Contraindications to sinus elevator surgery

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 2539

The surgeon can refuse the patient in sinus elevator, if he has health problems. Conventionally, contraindications to surgery are divided into two groups: absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications

These include conditions that make it difficult to carry out surgical manipulations or repeatedly reduce the chances of implant engraftment. Surgery is not possible in:

mental disorders, severe heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, blood clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis), pregnancy. Relative contraindications

They can be easily eliminated or corrected by the time of implant placement. The decision to operate is made by the surgeon after a thorough diagnosis of the patient and consultation with subspecialty doctors.

Relative contraindications include:

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Recommendations after sinus elevator

Reading time ~ 4 min Number of readings: 14015

Recovery time after a sinus elevator depends on the surgical technique, the patient's health status, and adherence to the surgeon's recommendations. Most patients are fully recovered in 5-7 days. On the 7th-10th day, the doctor invites for a control examination to assess tissue healing and remove sutures.

What sensations bother me after surgery?

Before the procedure, the surgeon will tell you how the rehabilitation period will be. The first 2-3 days, patients are bothered by swelling and pain on the side of the face where the gum was opened.


The most severe is in the first 3-6 hours after sinus elevator. To deal with it, the surgeon will prescribe over-the-counter analgesics (usually ibuprofen). Take the analgesic every 3-4 hours, but no more than 5 times a day.

If the operation was performed on an empty stomach (under general anes…

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Where to do implantation inexpensively and qualitatively?

Implantation is a surgery to replace a natural tooth with an artificial tooth. A metal post, the implant, is screwed into the gum, replacing the removed root. Then a crown is placed on it.

Implantation allows you to save neighboring teeth, because they do not have to be depulped and ground, as in the case of a bridge. The artificial jaw is perfectly supported on the implants. It can even be made irremovable. But implants also provide stable support for a removable jaw.

Implantation has few disadvantages. Contraindications for health reasons, the duration of the two-stage protocol and, most importantly, the price. Therefore, many patients are concerned with the question: "where to place inexpensive implants?". And the concept of "inexpensive" is different for everyone.

What affects the cost of implantation Manufacturer

Traditionally, the most expensive implants are made by the pioneers in this field - European brands. Nobel Biocare, St…

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Where is the best place to get dental implants?

Implantation of teeth has entered the life of modern man, but still most people are wary of this operation. Expensive and long - these are the main associations. But this is not the case at all.

An implant is a titanium pin (rod) that is screwed into the gum. There it overgrows bone tissue and serves as a solid base for a crown. Why is it better to have an implant? Implant-supported bridges and dentures hold firmly and do not irritate the mucosa. They prevent bone loss, which means that your smile remains youthful and your jaw does not droop. In addition, implants are easy to care for, no different from natural teeth.

What about expensive and time-consuming?

Yes, implants are not cheap. But dentures and bridges need to be replaced regularly, while implants will last for the rest of your life. And it's not so clear-cut about "long" anymore. There are different implant protocols. Two-stage, also called classical, take several months. …

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How to choose a dentist and not to miss out? Tips from experts

Visiting the dentist is firmly associated with pain and discomfort for most people. Only 2% of the population have no fear of the dentist. Therefore, the question of how to choose a dentist, where they will provide quality help and will not leave a psychological trauma for life is very relevant.

You can turn to a tiny clinic, which we pass by every day. You can go to a luxurious dental center.

How to choose a dental clinic

Before you decide where to go for treatment, you need to learn more about the treatment facility. These days, no one has time to go from one institution to another to clarify information or ask questions. The search begins with the Internet. The first thing that catches the eye is the website.

The website is the first step in choosing a dentist

How informative is it? If the site has nothing but appeals to treat them, then they have nothing to brag about. In centers with a decent reputation, the site contains a lot …

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Nemški zobni vsadki: vrste in značilnosti

Ruski pacienti imajo radi vsadke iz Nemčije zaradi njihove dolge življenjske dobe. Mnogi od njih imajo doživljenjsko garancijo. Kakovost izdelkov potrjujejo certifikati Evropske unije in sistem kakovosti ISO 13485 za medicinske izdelke.

Implantologi jih cenijo, ker je sistem mogoče prilagoditi vsakemu kliničnemu primeru. Poleg tega so vsi protokoli implantacije skrbno zasnovani tako, da je zapletov čim manj.

