Otvorené sústo

Poruchy uhryznutia sa vyskytujú v rôznych formách. Jednou z nich je otvorený skus. Spravuje sa pomerne zriedkavo - až 2% pacientov má takúto anomáliu. U 12% detí do jedného roka je nesprávny skus, do 6 rokov 5,6% a u dospelých je percento pomerne malé - 1,8 - 2%.

Čo je otvorený zákus

Otvorený skus je neúplné uzavretie predného radu zubov alebo bočných častí. Vzniká vertikálna medzera, ktorá spôsobuje nielen estetický problém, ale aj funkčné poruchy. Pomerne často sa tento typ patológie môže kombinovať s inou formou oklúzie a je potrebné liečiť distálny otvorený skus alebo medziálny skus.


Vizuálne príznaky otvoreného uhryznutia:

smerom nadol posunutá brada a zväčšená spodná časť tváre; polootvorené ústa; horná pera je úzka a napnutá v momente zatvorenia; podnebie posunuté smerom nadol a dozadu; vyhladená nazolabiálna riasa.

Intraorálne sympto...

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Mesiálny skus

Mesiálny skus je porucha uzáveru čeľuste, keď spodná čeľusť vyčnieva viac dopredu a prekrýva horné rezáky. To prináša pacientovi nielen problémy psychologického charakteru, nie je správna estetika, možné diskusie o chybe zvonku, ale ovplyvňuje to aj zdravie vo všeobecnosti. A liečba medziálneho skusu u dospelého, dieťaťa je dlhá a náročná. Pracuje sa zo všetkých strán: myofunkčná gymnastika, masáž alveolárneho výbežku, používanie ortodontických konštrukcií a pravidelné návštevy zubných špecialistov.

Čo je to medziálny skus

Mediálny skus je okluzálna anomália, pri ktorej sa čeľuste správne nezatvárajú. Predsunutie dolného radu zubov voči hornému radu zubov je viditeľné aj vizuálne.

Mesiálna čeľusť sa vyskytuje v populácii až do 10% z celkového počtu (pomerne často sa patológia pozoruje u mongoloidnej rasy). A na rozdiel od distálneho zhryzu sa mezálna oklúzia diagnostikuje menej ...
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Skrížený skus

Čas čítania ~ 7 min Počet čítaní: 13499

Skrížený skus sa vyskytuje u 2% pacientov. Ide o deti a dospelých. Existuje mnoho variantov, pomerne často je tento typ oklúzie kombinovaný s inými anomáliami. Nesprávny skus sa dá liečiť, ale malo by sa s ním začať hneď, ako si všimnete odchýlky od normy. V opačnom prípade samotná terapia nemusí stačiť.

Čo je to krížový skus

Krížový skus je skrížený skus - horná a dolná čeľusť sa uzatvárajú v horizontálnej rovine. Porušenie na jednej alebo oboch stranách, vo frontálnej alebo laterálnej zóne. Oklúzia sa vyskytuje v skríženom postavení, rady zubov, jednotlivé prvky sa prekrývajú.

Príznaky skríženej oklúzie

Jedným z viditeľných príznakov je určite asymetria tváre:

kútiky pier sú v rôznych výškach, čo spôsobuje posunutie (krivenie) úsmevu; línia brady je odchýlená od stredovej osi.

Vizuálna asymetria pri crossbit...

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Braces care

Reading time ~ 6 min. Number of reads: 8387

You've taken a step toward beautiful, straight teeth - you've had a braces system put in. Proper post-installation braces care is now a must. Otherwise, having finished a long orthodontic treatment, after removing braces, you may notice white spots on the enamel or traces of progressive decay. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the teeth constantly, and during the wearing of the structure even more carefully. And after a few years, associated with minor inconveniences, restrictions in eating, you will get not only a corrected bite, but also healthy teeth.

Brushing before braces

Care for teeth with braces begins even before their installation. Oral sanitation and professional cleaning are performed. Hard tartar is removed using ultrasound, and soft plaque is removed using a pressurized jet with a special cleaning solution (AirFlow method). The surface i…

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Preparing for braces

Reading time ~ 1 min Number of readings: 1820

Having braces installed means that there will be additional risk areas where bacteria will gather to "build" plaque. These are the nooks and crannies under the ligature, around the brackets, etc. Remember that poor hygiene is the first step to a long list of dental diseases, among which caries is hardly the most harmless.

