Gingival hyperplasia: what to do if the gum has grown?

Gum hyperplasia is a condition in which tissues begin to overgrow. They overhang over the teeth, forming false pockets, cover most of them, preventing hygiene procedures. In the literature there are several terms describing this condition: gingival overgrowth, hypertrophy or hypertrophic gingivitis.

The main danger of tissue overgrowth is that it promotes the multiplication of bacteria, provoking serious diseases such as periodontitis.

Causes of gingival hypertrophy

The main cause of tissue hypertrophy in the mouth is poor hygiene. Food residues, decay products settle on the enamel of the teeth. They accumulate, causing inflammation of the mucosa, one of the manifestations of which is hyperplasia.

Other causes include:

Taking certain medications

A side effect of some anticonvulsant drugs and immunosuppressants, certain cardiac drugs is gingival overgrowth. However, you should not interrupt their intake or reduce t…

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Inflammation of the tooth root: symptoms and treatment

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 27045

Your tooth is aching, reacting to chemical (sour, sweet) and temperature (hot, cold) stimuli. In addition, it feels as if it has grown and is obstructing the mouth. These are classic symptoms of tooth root inflammation. In dentistry, it is called periodontitis.


The disease is provoked:

Everything starts with a small carious spot. It is difficult to see it, the disease progresses, affects more and more tissues, reaches those that are located deep. The infection affects the root and periodontitis develops.

With a strong blow, periodontitis develops rapidly. If the tooth is traumatized regularly, as a result of improperly placed fillings or inadequate prosthetics, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time.

Pain in the root of the tooth can not be ignored, otherwise the inflammation will acquire a chronic c…

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Fixation of crowns: fixation methods and materials

How important is tooth crown retention and what types of retention are used?

In modern dentistry, preserving natural teeth is considered the most important task. For this purpose, various therapeutic and even surgical treatment methods are used. The placement of artificial crowns can be an independent method, for example, if there is pathological abrasion of enamel or part of the treatment. This occurs during endodontic intervention. The pulp (nerve) is removed from the tooth, the tooth becomes brittle, and a crown is used to protect the tooth from decay.


Indications for restoration:

Significant destruction of the crown portion; placement of bridges; pathologic erasure of enamel; depulpation; trauma.

Crowns are made of metal, ceramic and metal-ceramic. Porcelain and plastic crowns are practically not used due to fragility. Modern materials are characterized by special strength and wear resistance. T…

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German dental implants: types and features

Russian patients like implants from Germany because of their long service life. Many of them come with a lifetime warranty. The quality of the products is confirmed by certificates of the European Union and the ISO 13485 quality system for medical products.

Implantologists appreciate them because the system can be tailored to any clinical case. In addition, all implantation protocols are carefully designed to minimize complications.

Among the countries that produce implants, Germany takes one of the leading places, primarily because the manufacturers rely on a strong scientific base. Scientists develop new types of surfaces, threads, and shapes of implants to increase the level of engraftment and accelerate osseointegration. Reputable medical journals regularly publish research data that confirm a high percentage of successful engraftment.

There are several types of German implants on the Russian dental market.



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Russian dental implants

Dental implants in Russia began to be manufactured in the mid-90s. This allowed engineers and implantologists to use foreign experience and scientific research data in their developments. Russian dental implants meet modern requirements to the physical properties of products - in their production they use medical titanium of high purification, and the surface is processed by sandblasting. Unfortunately, in the field of technology and methodology, domestic products are inferior to foreign ones.


Conmet implants appeared on the market in 1996, they were the first implants produced in Russia.

The company Conmet supplies the following types of implants:

Cylindrical. Diameters from 3.5 to 5.5 mm and lengths from 8 to 16 mm. Conical. Their diameter is 3.4-4.5 mm with the same length as the cylindrical ones. Classic. They have a diameter of 4.0 to 4.8 mm and a length of 8 to 12 mm. Mini. Diameter 1.8-2.0 mm, length 8-12 …
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White spots on the teeth

A snow-white smile is the dream of many people, but there are times when the whiteness of teeth is not pleasing, but upsetting. This happens when white spots appear on the teeth. The appearance of chalky spots indicates a deficiency of minerals in the surface layer of the tooth (demineralization). Tooth enamel does not regenerate like nails or hair, so its loss can have serious consequences. Gradually, the tooth surface loses its matte shine in the area of the stain and becomes rough. This leads to the rapid growth of colonies of bacteria, which soften the enamel and provoke inflammatory diseases.

