Gum shaper for implantation

Implant prosthetics is the most physiological way to restore missing teeth. The essence of the method is that an artificial tooth root is implanted into the gum, on top of which an orthopedic structure (crown, bridge) is placed. But in order to make the prosthetic system look natural, fit tightly to the gum, firmly fixed to the implant, special suprastructures are used - gum shaper and abutment.

The gum shaper is not always placed during implantation. It is not used in case of complete jaw adentia, when one-stage technologies with immediate loading with a prosthesis are used to restore the dentition. Installation of this suprastructure is necessary in a two-stage protocol. Without it, it is not possible to achieve a correct gingival contour so that the denture looks natural and aesthetic.

In one-stage techniques, the placement of this element is more often skipped. In these cases, one-piece implants are usually used, which are immedi…

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Numbness after implantation

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 35481

Numbness after dental implantation, swelling, pain, bleeding gums - perfectly normal phenomena of surgical interventions as long as they do not last longer than the prescribed period. The presence of such symptoms for more than 7-10 days should be alarming, and become a reason to visit a doctor.

And if numbness does not go away after implantation on the upper jaw or lower jaw after 5 hours - it is better to call the doctor who performed the surgery.

Why numbness can occur in different parts

In order that the patient does not feel pain during implantation (as with tooth extraction or any other operation), local anesthesia is made. An injection with a special agent that numbs the tissue in the area of future surgical intervention. Usually paresthesia lasts 3-5 hours, if sensitivity begins to return, the anesthesiologist may decide to add some mor…

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Nutrition after dental implants

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 38335

The implant is installed, all the excitement behind, the patient begins to be overcome by the question: what to eat after dental implantation and when? The last meal was before the operation, then the time for the procedure, comes out for 4 hours at least a person without food. Hunger makes itself felt. But! In this situation, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Is it possible to eat immediately after dental implantation

Immediately after surgery, you can not eat. The rule is due to several reasons:

Food can get into the wound (fraught with complications of the postoperative period); With anesthesia still in effect, it is easy to bite the cheeks, lips, tongue. Numb tissue will not signal whether the food is hot or cold. It is impossible to assess the correct temperature of the food: you can burn yourself, get injure…
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Smärta efter tandimplantat: hur länge varar det och hur kan man lindra det?

Vad ska jag göra om jag får ont i käken och tandköttet efter tandimplantat? Är det normalt och hur länge kan det pågå, bör man tolerera det? Låt oss analysera i detalj i vår artikel.

Under implantationen av en titanstav i benet görs en punktering i tandköttet, respektive vävnader och blodkärl traumatiseras, så smärta, svullnad eller lätt blödning är en normal reaktion i kroppen.

Implantationen i sig är smärtfri, eftersom proceduren för installation av den konstgjorda tandroten utförs under anestesi. Efter att dess effekt är över, känslighet återkommer, det finns ett gnagande, bankande smärtsyndrom, det bör passera den 10: e dagen eller tidigare.

Vad beror smärtan under rehabiliteringen på, under vilka dagar vilka känslor ska vara

Smärta efter implantatimplantation börjar när den bedövande effekten av anestesiläkemedlet upphör. Efter 1,5-2 timmar. Viss domningar i vävnader kan också förekomma. Efter 5-7 timmar, om normal känsel...

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Varför tandimplantat faller ur och hur man undviker det

Implantat är en framgångsrik och effektiv metod för att återställa tänder. Det är den mest tekniskt avancerade och den säkraste. Men vad gör man om implantaten faller ut? Och vem ska skylla på det? Låt oss prata på en gång, att enligt den långsiktiga statistiken är det fast, avstötning av implantatet sker endast i 1-2% av fallen från det totala antalet. Och orsakerna till att tandimplantat faller ut är tillräckligt studerade för att undvika detta även i planeringsstadiet för proteser på tandimplantat. Men det finns ett antal faktorer som ligger utanför läkarens kontroll. Patienten är ensam ansvarig för att implantatet faller ut.

