Oblikovalec dlesni za implantacijo

Protetika z vsadki je najbolj fiziološki način za obnovo manjkajočih zob. Bistvo metode je, da se v dlesen vsadi umetna zobna korenina, na katero se namesti ortopedska konstrukcija (krona, mostiček). Da pa je protetični sistem videti naravno, se tesno prilega dlesni in je trdno pritrjen na vsadek, se uporabljajo posebne nadgradnje - oblikovalec dlesni in abutment.

Oblikovalec dlesni ni vedno nameščen med implantacijo. Ne uporablja se v primeru popolne adence čeljusti, ko se za obnovo zobovja uporabljajo enostopenjske tehnologije s takojšnjo obremenitvijo s protezo. Namestitev te nadgradnje je potrebna pri dvostopenjskem protokolu. Brez nje ni mogoče doseči pravilne dlesni, da bi bila proteza videti naravno in estetsko.

Pri enostopenjskih tehnikah je namestitev tega elementa pogosteje izpuščena. V teh primerih se običajno uporabljajo enodelni vsadki, ki so takoj...

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Numbness after implantation

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 35481

Numbness after dental implantation, swelling, pain, bleeding gums - perfectly normal phenomena of surgical interventions as long as they do not last longer than the prescribed period. The presence of such symptoms for more than 7-10 days should be alarming, and become a reason to visit a doctor.

And if numbness does not go away after implantation on the upper jaw or lower jaw after 5 hours - it is better to call the doctor who performed the surgery.

Why numbness can occur in different parts

In order that the patient does not feel pain during implantation (as with tooth extraction or any other operation), local anesthesia is made. An injection with a special agent that numbs the tissue in the area of future surgical intervention. Usually paresthesia lasts 3-5 hours, if sensitivity begins to return, the anesthesiologist may decide to add some mor…

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Nutrition after dental implants

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 38335

The implant is installed, all the excitement behind, the patient begins to be overcome by the question: what to eat after dental implantation and when? The last meal was before the operation, then the time for the procedure, comes out for 4 hours at least a person without food. Hunger makes itself felt. But! In this situation, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Is it possible to eat immediately after dental implantation

Immediately after surgery, you can not eat. The rule is due to several reasons:

Food can get into the wound (fraught with complications of the postoperative period); With anesthesia still in effect, it is easy to bite the cheeks, lips, tongue. Numb tissue will not signal whether the food is hot or cold. It is impossible to assess the correct temperature of the food: you can burn yourself, get injure…
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Pain after dental implants: how long does it last and how to relieve it?

What should I do if my jaw and gums hurt after dental implants? Is it considered normal and how long can it last, should it be tolerated? Let's analyze in detail in our article.

During the implantation of a titanium rod into the bone, a puncture is made in the gum, respectively, tissues and blood vessels are traumatized, so pain, swelling or slight bleeding is a normal response of the body.

The implantation itself is painless, as the procedure of installation of the artificial tooth root is carried out under anesthesia. After its effect is over, sensitivity returns, there is a nagging, throbbing pain syndrome, it should pass on the 10th day or earlier.

What does the pain during rehabilitation depend on, in which days what sensations should be

Pain after implant implantation begins when the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic drug ends. After 1.5-2 hours. Some numbness of tissues may also be present. After 5-7 hours, if normal sens…

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Why dental implants fall out and how to avoid it

Implantation is a successful and effective method of restoring teeth. It is the most technologically advanced and the safest. But, what to do if the implants do fall out? And who is to blame? Let's talk at once, that according to the long-term statistics it is fixed, rejection of the implant happens only in 1-2% of cases from the total number. And the reasons why dental implants fall out are sufficiently studied to avoid this even at the stage of planning prosthetics on dental implants. But there are a number of factors that are beyond the doctor's control. The patient is solely responsible for the implant falling out.

Signs of implant prolapse

It is possible to feel and determine that something is wrong with the implant, for example, the artificial root has lost stability. In this case, it is worth visiting the doctor who performed the surgery and installation of the prosthetic structure. It is strongly recommended not to delay the visit.

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Zirconia dental implants: advantages and features

Until recently, medical titanium was the only material for implants. Pins made of this metal and its alloys worked well, but unfortunately were not suitable for people with allergies to certain metals. Sometimes patients refused titanium implants for aesthetic reasons. In recent times, they have been joined by adherents of holistic medicine.

