Prečo sa zuby rozpadajú: príčiny a liečba

Čas čítania ~ 6 min. Počet čítaní: 9695

Bohužiaľ, z mnohých dôvodov dochádza k zdravotným problémom, ktoré jednoducho rozbijú zuby. Môže k tomu dôjsť v rôznom veku, u detí pri mliečnych zuboch a u dospelých pri trvalých zuboch. Čo robiť? Samozrejme, že sa oplatí ísť k lekárovi. Zájdite k zubárovi a ten vás po vyšetrení môže odkázať na úzkeho odborníka a odporučiť podstúpiť vyšetrenie.


Je ťažké prehliadnuť takúto skutočnosť, keď je zub prasknutý. Zvyčajne sa to stane počas jedla a v ústach cítite tvrdý kus skloviny. Niekedy je to veľa malých kúskov naraz. Nastáva pocit paniky. Veď zo školy vieme, že sklovina je najtvrdšie tkanivo v tele. Prečo sa to stáva, čo spôsobuje, že sa zuby drobia a praskajú?

Stáva sa, že všetko začína škvrnami na sklovine - to je príznak, že nie je všetko v poriadku. A vy musíte urobiť v...

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Fluoridácia zubov: metódy, prínosy a škody

Fluoridácia zubov je účinný spôsob ochrany zubov pred zubným kazom a posilnenia štruktúry skloviny pomocou určitých fluoridovaných produktov. Fluorid je pre organizmus dôležitý prvok, jeho denná potreba je približne 3 mg. Dostáva sa k nám s vodou, niektorými potravinami. Ak je ho nedostatok, ničí väzbu zlúčenín vápnika sústredených v sklovine, povrch sa stáva zraniteľným, čo vedie k zvýšenej citlivosti a poškodeniu zubného tkaniva. Mechanizmus postupu fluorizácie Prípravky obsahujúce fluorid sa nanášajú na viditeľný povrch zubov a dostávajú sa do tkaniva skloviny, čím dopĺňajú chýbajúci stopový prvok F. Fluoridácia zubov je bezpečná a úplne bezbolestná. Je vhodná pre dospelých a deti od 2 rokov. Indikácie a kontraindikácie Indikácie na fluoridáciu zubov v zubnom lekárstve: zvýšená citlivosť skloviny, reakcia na studené, horúce, kyslé a sladké jedlá; náchylnosť na zubný kaz, ako prevencia zubného kazu; po použití...
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Remineralizácia zubov

Zuby sú pokryté najhustejším materiálom v tele - sklovinou. Má však aj slabé miesta. Tkanivo sa miestami stenčuje, stáva sa drsným, zraniteľným, vyplavuje sa dôležitá minerálna vrstva a vtedy je potrebný stomatologický zákrok - remineralizácia zubov. Bez nej sa môže zvýšiť citlivosť zubov, bodové zafarbenie na povrchu skloviny môže prejsť do štádia hlbokého zubného kazu. Čo je remineralizácia Remineralizácia zubnej skloviny je proces obnovy jej minerálneho zloženia nasýtením mikro-, makroelementmi. V zubnom lekárstve sa vzťahuje na terapiu a terapeutické a profylaktické opatrenia. Prečo dochádza k demineralizácii skloviny Sklovina sa skladá z 97-98% minerálov. Základ - kryštály hydroxyapatitu, obsahujú vápnik, fluór, fosfor, horčík a ďalšie prvky, ktoré ovplyvňujú kvalitu ochranného povlaku. Minerály sa ľahko vyplavujú vplyvom kyslosti a narušeného Ph v ústach. Kyslosť sa obnovuje slinami, ale ak si príliš potrpíte na kyselinu...
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Stomatitída: príznaky, typy a metódy liečby

Každý z nás aspoň raz v živote zažil nepríjemné pocity v ústach. Pri vyšetrení boli viditeľné škvrny, také charakteristické, že bolo hneď jasné - stomatitída. Takýto zápal sliznice, ktorý zachytáva pery, jazyk, ďasná. Hoci stomatitída u dospelých je menej častá ako u detí, problém je rozšírený, .

Príznaky stomatitídy

Ak sa stomatitída prejavuje ako samostatné ochorenie, nazýva sa primárna. A sekundárna je príznakom inej patológie.

Prejavy ochorenia závisia od typu a závažnosti, ale všetky zápaly sú charakterizované príznakmi nasledujúceho syndrómu: začervenanie sliznice na jednom alebo viacerých miestach: na lícach, pod jazykom a na ňom, na ďasnách. Potom oblasť začervenania opuchne, stmavne, pokryje sa belavým povlakom. Objavuje sa bolesť, ktorá sa zvyšuje počas jedenia a pitia. Pomerne rýchlo sa miesto zmení na aftu (vred), pokrytú sivastým (fibrínovým...