Med državami, ki proizvajajo vsadke, je Nemčija na enem od vodilnih mest, predvsem zato, ker se proizvajalci opirajo na močno znanstveno podlago. Znanstveniki razvijajo nove vrste površin, niti in oblike vsadkov, da bi povečali stopnjo priraščanja in pospešili osteointegracijo. Ugledne medicinske revije redno objavljajo podatke o raziskavah, ki potrjujejo visok odstotek uspešnega priraščanja.

Na ruskem zobozdravstvenem trgu je na voljo več vrst nemških implantatov.


V tem primeru je...

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Ruski zobni vsadki

Zobne vsadke so v Rusiji začeli izdelovati sredi 90. let prejšnjega stoletja. To je inženirjem in implantologom omogočilo, da so pri svojem razvoju uporabili tuje izkušnje in podatke znanstvenih raziskav. Ruski zobni vsadki izpolnjujejo sodobne zahteve glede fizikalnih lastnosti izdelkov - pri njihovi izdelavi se uporablja medicinski titan visoke čistosti, površina pa je obdelana s peskanjem. Žal pa so domači izdelki na področju tehnologije in metodologije slabši od tujih.


Implantati Conmet so se na trgu pojavili leta 1996 in so bili prvi implantati, proizvedeni v Rusiji.

Podjetje Conmet dobavlja naslednje vrste vsadkov:

Cilindrični. Premeri od 3,5 do 5,5 mm in dolžine od 8 do 16 mm. Stožčasti. Premer je 3,4-4,5 mm, dolžina pa enaka kot pri valjastih. Klasični. Njihov premer je od 4,0 do 4,8 mm, dolžina pa od 8 do 12 mm. Mini. Premer 1,8-2,0 mm, dolžina 8-12 ...
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Implantati Xive: vrste in značilnosti implantacije

Zaradi močne fiksacije, visoke stopnje priraščanja in majhne verjetnosti zapletov so vsadki Xive postali eden najbolj priljubljenih sistemov na svetu. Blagovno znamko proizvaja podjetje Dentsply Sirona, mednarodna skupina vodilnih proizvajalcev zobozdravstvenih izdelkov. Družba Dentsply Sirona del svojega dobička vlaga v znanstvene raziskave, ves razvoj pa je potrjen s študijami in znanstvenimi publikacijami. Proizvodnja vsadkov Xive v Nemčiji je pod nadzorom Evropske komisije, za vse izdelke velja evropski certifikat.

Značilnosti sistema Xive Cilindrična oblika stebrička in poseben patentiran navoj zagotavljata visoko primarno (mehansko) stabilnost; površina Friadent plus spodbuja visoko stopnjo oprijema kostnih celic, kar povečuje sekundarno (biološko) stabilnost; podaljšana rama vsadka olajša protetično zdravljenje z zapiranjem vrzeli med kostjo in stebrom; primeren za dvostopenjske, enostopenjske in transg...
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Swedish implants: features and comparison

Implants were introduced in Sweden in 1952. A Swedish scientist, Per-Ingvar Branemark, discovered the phenomenon of osseointegration and applied it to dentistry. He discovered that a titanium post overgrows bone tissue in such a way that it is very difficult to remove it. Based on this property of bone tissue, Nobel Biocare developed the first implants from Sweden.

Nobel Biocare remains the leader in global implant production, but it is quickly being overtaken by another Swedish company, Astra Tech Implant System, which is part of the international corporation Dentsply Sirona.

Swedish dental implants: features

All products of Swedish manufacturers are based on scientific developments. Corporations that produce them are not only factories and plants, but also scientific laboratories and educational sites. Companies pay for long-term and short-term research on graftability, scientific data are published in specialized journals.


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Implant or bridge – which is better for missing teeth?

Bridges and dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. With a bridge, only the outer, crown part is restored. An implant is an artificial root made of titanium, which is integrated into the bone tissue and takes over the functions of the natural tooth root. All things being equal, a classic bridge is not able to compete with implants. Although implant placement is a physiologic technology, the bridge prosthetics supported by your own teeth does not lose ground.

What is a dental bridge

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic structure consisting of several artificial crowns. It allows you to restore a segment of missing consecutive tooth units from 1 to 3. Two supports are required for attachment, which are your own teeth. That is why bridges are not used when the farthest units are lost (end defect).

The classic bridge is a framework in the form of several crowns made of metal or precious alloys, covered with a layer of ceramic …

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