Tooth loss: causes, how to treat

We find the toothless smiles of small children adorable. This is not the case with adults. Missing teeth not only spoil the smile, they greatly reduce the quality of life. The loss of teeth changes diction, leads to a distorted facial oval. Food is not fully chewed, GI problems and jaw joint defects develop. Loss of teeth can lead to social isolation, depression, neurological disorders. Why do teeth fall out? The causes vary, from trauma to inflammatory oral diseases. 6 Reasons Why Teeth Fall Out in Adults 1. Periodontitis (or periodontal disease) Our teeth are more than just a root in the gum and a crown on top. The tooth is surrounded by supporting ligaments, tissues, and cementum. Healthy tissues hold the tooth securely in the alveolus. It performs all of its functions to the fullest. Poor oral hygiene contributes to the accumulation of bacterial plaque. From there, germs penetrate the gums and cause inflammation. Periodontitis (periodontal disease) develops. In this c…
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2014 年 2 月 19 日 阅读时间 ~ 2 分钟 阅读次数6475



戴牙套时使用(有助于保护牙釉质)。 作为牙刷和牙线的补充。 如果牙齿或牙龈没有问题。举例说明。当牙齿拥挤或密集时,清洁牙间隙并不比冲洗器更有效。 在治疗和预防牙周病和牙周炎时,通过添加预防性药剂,这些药剂在使用后会残留在颌骨上。水压可调,方便按摩牙龈。


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2014 年 2 月 19 日 阅读时间 ~ 1 分钟 阅读次数12993

内分泌是由调节身体机能的内分泌腺调节的。最常见的疾病是糖尿病和甲状腺功能失调。 它们与牙齿和口腔粘膜疾病直接相关。越早发现这些疾病,保持牙齿健康的机会就越大。




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Impact on the development of dentistry of the Open Dental Community

April 16, 2022 Reading time ~ 2 min Number of reads: 3495

The Open Dental Community (ODC) was created to share experiences in 2000 by Swiss doctors. Gradually it has grown into an International organization. The community researches, analyzes, develops new techniques, systematizing the gained experience of the participants. The participants are implantologists with extensive experience and number of clinical cases.

Doctors, patients are dependent on manufacturers of implant constructions, who do not want to invest money in development.

ODC created the project "ECRS Implantology". The content of the project is to develop a universal treatment selection tool for patients with partial and complete adentia:

E: Eliminate - reducing or completely abandoning what does not improve outcomes; C: Combine - combining, combining effective methods of work; R: Rearrange - reorganizing, setting new priorities;…

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