Causes of white spots on teeth

Mottled enamel is characteristic of milk and permanent teeth, occurs in children and adults. Provoke demineralization can environmental conditions, improper nutrition and poor oral hygiene. White spots appear at:

Hypoplasia of teeth - inhomogeneous thinning of enamel, as a result of improper formation of hard tissues.


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Dental injuries – types and treatment methods

Tooth trauma is a violation of its integrity, damage to surrounding tissues, and change of position in the jaw. They occur most often in children. Moving games, sports, chewing on hard objects - any activity can cause damage to the teeth. Injuries are usually divided into acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur when there is a sudden strong impact on the teeth as a result of a blow during sports, a fall, or an accident. They are often combined with jaw injuries.

Chewing on hard objects, bad habits, complications of non-carious tissue lesions, medical errors are the cause of chronic injuries.

Types of trauma

Traumatic injuries to the teeth are distinguished by the place of receipt. They are domestic (home), road (automobile), sports.

In dentistry, different classifications of injuries are used - according to Ellis, according to WHO, according to Groszykov. In pediatric dentistry, the ICD-C system is most often used, in adult dentistry…

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Why do teeth turn yellow? Causes and treatment methods

In our culture, the standard of beauty is a snow-white smile. In fact, healthy, strong teeth are yellowish. The minerals in the hard tissues give them not only their strength, but also their yellowish hue. If pigmentation gets out of control, instead of a healthy shade of enamel, we get completely unattractive yellow teeth. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a psychological one. A person with yellow stains on the teeth is embarrassed to smile, prefers not to enter into conversations, becomes withdrawn. Dentists pay a lot of attention to the problem, developing new and new methods of brightening the enamel.

Why teeth turn yellow

It all starts with a small plaque. After eating and drinking, a thin film - pellicle - settles on the enamel. Bacteria begin to multiply on its surface, forming plaque. No brush can remove it completely. A dental plaque is formed, prone to staining under the influence of pigments, drugs, resins.

Alas, plaq…

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Xive implants: types and features of implantation

Strong fixation, a high rate of engraftment and a low probability of complications are what have made Xive implants one of the most popular systems in the world. The brand is manufactured by Dentsply Sirona, an international group of leading manufacturers of dental products. Dentsply Sirona invests part of its profits in scientific research, all developments are confirmed by studies and scientific publications. The production of Xive implants in Germany is under the control of the European Commission, all products are subject to European certification.

Features of the Xive system The cylindrical shape of the post and a special, patented thread provide high primary (mechanical) stability; Friadent plus surface promotes high adhesion of bone cells, increasing secondary (biological) stability; the extended shoulder of the implant facilitates prosthetic treatment by closing the gap between the bone and the post; suitable for two-stage, one-stage and transg…
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Äta med tandställning: vad kan man äta och vad kan man inte äta?

Tandställning är det mest effektiva sättet att korrigera ditt bett. Behandling med tandställning är inte bara läkarens arbete, utan också patientens egna ansträngningar. Det är nödvändigt att hålla ett öga på strukturen, hygieniska procedurer bör utföras regelbundet och noggrant, och även att följa vissa dietregler. Men tro inte att semolina är allt du kan äta med hängslen. Strikta begränsningar är nödvändiga endast under de första dagarna. Sedan utökas listan över tillåtna produkter, även om vissa förbud kvarstår.

Rätt kost hjälper till att skydda strukturen från brott och bibehålla munhälsan.

Vad ska man äta med hängslen på tänderna?

Som vi redan har sagt beror mycket på tidpunkten. Under de första dagarna efter installationen och varje gång läkaren stramar åt bågen måste du bara äta puré: gräddsoppor, yoghurt, keso, geléer och mousser. En sådan diet minskar belastningen och underlättar anpassningen.

Den första måltiden är...

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