

Indications for a patient to seek aesthetic dentistry

Not all patients go to the dentist because of a toothache, many are not satisfied with the appearance of the teeth, which negatively affects the overall attractiveness, and therefore the problem requires a radical correction. The section of dental medicine includes procedures that provide the appearance of teeth:

color, symmetry, positioning. Patients often come to us with the following problems:Poorly light or uneven tooth color. Congenital defects - diastemas. Acquired defects - chips, cracks. Bite abnormali…
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读取时间 ~ 7 分钟 读取次数117407


从外观上看,牙结石是珐琅质上密集的深色沉积物,在咀嚼面、牙间隙和牙齿内表面更为明显。龈下牙结石形成于牙根部位、牙龈下方。只有医生才能发现。如何去除牙结石,就是每 6 个月到牙科保健师那里进行一次专业清洁。

在莫斯科的 RUTT 诊所网络中,由经验丰富的卫生学家进行专业清洁,他们使用对珐琅质安全的材料、成分和技术。医生们会对牙釉质进行...

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Inflammation of the tooth root: symptoms and treatment

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 27045

Your tooth is aching, reacting to chemical (sour, sweet) and temperature (hot, cold) stimuli. In addition, it feels as if it has grown and is obstructing the mouth. These are classic symptoms of tooth root inflammation. In dentistry, it is called periodontitis.


The disease is provoked:

Everything starts with a small carious spot. It is difficult to see it, the disease progresses, affects more and more tissues, reaches those that are located deep. The infection affects the root and periodontitis develops.

With a strong blow, periodontitis develops rapidly. If the tooth is traumatized regularly, as a result of improperly placed fillings or inadequate prosthetics, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time.

Pain in the root of the tooth can not be ignored, otherwise the inflammation will acquire a chronic c…

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