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Diet after teeth whitening

Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 77740

Who among us does not dream of a snow-white smile. Dentists have made such a dream available to almost everyone. Getting a shining white smile is easy, but how to keep it?

One of the conditions is the diet after teeth whitening.

What is a "white diet"

Regardless of the type of whitening applied, in order to consolidate the effect, it is important to avoid certain products, primarily coloring. Therefore, the diet after such manipulation is called "white" or "transparent". Applying such a diet, you do not have to starve. Just some products are temporarily excluded.

Why do you need restrictions

After the procedure, the enamel of the teeth:

Becomes more sensitive. With time, hypersensitivity passes, but in the first 48 hours, the reaction of substances contained in food can be strongly pronounced. Even gentle manipulation increases…
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Tooth inflammation: causes and treatment

Modern people have a fast pace of life, with lots of things to do, meetings and commitments. Therefore, most of us tend to ignore small symptoms such as a aching tooth, soreness when biting or redness of the gum. The result: tooth inflammation, pain, discomfort, postponed appointments and rescheduled plans. Symptoms of tooth inflammation Inflammation is the body's response to an attack by bacteria. Tissues begin to produce immune cells, signaling to the hematopoietic organs that more white blood cells are needed. As a result, the blood vessels dilate, the place where the germs have penetrated, swelling and redness. Nerve endings connect the pain syndrome so that we react as quickly as possible. Main signs In each case, it can manifest itself differently. Sometimes, it is a pain when biting, sometimes - continuous. It can intensify at night and subside during meals. It can go to the temple, ear, even the nose. It can be aching or sharp. It may or may not be visible. This is…
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Tooth pain after whitening

Who among us does not dream of a dazzling smile? And now the dream has come true, teeth shining white, however, the joy overshadows one "but". The teeth hurt a lot after whitening. You don't want to smile, you can't eat properly and it seems that it will always be like this. The fact is that the sensitivity of teeth after whitening significantly increases. Why? In order to get rid of pigment stains and organic substances that stain the teeth, a chemical reaction is used. When exposed to light or a chemical agent, oxygen is released from the gel that coats the teeth. An oxidation reaction occurs. The pigments disappear, but the enamel becomes porous for a while. External stimuli, for which it served as a barrier, can now penetrate through it into the dentin. Teeth begin to react to: temperature stimuli (cold, hot); chemical reagents (sweet, sour, salty); tactile stimuli (brush, food, even the tongue). What to do if your teeth hurt after whitening First of all, do n…
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Broken tooth – what to do? Methods of restoration and repair

A tooth has chipped off. This happens as a result of a blow from a fall, an accident, an occupation of a sort. But this list of reasons why a part of the tooth broke off is not limited to this. The list includes:

Harmful habits

Those who like to chew on seeds, nuts, breadcrumbs and their nails have a higher risk of damage.

Improper placement of the post inside the canal

The tooth is restored with a post only if no more than 40% of the crown part is damaged. In case of severe damage, inlays are used. But not always the dentist wants to bother with the manufacture of microprostheses. He inserts a post, fixing it with filling material. Such a construction does not withstand chewing and does not last long. The tooth wall breaks off.

Injury caused by improper occlusion

Occlusion is the position (contact) of the teeth when they come together. An improper bite (congenital or formed by an incorrect denture) leads to too much s…

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Pain in the teeth

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 4110

Toothache - one of the strongest discomfort, which can not tolerate not everyone and, as a rule, not for a long time. Tooth pain makes even the most ardent "opponent" of dentists to go to the hospital, even if for some time a person tries to cope with the situation with ordinary painkillers or folk remedies. Indeed, the pain can be completely eliminated only by removing its cause, and it is impossible to cure the tooth at home.

Why does the tooth hurt?

The most common causes of toothache are tooth decay, pulpitis or periodontitis. The pain syndrome can also be caused by a cyst that has grown in the tissues surrounding the root. In each of these clinical cases it is important to get professional help from a doctor as soon as possible, because pain is not the only unpleasantness, the developing pathology can cause significant damage to the body.

Tooth pain fr…
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Can coronavirus cause toothache?

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 30312

In the fight against coronavirus, the body loses its defenses, which leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. Pathologic processes in the teeth or peri-dental tissues are no exception. The fact that the coronavirus causes toothache, periodontal disease, root cysts and granulomas, is a consequence of reduced immunity.

The president of the Angiogenesis Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts (an organization that studies angiogenesis) noted in an interview that SARS-CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 protein receptor, making it even more infectious. It affects not only lung tissue, but also nerve fibers, endothelium because of which the blood vessels of the gums suffer. Researchers from McGill University (Canada) say the same thing. [1]

Russian medics have confirmed that Covid-19 leads to complications of periodontal disease, even becomes the cause o…

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