Dentists have offered an alternative to the titanium rod - a zirconium implant. Although the first constructions made of ceramic appeared in the late 80s of the last century, they became widespread in the last 10-15 years. In the USA their use was approved only in 2011, in Europe - a little earlier, in 2005.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zirconium implants for teeth are hypoallergenic. This is their main advantage. If a patient develops an allergy to titanium alloy, it will not be limited to itching and redness. The pin will most likely be rejected. With a zirconium implant, there is no need to fear this. Preberi več

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Nega vsadkov: čiščenje in značilnosti življenjskega sloga

Čestitamo! Operacija vsadka je bila uspešna. Najtežja faza je za nami. Zdaj je treba poskrbeti, da bo titanijev vložek zdržal več let. Za to je treba ustrezno skrbeti za zobne vsadke. Ta se začne takoj po operaciji in se nadaljuje do konca vašega življenja.

Dobra novica je, da vsakodnevna nega vsadkov ni obremenjujoča. Omejitve in upoštevanje strogih pravil so potrebne le v obdobju rehabilitacije. Po končanem postopku bo implantolog izdal obvestilo s priporočili. Od bolnika pa je odvisno, kako natančno jih bo upošteval.

Kako skrbeti za zobne vsadke po namestitvi

Dve glavni načeli v pooperativnem obdobju sta: ne paničariti in ostati v dosegu zdravnika.

Velike klinike, kot je ROOTT ICSI, imajo službo za podporo bolnikom. Že sama prisotnost takšne službe deluje pomirjujoče, saj lahko dobite nasvete o vseh vprašanjih, ki jih lahko...
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Začasni vsadki: vrste in značilnosti

Implantacija je kirurški poseg, pri katerem namesto izgubljene zobne korenine vsadimo titanovo ploščico. Zaradi pojava osteointegracije se kovinska opornica vrašča v kostno tkivo, postane stabilna in sposobna opravljati vse funkcije naravnega zoba.

Od 70. let prejšnjega stoletja so tehnologi, inženirji in zobozdravniki predlagali veliko število modelov vsadkov. Nekatere od njih se uspešno uporabljajo še danes, nekatere pa so se zapisale v zgodovino zobozdravstva.

V veliki večini primerov je glavni cilj implantologa zagotoviti čim daljšo življenjsko dobo vsadka. Vrhunski vsadki vodilnih blagovnih znamk imajo doživljenjsko garancijo. Vendar pa obstajajo primeri, ko priraščanje vsadka ni cilj operacije. Takrat se uporabi začasni vsadek.

Začasna zobna implantacija

Izraz "implant" (vsadek) v angleščini pomeni "vsaditi". Čeprav ob tej besedi najpogosteje pomislimo na implantacijo titanove ploščice, je v resnici ...

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Ocena zobnih vsadkov

Zobni vsadki hitro pridobivajo na priljubljenosti. Vsako leto približno milijon pacientov z zobnimi vsadki izboljša kakovost življenja in estetiko svojega nasmeha. Na trgu je na desetine blagovnih znamk in modelov, ki med seboj tekmujejo. Vsak izdan nadomestek spada v določeno, čeprav neuradno kategorijo in vpliva na priljubljenost blagovne znamke. Zobozdravniki trdijo, da je najboljši zobni vsadek tisti, ki ustreza določenemu kliničnemu primeru. Zakaj torej en vsadek stane 15 tisoč rubljev, drugi pa 60 tisoč?

Na ceno vsadka vplivajo številni dejavniki, predvsem proizvajalec. Znane blagovne znamke vlagajo milijone dolarjev v raziskave, razvoj in iskanje novih tehnologij. Visoka kakovost njihovih izdelkov je zagotovljena, saj izdelki znanih blagovnih znamk izpolnjujejo vse ključne parametre, ki se zahtevajo za vsadke.

Razmislimo, katera merila vplivajo na oceno zobnih vsadkov.

Stopnja priraščenosti je bila...
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Implantatna protetika v primeru popolne odsotnosti zob

Adentia je v zobozdravstvu tako imenovana izguba vseh zob. Zobje se izgubijo zaradi poškodb, prehranjevalnih navad in slabe higiene. Zaradi tega 25% prebivalcev po 60. letu starosti trpi zaradi manjkajočih zob na eni ali celo dveh čeljustih.

Do nedavnega je bila edina rešitev za popolno izgubo zob snemna protetika. V zadnjih letih se vse pogosteje uporabljajo zobne proteze s polnimi vsadki. Zakaj se pacienti odločajo za implantate? Glavni razlog: le implantati opravljajo enake funkcije kot naravni zobje in so videti celo bolje od njih.

Vrste protetike za manjkajoče zobe

Snemljive zobne proteze so hiter in razmeroma poceni način obnove zob. Vendar imajo tudi svoje slabosti:

Žvečenje obnovijo le tako, da 70%Hrana ni dovolj prežvečena, kar povzroča bolezni prebavil. Obremenitev ni enakomerno porazdeljenaNekatera področja so bolj obremenjena, nekatera manj. Pritisk na dlesni je različen, to vpliva na razbremenitev dlesni, zato je treba pri žvečenju upoštevati ...
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