Tooth pain after nerve extraction – what to do?

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The viability of the tooth, in particular its sensitivity, provides the neurovascular bundle (pulp). Removal of the pulp (depulpation) is a forced measure, which is resorted to for serious indications (pulpitis, root cysts, damage to the pulp chamber due to trauma, etc.). Painful discomfort for several days after depulping is a normal reaction of tissues to the intervention. But if the tooth hurts after nerve removal and canal filling 2-3 weeks later, or if the pain occurs sharply long after endodontic treatment - this is a serious reason to consult a dentist.

Even treated teeth should be examined every year to diagnose or rule out complications at an early stage. A depulped tooth doesn't hurt, but it's like a ticking time bomb. Poor treatment of canals can provoke complications that destroy the jawbone, cause purulent processes (cysts, abscesses), lif…

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What are the different types of veneers and how to choose the right one?

Today's beauty standards include a beautiful, snow-white smile. If your teeth are not so white, don't be disheartened. You can get a Hollywood smile with thin overlays on your teeth - veneers. They hide discoloration, gaps between teeth, chips, and age spots.

Veneers are used to visually enlarge small teeth. If one or two teeth are out of alignment, you don't have to wear braces for years. The same veneers can help make the teeth row even.

The main task of veneering is aesthetic correction of the smile. Therefore, they are mainly placed on the front teeth.

Restorations are made of different materials and alloys, it is quite difficult to determine which veneers are better to put. In our article we will tell you about the properties of materials for onlays, methods of their manufacture and installation.

What veneers are

Dental onlays differ from crowns in that they cover only one, the front side of the tooth. The preparation…

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Veneers and lumineers – what is the difference?

The Hollywood smile has become a benchmark that is being sought after all over the world. Thanks to modern dental materials, it has become quite easy to have such a smile. Ceramic onlays on the teeth, veneers or lumineers, will make the tooth row even and the color of the teeth - flawless. Veneering is the most popular aesthetic dentistry service. In some cases, it allows you to do without wearing braces or other orthopedic structures for a long time. Patients appreciate ceramic plates for the speed of installation. You can dazzle others with your smile in as little as 2 weeks. For lumineers, the period is a little longer, a month and a half.

Veneers and lumineers - what is the difference?

Technically, both types of products are ceramic onlays on the teeth. They differ primarily in thickness, material of manufacture and indications for use. The main difference lies in the preparation of the surface before installation. For veneers, the teeth are prepar…

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Gingival smile – correction options

A gummy smile is a physiological feature in which the upper gingiva is excessively exposed. In a normal smile, 1-2 mm of gingiva is visible, if it is more, such a smile is called gingival smile or "gummy smile". This exposure of the mucosa is not considered a pathology, does not affect diction, chewing function and does not affect the health of the teeth.

However, studies claim that excessive exposure of the mucosa leads to lower self-esteem and psychological changes. in 25% of cases [1].


The gingiva is overexposed, mainly due to the structure of themaxilla (maxilla). Its overdevelopment leads to the fact that even a normal upper lip appears short and is unable to cover the mucosa fully.

Another cause is excessive lifting of the upper lip. If the circular muscles of the mouth are too strong (the medical term is "overactive"), the lip rises higher than normal. The teeth and gums may be normal in size, but the lip is just p…

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Periodontal disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Periodontal disease is a dystrophic lesion of the tissues surrounding the tooth and holding it in the alveolus (dental cavity). It is accompanied by atrophy of certain areas of the periodontium, sclerotic changes in bone tissues, reduction of bone mass, gingival recession, exposure of tooth necks and increased sensitivity. As the disease progresses, the height of the alveolar process decreases, the gingival joints are completely destroyed, the bone walls of the tooth cells resorb, leading to tooth loss.

The disease is characterized by a slow course, clinical signs are manifested with significant destructive changes in the periodontium. Diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical picture, the results of X-ray examination. Only a dentist can notice the beginning of pathological changes in periodontal tissues. If the patient sees the symptoms of periodontal disease, then the disease has been going on for many years.


