Who among us does not dream of a dazzling smile? And now the dream has come true, teeth shining white, however, the joy overshadows one “but”. The teeth hurt a lot after whitening. You don’t want to smile, you can’t eat properly and it seems that it will always be like this.

The fact is that the sensitivity of teeth after whitening significantly increases. Why? In order to get rid of pigment stains and organic substances that stain the teeth, a chemical reaction is used. When exposed to light or a chemical agent, oxygen is released from the gel that coats the teeth. An oxidation reaction occurs. The pigments disappear, but the enamel becomes porous for a while. External stimuli, for which it served as a barrier, can now penetrate through it into the dentin. Teeth begin to react to:

  • temperature stimuli (cold, hot);
  • chemical reagents (sweet, sour, salty);
  • tactile stimuli (brush, food, even the tongue).

What to do if your teeth hurt after whitening

First of all, do not panic. Slight tooth sensitivity is a normal reaction of the body to medical intervention. The pores on the enamel will close in a few days and everything will return to normal.

before and after photos

Effect of enamel whitening in ROOTT dentistry

How many days your teeth hurt after whitening depends on:

  • Individual characteristics of the body. Everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity and it is not possible to accurately predict the timing.
  • Gender. Women have higher sensitivity than men.
  • Age. Patients over 40 experience more severe pain.
  • Aggressiveness of the procedure. Gels with a 25% reagent concentration are less likely to traumatize enamel than 38%.
  • Frequency of the procedure. Do not get carried away with whitening and carry out it more often than once every six months (home) or a year (in dentistry). The enamel thins, the reaction increases.
  • The professionalism of the dentist. An experienced dentist knows which method to choose and will not overdose the composition, which is often the cause of pain.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations are difficult to tolerate. The pain is such that the teeth shoot, aching, there is a splinter from any food.

5 ways to relieve pain after teeth whitening (Zoom, laser, chemical method)

  1. Apply pharmacy remedies: ointments and gels. Preparations Fluokal, President sensitive, Bio Repair, Ultra EZ and others, reduce sensitivity and the level of discomfort, prostrations and splintering. Your dentist will make specific recommendations.
  2. Rinse your teeth with tooth rinses to reduce hyperesthesia. Desensin, Colgate with Plus prefix, Parodontol Prof, are designed specifically for such cases. If you follow the instructions and use an irrigator – the effect will come faster.
  3. Brush your teeth with special toothpastes. Splat, Lacalut, Blendamed Sensitive for sensitive teeth saturate the enamel with minerals, reducing the reaction to irritants.
  4. Use folk remedies. The most affordable way – dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Well help infusions of sage, chamomile. Just remember that the water or infusion should be comfortably warm, in no case not hot, but also not too cold.
  5. Analgesics. A simple tablet of paracetamol, ibuprofen or ketonal, can bring relief if the teeth break after whitening.

how to relieve pain after teeth whitening

If you have done all the treatments and the pain does not subside within 2-3 days, go to the dentist. The clinic has professional remedies to reduce sensitivity after a Zoom or other procedure.


If you prepare for the intervention in advance, then you will not need to think about how to relieve pain after whitening – it simply will not be there or it will quickly pass.

What is needed:

  1. Have a professional teeth cleaning. Brushing itself has a brightening effect. Not a little, but enough to pick up the future shade, focusing on the real color of the enamel, without plaque. And the tartar is removed so that it does not interfere with the reagents. Otherwise, the tooth at the gum will be darker.
  2. Cure all carious teeth. Caries is dangerous in principle, and before any intervention, the risk of infection is greatly increased.
  3. To undergo remineralization of teeth (remotherapy). Teeth are saturated with essential minerals, strengthening the enamel. The procedure is recommended but not mandatory.
  4. Brush your teeth with a toothpaste for sensitive teeth for at least 2 weeks before your dental appointment.
  5. Ask the doctor to anesthetize with gel or paste.

Only temporary fillings are placed before the procedure. They are replaced with permanent ones after whitening to match the shade

The most effective way of prevention is to choose a safe method.

Dentist about safe whitening methods

Today, dentists use several methods of gentle teeth whitening:

  • Laser whitening. A gentle method that removes stubborn stains. The laser beam allows you to use a gel with a lower concentration, but does not reduce its effect.
  • Zoom 4. Reduced concentration of hydrogen peroxide and the use of cold light, make this method one of the most gentle.

Home whitening, on the one hand, is considered safer, because the concentration of acids is lower. On the other hand, it requires a responsible approach and strict adherence to instructions. Violation of the instructions leads to teeth aching and pain after whitening.

types of whitening in dentistry

Chemical methods are also safe, if they are applied by doctors with extensive practice in modern clinics that use the latest methods. One of them is the development of American dentists – Opalescence.

After the procedure

What you need to do to remove severe pain after whitening strips, mouthguards or office procedures, we discussed. The following are general recommendations after bleaching:

  • avoid hot and cold foods;
  • avoid sour and sweet foods;
  • follow a white diet for 2 weeks;
  • use a soft-bristled toothbrush;
  • brush your teeth with a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth;
  • rinse with mouthwashes containing fluoride.

Follow the recommendations and your smile will remain dazzling for many months.

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