
For most people, teething goes without complications. But sometimes a tooth cannot fully erupt. It is hindered by thick mucosa or incorrect positioning. This is most often observed when erupting third molars. The mucosa covers the crown, food clogs under it, bacterial growth begins, which leads to inflammation - pericoronitis of the wisdom tooth. Lower "eights" are the most prone to such inflammation. There is not enough space on the lower jaw, the teeth begin to grow incorrectly, traumatizing the surrounding tissues. Theoretically, the disease can affect other teeth. but such pathology is rare.


The inflammatory process is provoked by bacteria. When the tooth has not fully erupted, its part is still covered by a layer of mucosa - the hood. Under it, a moist, dark environment is formed, where food residues constantly get in. All this contributes to the rapid growth of bacterial flora and the accumulation of plaque. In turn, this leads to an inflammatory pr…

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There is a splinter left after a tooth extraction – what to do?

The goal of modern dentistry is to preserve a tooth for as long as possible. But there are times when a tooth has to be extracted. Although this is a well-known, routine procedure, it can sometimes have complications. For example, when a splinter of tooth left in the gum after extraction. How do you realize this has happened and what steps should be taken?

Why splinters remain

When the tooth has only 1-2 roots, they are straight, the tooth is located in the frontal part, it is not difficult to remove it. But if it is a chewing unit or wisdom tooth with 3 intertwined roots, that extraction becomes difficult. Such teeth are extracted piecemeal. Sometimes some of the fragments remain in the gum.

Other situations:

The root has split as a result of trauma The tooth fell apart during extraction When using excessive force, a part of a neighboring tooth broke off and the splinter penetrated the wound. Surgeon failed to check that all fragments were extrac…
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Hiperplazija dlesni: kaj storiti, če se je dlesen povečala?

Hiperplazija dlesni je stanje, pri katerem se tkiva začnejo zaraščati. Previsijo čez zobe in tvorijo lažne žepe, ki prekrijejo večino zob, kar preprečuje higienske postopke. V literaturi je več izrazov, ki opisujejo to stanje: preraščanje dlesni, hipertrofija ali hipertrofični gingivitis.

Glavna nevarnost zaraščanja tkiva je, da spodbuja razmnoževanje bakterij in povzroča resne bolezni, kot je parodontitis.

Vzroki za hipertrofijo dlesni

Glavni vzrok za hipertrofijo tkiv v ustih je slaba higiena. Ostanki hrane in gnilobni produkti se nalagajo na zobno sklenino. Kopičijo se in povzročajo vnetje sluznice, katerega ena od manifestacij je hiperplazija.

Drugi vzroki so:

jemanje nekaterih zdravil

Neželeni učinek nekaterih antikonvulzivov in imunosupresivov ter nekaterih zdravil za srce je zaraščanje dlesni. Vendar pa njihovega jemanja ne smete prekiniti ali zmanjšati...

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Poškodbe zob - vrste in načini zdravljenja

Travma zoba je kršitev njegove celovitosti, poškodba okoliških tkiv in sprememba položaja v čeljusti. Najpogosteje se pojavljajo pri otrocih. Gibalne igre, šport, žvečenje trdih predmetov - vsaka dejavnost lahko povzroči poškodbe zob. Poškodbe običajno delimo na akutne in kronične. Akutne poškodbe nastanejo ob nenadnem močnem udarcu v zobe, ki je posledica udarca pri športu, padca ali nesreče. Pogosto se kombinirajo s poškodbami čeljusti.

Žvečenje trdih predmetov, slabe navade, zapleti pri poškodbah nekarioznih tkiv, zdravniške napake so vzrok za kronične poškodbe.

Vrste poškodb

Travmatske poškodbe zob se razlikujejo po mestu nastanka. To so domače (doma), cestne (avtomobilske) in športne.

V zobozdravstvu se uporabljajo različne klasifikacije poškodb - po Ellisu, po WHO, po Groszykovu. V otroškem zobozdravstvu se najpogosteje uporablja sistem ICD-C, v zobozdravstvu odraslih pa...

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Dislocated tooth: symptoms and treatment

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 13794

Tooth dislocation - a dental injury in which the incisor or canine due to mechanical impact is displaced in the alveolus (well) in the lateral or vertical position. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the upper incisors and canines are more often subjected to such injuries. Anatomically, each dental unit consists of a crown and root. The crown part is located above the gum, the root - in the jawbone (alveolus, hole).

Between the alveolus and the root is the periodontal ligament, consisting of connective tissue fibers. Intertwined with the alveolus and root cementum, the periodontium holds the root in the jaw. The combination of the 3 elements (alveolus, periodontium, cementum) is called the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth. It can be traumatized by impact, biting on a hard product or object, resulting in dislocation or subluxation of t…

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