The crown on the tooth is wobbling

" - Doctor, my crown on my tooth is wobbling, what should I do?" Such a question is not uncommon in the dental office. Not always patients understand why, instead of just fixing the crown, the doctor appoints an examination.

The task of the prosthodontist is not just to fix the prosthesis, but to find out the reason why the crown wobbles after installation.

Without examination, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, and if the cause is not eliminated, the problem will occur again and again.

What causes the crown to wobble?

Part of the dental examination is the collection of anamnesis, especially if the prosthesis is several years old and with the problem you came to the wrong doctor who installed it.

The fact is that there are objective causes of crown loosening.

Dental cement changes its structure over time, and its adhesive (bonding) properties are lost. Crowns on the front teeth are particularly pron…

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Modern methods of tooth replacement

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 2597

Speaking of high technology, everyone involuntarily imagines innovative developments that allow you to solve a problem or task as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is exactly what patients expect from modern methods of tooth replacement when they go to the dentists with a tooth that has been destroyed or needs to be extracted. And since unfortunately no way to grow a new tooth has been invented yet, let's take a look at new and proven tooth restoration systems.


What modern method can be used to restore 2 consecutive extracted teeth. Bridge - do not suggest!


Unless you are considering a bridge, the most effective method would be implantation with the ROOTT system.


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A crown has come off a tooth: causes and methods of restoration

An artificial crown is placed to strengthen the crown part of the tooth, extend its life, and mask cosmetic defects. The crown needs a support: your own tooth, an inlay or an implant. Crowns are fixed prosthetics, they are designed to restore the tooth row, restore the beauty of the smile and fully participate in the chewing process. Unfortunately, there are situations when a patient discovers that the crown has fallen out. Why does this happen and what is the algorithm of actions if this happens?

Causes of dislocation

Prosthetics is a process that involves 3 people: the prosthodontist, the dental technician and the patient. Each of them determines how long the restoration will last.

The dentist is responsible for making sure the tooth is properly prepared. The main causes of misalignment are due to improper preparation of the tooth:

The taper of the stump exceeds 30 degrees (it is too sharp) The height of the prepared tooth is very sm…
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Odor from under the crown: causes and consequences

An unpleasant odor from under the crown of the tooth indicates that food residues have gotten under the restoration. They decompose, multiplying the number of bacteria daily and hourly. Pathogens penetrate the hard tissues of the tooth, because the tooth is ground down and there is no protective barrier. The hard tissue begins to rot. In most cases, teeth are depulped before dentures. They remove the nerve-vascular bundle, the pulp, which in its intact state signals problems with pain. Without the pulp, pain is absent and it is not uncommon for caries to completely destroy the hard tissue.

Symptoms of infection may be only sudden loosening of the crown due to tissue loss and a putrid odor.

Causes of tooth odor under the crown

Most often, it is incompetence of the doctor. The desire to save money can lead to a small dentistry with an inexperienced doctor. This, in turn, affects treatment planning, tooth preparation, taking impressions, determ…

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Does it hurt to put in a crown?

The crown remains the most popular prosthetic solution for a single missing tooth. However, many patients who undergo this procedure are interested in the question, does it hurt to place a crown and how long does it take? Q: I have a badly decayed upper third tooth. I don't want to remove it, but I'm afraid that it will hurt to put a crown. Answer: Absolutely all procedures carried out in ROOTT dentistry are painless: starting with the installation of crowns, ending with implantation with the use of an effective local anesthetic. Question: I want to put a crown on a broken tooth (lower 4). Is there a difference in sensation if I put a metal-ceramic or zirconium crown? Answer: Zirconium crowns allow for the removal of a smaller layer of enamel during preparation. This means that in most cases the nerve can be saved. For metal-ceramics, more enamel must be removed because the crown itself is "thicker" (otherwise an overly thin layer of ceramic will not hide the met…
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Contraindications to prosthetics

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 2198

The first question when a patient is given the verdict of having one or more teeth extracted is the question of prosthetics. Replacement dentistry techniques offer a spectrum of approaches in terms of fixed and removable restoration. A patient planning dental prosthetics understands the differences of each method and studies reviews about them

Before choosing a restoration option, make sure that you have no prohibitions to dentures with this method. The doctor is confident in the effectiveness of the technology used, and in the safety for a particular patient.

For the most part, the prohibitions are relative. They are removable, and relate to the installation of fixed prostheses (crowns, bridges).

Classification of contraindications is quite simple, namely, "prohibitions" are divided into local and general. Let's consider their essence …

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Does the dentist put a crown on the tooth?

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 2453

The question of whether to place a crown is relevant when there are alternatives in terms of restoration.


I have only a stump left of my bottom tooth. Although the root seems to be normal, at least six months ago it did not inspire fear. Is it possible to make a prosthesis or extract and put an implant.


If the root is strong, put a post in the root canal as a base for a crown. Implantation is an effective solution.


I had a root resection on my upper four three years ago. At first there were no problems, but recently the tooth started to crumble. Is it possible to put a crown on it?


If the tooth is held on only half of th…

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Improper dentures

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 48546

Prosthetics is an event that involves serious financial expenditures. Going to install a bridge or crown, the patient expects that the design will be comfortable, beautiful and durable. What a disappointment when you leave the clinic, you feel the worst discomfort. Literally, after a couple of days, the tooth under the crown hurts, and after another week, the bridge breaks in half. Such a situation is considered a thickening of colors. How to insure against it, and what to do if it has already happened to you.

Immediately it is worth clarifying the following: the work of the prosthodontist and dental technician is not in the fact that the prosthesis is immediately comfortable, but in how you can get used to it. The area where the structure comes in contact with your gum will feel chafing at first. Prepare for the fact that it will take 1-2 adjustments of the…

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What are the best dental crowns

When the need for prosthetic teeth arises, the question arises - which crowns are better to put. Modern dentistry offers various options for dental crowns. They differ in material and purpose, manufacturing technology. Each type has its pros and cons, each is recommended for certain indications.

What are the types of crowns

A crown is a prosthesis for a tooth. Its main purpose is not only to imitate a healthy tooth, but also to preserve the one under it, to fully perform the chewing function, biting, if the installation is planned for the front teeth, to restore aesthetics, to return a beautiful smile. Again, relevant if it concerns the frontal zone.

What crowns are better to choose? First it is worth considering their types. According to the materials, they are divided into:

metal; metal-ceramic; all-ceramic; metal-plastic; zirconium.

In each of the above types of dental crowns, there is also a variation.

Metal crow…

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Prosthetics after tooth extraction

Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 41122

A professional dentist will do everything to save a tooth, but sometimes this is not possible. You have to undergo surgery - extraction and plan for prosthetics after extraction. It is necessary because the aesthetics, the integrity of the tooth row is lost. There are problems with the bite, as neighboring teeth try to occupy the vacated space, the load on the entire jaw system is distributed incorrectly. And many other reasons that worsen the health of the patient - the price of refusing to prosthetics after tooth extraction in time.

Displacement of teeth in the absence of neighboring and antagonist teeth

Types of prostheses

After extraction, according to the indications, the doctor can offer the following type of prostheses:

removable; fixed.

Sometimes added to the classification is a partially removable dental constr…

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