December 10, 2023 Lästid ~ 2 min Number of reads: 7068
Dental implant surgery can bring trouble if a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations and appointments. Our clinic performs dental implant surgeries every day with minimal negative consequences. But healing also depends on the patients.
För att påskynda läkningen och minimera risken för avstötning av implantatet och komplikationer ska du följa de rekommendationer som föreskrivs för de första dagarna efter operationen och i framtiden. Dessa omfattar mat, munvård och livsstil.
Det är särskilt viktigt att uppfylla kraven i det postoperativa läkningsskedet, när munslemhinnan är känslig för infektion.
1. Mode and diet
- It is forbidden to eat in the first two hours.
- After two hours, warm soup or other soft food is allowed.
- Spicy foods, fruits with acid are not recommended.
- Do not consume seeds, nuts, stretchy candies, chips.
- Balance the diet, include foods rich in vitamins and nutrients.
2. Oral care
- On the recommendation of the doctor to do baths or rinses.
- From the second day after surgery, you can brush your teeth with a soft brush without touching the implant sites.
3. Lifestyle
- Limit physical activity.
- Avoid hypothermia or overheating.
- Preferably keep your head in an upright position.
- Exclude smoking, alcohol intake (first two weeks).
- Avoid airplane travel (first days).
- Do not strain the muscles of the mouth, cheeks, do not blow your nose, sneeze with an open mouth.
- Exclude visiting swimming pools and saunas.
- Contact the clinic if the swelling and pain do not go away in the first week.
Depending on the state of health, the complexity of implantation, prescribe:
- Analgesic tablets.
- Antibiotics.
- Antihistamines.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Probiotics.
- Multivitamins.
- Dental adhesive paste.
- Baths of antiseptic solution.
- Homeopathic medicines with anti-inflammatory wound healing properties.