Lyubov Aleksandrovna,波多利斯克 "Dentalroott "是我第三家想修复牙齿的诊所。在波多利斯克的第一家诊所,我因为糖尿病而被拒绝(尽管已经处于补偿阶段)。在莫斯科的第二家诊所,他们开出了 4 个种植体的天价,还需要很多额外的手术和植骨。我并没有就此罢休。我在 Ruth 诊所咨询的 Voznyuk 医生仔细研究了我的扫描结果和病史,告诉我可以直接植入种植体,不需要植骨,但需要特殊的基底种植体......种植牙--植入过程和寿命
牙科植入物 - 类型和价格,制造商比较
咬合紊乱以不同的形式出现。其中一种是开放性咬合。这种咬合畸形很少发生--最多有 2% 的患者有这种畸形。在一岁以下的儿童中,有 12% 的儿童存在不正确的弓形咬合,6 岁以下的儿童有 5.6% 的儿童存在不正确的弓形咬合,而在成年人中,这一比例很小,只有 1.8 - 2% 的儿童存在不正确的弓形咬合。
下巴下移,脸部下半部增大; 嘴巴半张; 上唇在闭合时狭窄而紧绷; 上颚向下后移; 鼻唇沟变得平滑。口内症状
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It happens that it all starts with stains on the enamel - this is a symptom that not everything is in order. And you need to make a v…
Fluoridation of teeth: methods, benefits and harms
Remineralization of teeth
Stomatitis: symptoms, types and treatment methods
All of us at least once in our lives have had unpleasant sensations in the mouth. On examination, there were visible spots, so characteristic that it was immediately clear - stomatitis. Such inflammation of the mucosa, which captures the lips, tongue, gums. Although stomatitis in adults is less common than in children, the problem is widespread, .
Symptoms of stomatitisWhen stomatitis manifests itself as an independent disease, it is called primary. And secondary is a symptom of another pathology.
Manifestations of the disease depends on the type and severity, but all inflammations are characterized by signs of the following syndrome: reddening of the mucosa in one or more places: on the cheeks, under the tongue and on it, on the gums. Then the area of redness swells, darkens, covered with whitish plaque. Pain appears, which increases during eating and drinking. Quite quickly, the spot turns into an aphtha (ulcer), covered with grayish (fibrin…