A dental hygienist is a specialist in dental and oral hygiene and disease prevention.

The profession involves performing manipulations to remove soft and hard dental deposits, as well as selecting individualized care, teaching proper brushing techniques and educational work.

The dentist works with both adults and children

When to see a dental hygienist

It is best to see a hygienist regularly, twice a year. Dental plaque is the source of the most common dental diseases: cavities and periodontal disease.

A biological film settles on the enamel after every meal. It is rougher than enamel, so bacteria can easily get a foothold on it. They begin to multiply, releasing acids that eat away at the hard tissues of the tooth. Caries and its complications arise: inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) and tissues around the tooth (periodontitis).

The products of pathogens accumulate, mineralized salts from saliva. Soft deposits turn into hard deposits. Tartar is clogged under the gum, pushing it away from the neck of the tooth, opening the way for microbes to the ligamentous apparatus. This is how periodontitis develops.

The first sign of periodontitis is inflammation of the gums, gingivitis. This is the stage at which the disease can be stopped. It starts with bleeding gums. As soon as you find that your gums are bleeding, you need to see a hygienist right away.

Self-treatment like rinses and applications do not remove the cause – tartar. All home remedies have only a temporary effect. At this time, the deposits increase, and there comes a phase when it is no longer possible to prevent periodontitis.

Children should be brought to see a hygienist, so that he told about the importance of dental care and showed the correct brushing technique.

Also, the doctor should be visited regularly to polish composite veneers and fillings.

The dentist can recommend a toothpaste and brush that will suit your needs.

What a dental hygienist does during an appointment

First of all, he examines the oral cavity. He makes notes about the condition of your teeth. The purpose of the pre-hospital exam is to see if the patient has a problem that needs treatment or if plaque removal is sufficient. If medically indicated, refers the patient to a general dentist or other specialist.

The specialist then performs manipulations that depend on the purpose of the visit:

The dentist removes deposits with ultrasound, AirFlow or laser. After that, he polishes the surface thoroughly. Sometimes, after polishing, the teeth are covered with dental gel to strengthen the enamel.

The surface of the molars is not smooth, it consists of bumps and grooves – fissures. These are the places where bacteria like to settle, provoking a special type of caries, fissure caries. It often occurs in children, during the period of enamel formation. To prevent caries, fissures are sealed – filled with a special sealant. It creates a protective film, while not interfering with the teeth to grind food qualitatively.

After braces, cavities or in the case of congenital anomalies, the enamel loses its hardness. It lacks mineral salts. In such cases, the dental hygienist applies special formulations rich in fluoride and calcium to the enamel. Treatment of the oral cavity is carried out in a course of up to 10 procedures. It is also used as a preventive measure.

  • Teaching hygiene skills;

Of course, this applies primarily to children. But also adults need specific techniques. With gingivitis, periodontitis, generally recognized methods do not work. Because of the pain, a person often stops brushing teeth altogether. The hygienist will introduce you to other brushing techniques that are indicated when you need to be more gentle with your teeth. For example, the BASS technique is specifically designed for sensitive gums. In general, there are more than a dozen brushing techniques.

  • Individual selection of hygiene products;

Each individual case will have a different set of daily hygiene products. For children, for example, it is not recommended to use toothpaste with fluoride. It is also contraindicated in patients with fluorosis. Sometimes, the patient needs a paste with a high percentage of calcium, and in other cases, without it at all.The hygienist will explain what is the abrasiveness index, which index is suitable for you.

Consulting a hygienist for patients with braces is of great importance. Although orthodontists explain how to use all the appliances, the hygienist can do this with specific examples and check that you have learned everything.

Will it hurt?

No, it won’t. In some cases, your teeth may react to the water that washes away the crushed deposits, but this is a tolerable and fleeting reaction. Therefore, usually, hygiene procedures, including professional teeth cleaning, are performed without anesthesia. In rare cases, when tooth sensitivity is too high, local anesthesia may be used.

After the appointment, no painful sensations are expected.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

No special preparation is required. However, dentists do offer a few tips:

You should not eat for some time after the procedure. A nutritious lunch will help get you through this time.

  • Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth;

You don’t have to do this, but the specialist will appreciate your forethought.

  • Take your usual medications with you;

Hypertensive and cardiac patients tend to carry their medications with them at all times. It’s worth doing this when going to the dentist as well.

It really doesn’t hurt.

Doctor’s Opinion

Visiting a hygienist is a great way to prevent fear of the dentist in children. The appointment will not be associated with pain, and children’s curiosity will play into the exam. The hygienist can talk about the instruments, let them touch them, in general, “play” in the dentist. Regular visits to the hygiene office will not only prevent phobia, but will also help keep your teeth healthy.

The RUUTT clinic is staffed by professionals who know how to prevent dental disease. Come to them so you don’t have to go to other specialists.

More information about the doctors here.

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