Detect the symptoms o…

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Tetracycline teeth: diagnosis and treatment methods

Tetracycline teeth - a type of systemic enamel hypoplasia, resulting from the intake of antibiotics of the tetracycline group, when teeth, their rudiments are formed, mineralization of dental, bone tissues is underway. It is characterized by a pronounced change in the color of enamel, its structural disorder. Coloration is subjected to the cutting edges of incisors, the chewing surface of molars. The color of tetracycline teeth can vary from bright yellow to blue-brown, the severity of the shade depends on the drug, its dose, duration of intake. Not only the surface enamel layer is stained, but also deeper tissues, which causes difficulties in restoring natural whiteness.

Symptoms Persistent irreversible discoloration; pigmentation of gray, yellow, brown, brown shade; the entire crown or a single section is stained; thinning of enamel, cracks, chips; sensitivity to hot, cold; tetracycline staining of teeth is uneven, looks like transverse stripes on …
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Periodontitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Periodontitis is a periodontal disease of inflammatory nature that leads to destruction of the gingival junction and tooth loss without appropriate treatment. It begins with inflammation of the gingiva, occurring as chronic gingivitis. Later on, the pathological process affects deeper tissues, leading to the destruction of the periodontium, the dental alveolus (cavity), the adjacent jawbone.

The tooth and periodontium is a single functionally and morphologically related system. Damage to its individual elements violates the functionality of the dental unit, leads to a violation of gingival attachment, the formation of deep gingival pockets, the formation of abscesses, fistulas on the gingiva, loosening, loss of teeth.

Symptoms Gingival inflammation; hyperemia (redness) of the mucosa, swelling, reaction to temperature stimuli; gingival soreness; discomfort, bleeding gums when chewing, oral hygiene; gingival detachment from the toot…
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Eliners eller tandställning - vad ska man välja?

Modern ortodonti erbjuder mycket omfattande alternativ när det gäller bettkorrigering och tandjustering. Tekniken utvecklas och förbättras och ortodontiska system blir mer och mer diskreta och bekväma. Idag används tandställning eller eliners för behandling. Båda teknikerna hanterar effektivt nästan alla ortodontiska anomalier. Var och en har sina egna för- och nackdelar. Principen för behandlingsmetoder skiljer sig inte mycket, den största skillnaden mellan eliners och hängslen - i estetik, bekvämlighet att bära.

Vad är tandställning?

Bracketsystem - fast ortopedisk apparat, bestående av lås med spår (fästen), båge, som kombinerar dessa lås till en enda mekanism, ytterligare element - elastik, ligaturer, genom spåren leder bågen. Funktionsprincipen ligger i metallbågens förmåga att ta den ursprungliga formen. Rätning, det drar låsen bakom sig och drar tänderna till önskad position. Resultatet stabiliseras genom fixering...

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Whether wisdom teeth need to be removed

Wisdom teeth (eights, third molars) are the last units on each side of the tooth row. They are the last to erupt when the dentoalveolar system is fully formed. And in most cases, their appearance causes a lot of problems. Since they often do not have enough space in the row, they grow incorrectly: at an angle, sideways, horizontally, interfere with neighboring units, traumatize the mucosa of the cheeks, tongue.

Whether it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth - depends on the clinical situation. The doctor will not remove the third molars "just in case". There must be medical indications for this. The anatomy of the eights is more complex, they are the largest units in the row with a developed root system. Although they belong to the chewing group of teeth, they do not take part in the process of chewing, this function of the units is weakened or absent. The primary function of the third molars is to keep the teeth in the row from moving apart.

What pro…
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Zirconia dental implants: advantages and features

Until recently, medical titanium was the only material for implants. Pins made of this metal and its alloys worked well, but unfortunately were not suitable for people with allergies to certain metals. Sometimes patients refused titanium implants for aesthetic reasons. In recent times, they have been joined by adherents of holistic medicine.

Dentists have offered an alternative to the titanium rod - a zirconium implant. Although the first constructions made of ceramic appeared in the late 80s of the last century, they became widespread in the last 10-15 years. In the USA their use was approved only in 2011, in Europe - a little earlier, in 2005.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zirconium implants for teeth are hypoallergenic. This is their main advantage. If a patient develops an allergy to titanium alloy, it will not be limited to itching and redness. The pin will most likely be rejected. With a zirconium implant, there is no need to fear this. Läs mer på engelska

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