Tecken på prolaps av implantat

Det är möjligt att känna och avgöra att något är fel med implantatet, till exempel har den konstgjorda roten förlorat stabiliteten. I det här fallet är det värt att besöka den läkare som utförde operationen och installationen av protesstrukturen. Det rekommenderas starkt att inte försena besöket.

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Zirconia dental implants: advantages and features

Until recently, medical titanium was the only material for implants. Pins made of this metal and its alloys worked well, but unfortunately were not suitable for people with allergies to certain metals. Sometimes patients refused titanium implants for aesthetic reasons. In recent times, they have been joined by adherents of holistic medicine.

Dentists have offered an alternative to the titanium rod - a zirconium implant. Although the first constructions made of ceramic appeared in the late 80s of the last century, they became widespread in the last 10-15 years. In the USA their use was approved only in 2011, in Europe - a little earlier, in 2005.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zirconium implants for teeth are hypoallergenic. This is their main advantage. If a patient develops an allergy to titanium alloy, it will not be limited to itching and redness. The pin will most likely be rejected. With a zirconium implant, there is no need to fear this. Läs mer på engelska

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Implant care: cleaning and lifestyle features

Congratulations! The implant surgery was a success. The most difficult stage is over. Now it is important to make sure that the titanium post will last for many years. To do this, it is necessary to take proper care of dental implants. It starts immediately after the surgery and continues for the rest of your life.

The good news is that daily implant care is not burdensome. Restrictions and adherence to strict rules are only necessary during the rehabilitation period. After the procedure is completed, the implantologist will issue a memo with recommendations. And it depends on the patient how carefully he will observe them.

How to care for dental implants after installation

The 2 main principles in the postoperative period are: do not panic and stay within easy reach of the doctor.

Large clinics such as ROOTT ICSI have a patient support service. The very presence of such a service has a calming effect, because you can get advice on any que…
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Temporary implants: types and features

Implantation is a surgery to implant a titanium post in place of a lost tooth root. Due to the phenomenon of osseointegration, the metal post overgrows bone tissue, becomes stable and able to perform all the functions of the natural tooth.

Since the 70s of the last century, technologists, engineers and dentists have proposed a huge number of implant designs. Some of them are still successfully used today, some of them have become the history of dentistry.

In the vast majority of cases, the implantologist's main goal is to ensure that the implant lasts as long as possible. Premium implants from leading brands come with a lifetime warranty. However, there are situations when implant engraftment is not the goal of the surgery. Then a temporary implant is used.

Temporary dental implantation

The term "implant" (implant) in English means "to implant". Although we most commonly think of this word as implanting a titanium post, it is actually …

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Dental Implants Rating

Dental implants are rapidly gaining popularity. Every year, about one million patients improve their quality of life and the aesthetics of their smile thanks to implants. There are dozens of brands and models on the market and they all compete with each other. Each released post falls into a specific, albeit unofficial category and affects the popularity of the brand. Dentists claim that the best dental implant is the one that fits a given clinical case. Why then does one implant cost 15 thousand rubles and another 60 thousand?

The price of an implant is influenced by many factors, first of all - the manufacturer. Well-known brands invest millions of dollars in research, development and search for new technologies. The high quality of their products is guaranteed, because the products of well-known brands meet all the key parameters required for implants.

Let's consider what criteria affect the rating of dental implants.

The level of engraftm…
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Implant prosthetics in case of complete absence of teeth

Adentia is what dentistry calls the loss of all teeth. Teeth are lost as a result of trauma, eating habits, and poor hygiene. As a result, 25% of the population after the age of 60 suffer from missing teeth on one or even two jaws.

Until recently, the only solution to complete tooth loss was removable prosthetics. In recent years, full implant dentures have become increasingly common. Why do patients choose implants? The main reason: only implants perform the same functions as natural teeth and look even better than them.

Types of prosthetics for missing teeth

Removable dentures are a quick and relatively inexpensive way of restoring teeth. But they have their disadvantages:

They restorechewing function only by 70%Food is not sufficiently chewed, this provokes GI diseases. They do not distribute the load evenlySome areas are more involved, some less. The pressure on the gums is different, it affects the relief of the …
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