Preparing for braces is a serious undertaking that includes the following procedures:

Panoramic radiograph; Hormone testing (if necessary); Treatment of any existing tooth and gum disease; Removal of tartar; Professional hygienic cleaning by a dentist; Remineralization or fluoridation (if necessary); Removal of "extra" teeth, often symmetrical (if necessary).

The last point is indicated in order to evenly place all the teeth on a short jaw, or to make the facial oval more beautiful and harmonious. In some cases, toot…

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Rovnátka pre dospelých - typy, fázy liečby

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 2445

Orthodontic treatment has "grown up" in the last ten years. Previously, braces were only fitted to teenagers who were brought to the doctor by their parents. Today, a large number of adults are consciously coming to the orthodontist to address problems with their bite and dental "irregularities".

Pri použití:

Pri abnormalitách skusu

Čas inštalácie a výroby:

90 minút montáže 2 týždne výroby

Doba liečby:

90-minútový retainer 1,5 roka nosenia (individuálne)


rýchla liečba minimálna bolesť vynikajúci vzhľad


kov, keramika

Vekové obmedzenia

Od 18 rokov (na našej klinike)

The corrective principle is the same for child…

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Distal bite: causes and treatment methods

A malocclusion is a misalignment of the lower and upper jaw in relation to each other. Distal overbite is a fairly common type of this anomaly.

What is a distal bite

If the lower jaw does not develop properly, the upper jaw may prevail over it. That is, if the upper jaw strongly protrudes forward, and the lower jaw is underdeveloped, we can talk about a distal (prognathism) bite.


With dental occlusion, the following facial features are characteristic:

large cheeks and cheekbones, the face appears convex; the wings of the nostrils look upwards; the profile is called "bird-like" because of the small lower jaw; because the lower lip is tucked under the front teeth, the mouth may often be half-open; the upper lip is more dense; the chin has a pronounced crease.

The patient speaks with whispering or mouthed, the more severe, the greater the degree of distal dentition. Postural abnormalities are characteristic.…

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Eliners or braces – which to choose?

Modern orthodontics offers very extensive options in the field of bite correction and teeth alignment. Technology is expanding and improving, and orthodontic systems are becoming more and more discreet and comfortable. Today, braces or eliners are used for treatment. Both technologies effectively cope with almost any orthodontic anomaly. Each has its own pros and cons. The principle of treatment methods do not differ much, the main difference between eliners and braces - in aesthetics, convenience of wearing.

What are braces?

Bracket-system - fixed orthopedic apparatus, consisting of locks with grooves (brackets), arc, which combines these locks into a single mechanism, additional elements - elastics, ligatures, through the grooves conduct the arc. The principle of operation lies in the ability of the metal arch to take the original shape. Straightening, it pulls the locks behind it, pulling the teeth to the desired position. The result is stabilized by fix…

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Bite correction in children

Reading time ~ 1 min Number of reads: 2169

The bite is formed from the first day of life and goes through several stages. When temporary teeth have changed to permanent teeth and a child's malocclusion is detected, the age of 11-13 years is optimal for correction.

Habitual mouth breathing leads to the development of anomalies of bowing of the dental rows. In this case, the formation of the speech apparatus is disturbed, bruxism appears, and chronic pain in the temporomandibular joints occurs.

Signs of malocclusion of the jaw:

facial asymmetry; large or small chin; crowding of the teeth; no canines or incisors, gaps in the tooth row.

Causes of irregularity:

mouth breathing; premature loss of temporary teeth; untimely eruption of permanent teeth; dental caries; short frenulum; trauma to the jaw; speech problems.

Dentistry has ways of treating dento-mandibular pathologies. The suc…

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Stravovanie s rovnátkami: čo sa môže a čo nemôže jesť?

Braces are the most effective way to correct your bite. Treatment with braces is not only the doctor's work, but also the patient's own efforts. It is necessary to keep an eye on the structure, hygienic procedures should be performed regularly and carefully, and also to follow certain dietary rules. But do not think that semolina is all you can eat with braces. Strict restrictions are necessary only in the first days. Then the list of allowed products is expanded, although some prohibitions remain.

Správna strava pomáha chrániť štruktúru pred poškodením a udržiavať zdravie ústnej dutiny.

Čo jesť s rovnátkami na zuboch?

Ako sme už povedali, veľa závisí od načasovania. V prvých dňoch po zavedení a vždy, keď lekár oblúk utiahne, budete musieť jesť len pyré: krémové polievky, jogurty, tvaroh, želé a kaše. Takáto strava znižuje záťaž a uľahčuje adaptáciu.

The first meal is…

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