Reading time ~ 2 min. Number of readings: 96214
Crowns and bridges are non-removable prosthetic structures. Before use, the patient needs to learn about the procedure.
When are crowns removed?So, first of all, let's understand when the removal of crowns may be necessary:
Uncementation. When chewing, the cement under the crown partially disintegrates and the patient feels the movement. The loosened structure is removed, the cement residue is removed, and the crown is reinstalled. Painful sensations under the prosthesis. Theoretically, procedures can be carried out through the holes, which after treatment are filled. In fact, not always the method is effective and allows you to get to the lesion Repeated prosthetics. If the tooth next to the onlay is destroyed, it makes sense not to install a separate denture, but to fill the gaps in the tooth row with a single bridge. The onlay is removed, and the patient…Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 7712
To understand which veneers to choose, ceramic or composite, let's take a closer look at what tooth onlays are and what their features are. Veneers are thin plates made of ceramic (sometimes zirconia) or composite material, which are fixed to the front side of the teeth. Such microprostheses are used to correct aesthetic imperfections of the dentoalveolar apparatus, additional protection of enamel. Made from impressions, the onlays imitate the natural shade of the tooth row and do not stand out from it.
Veneering aligns the tooth row, hides defects (uneven teeth, large interdental gaps, cracks or chips of the crown shell), simplifies oral hygiene, serves as an effective means of preventing periodontal disease.
Types of veneersMicroprostheses are divided into composite and porcelain. Composite are divided into:
They are manufactured in the p…
Removable and fixed dental structures are the two pillars on which prosthetic dentistry stands. No two clinical situations are alike, and there is no one-size-fits-all method of tooth reconstruction. When a patient comes to see a prosthodontist, he or she expects to get a solution to the problem. And the doctor offers at least 5-6 ways to replace lost teeth. But:
some patients are intimidated by the grinding of teeth, others are intimidated by the possibility of wearing a removable jaw, others are intimidated by the cost of orthopedic treatment, and some of the above.We would like to add that many are afraid of pain, which has not been experienced by visitors to clinics for a long time. At the doctor's disposal is a choice of local anesthetic drugs for children, people suffering from hypertension, allergic people. In dental centers, sedation is used to reduce anxiety and enhance the effect of anesthetics. Sometimes sedation is made deep, and the patient falls…
How important is tooth crown retention and what types of retention are used?
In modern dentistry, preserving natural teeth is considered the most important task. For this purpose, various therapeutic and even surgical treatment methods are used. The placement of artificial crowns can be an independent method, for example, if there is pathological abrasion of enamel or part of the treatment. This occurs during endodontic intervention. The pulp (nerve) is removed from the tooth, the tooth becomes brittle, and a crown is used to protect the tooth from decay.
IndicationsIndications for restoration:
Significant destruction of the crown portion; placement of bridges; pathologic erasure of enamel; depulpation; trauma.Crowns are made of metal, ceramic and metal-ceramic. Porcelain and plastic crowns are practically not used due to fragility. Modern materials are characterized by special strength and wear resistance. T…
June 5, 2023 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 11853
Metal-ceramic crowns are considered one of the most durable restorations. They consist of 2 layers: a metal base and a ceramic veneer. The metal perfectly withstands even high chewing loads, while the ceramic gives the structure a natural look.
Unfortunately, ceramics are not as strong as dental alloys, and chipping of the top layer in crowns occasionally occurs.
Violation of fabrication technology; Improper (overvalued) occlusion; Change in bite; Strong mechanical impact; Indications for repairRepair of a chipped crown is only possible if the problem is located in the ceramic layer. In these cases, restoration is possible even with large fragments. But if the metal part is affected, it is impossible to restore the old structure, it can only be replaced.
Therefore, dentists urge to treat dentures with care, their replacem…
September 4, 2023 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 5972
Adhesion is a special, molecular bond between the surfaces of two different materials. It is the advent of adhesive systems in dentistry that has made it possible to restore teeth with methods that combine efficiency and aesthetics.
As a result of the use of adhesive compositions, a hybrid layer is formed which, due to micromechanical and chemical bonds, provides a strong bond.
Direct adhesive tooth restorationDental fillings, build-ups, and artistic restorations are performed using the direct method. This means that the dentist restores the tooth directly in the patient's mouth, without taking impressions.
Indications for the direct method are restorations of:
Cavities; Cavities destroy hard tissue, creatingcavities of varying sizes. They are filled with filling material using adhesion. Non-carious lesions of enamel; Technology…