Teeth are covered with the densest material in the body – enamel. But it also has weaknesses. The tissue thins in places, becomes rough, vulnerable, important mineral layer is washed out, and then a dental procedure is necessary – remineralization of teeth. Without it, tooth sensitivity may increase, spot discoloration on the enamel surface may progress to the stage of deep caries.

What is remineralization

Remineralization of tooth enamel is the process of restoring its mineral composition by saturating it with micro-, macro-elements. In dentistry it refers to therapy and therapeutic and prophylactic actions.

Why enamel demineralization occurs

Enamel consists of 97-98% of minerals. The basis – hydroxyapatite crystals, they contain calcium, fluoride, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements that affect the quality of the protective coating. Minerals are easily washed out by acidity and disturbed Ph in the mouth. Acidity is restored by saliva, but if you are overly fond of acidic foods or poor hygiene, it fails to do its job.

So how is the quality of hygiene affected? Very simple. Plaque is a perfect breeding ground for pathogenic flora, bacteria. Their products are acid. It disrupts the Ph balance and destroys the bonds that hold the minerals of the tooth. For example, important calcium compounds directly depend on the amount of fluoride. Demineralization occurs – the loss of minerals from the enamel structure. Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening, removing plaque, and to undergo a professional dental hygiene cleaning. It is excellent if this is followed by remineralization of hard tissues of teeth in the office of a dentist or at home.

To summarize, the main causes of demineralization are:

  • poor hygiene;
  • frequent consumption of acidic, sweet, carbohydrate foods;
  • saliva quality (this can be affected by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • genetic predisposition to weak enamel;
  • teeth whitening (unprofessionally performed or improper care of the patient after the procedure);
  • lack of vitamins and minerals: calcium, fluoride, phosphorus, D and others;
  • hormonal disruption (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause);
  • improper wearing of orthopedic constructions.

Signs of demineralization

In order to be shown remineralization and fluoridation of teeth it is necessary to visit the doctor. But even before going to the clinic, you can pay attention to the following signs characteristic of demineralization:

  • hypersensitivity of teeth to cold, sour, sweet;
  • tooth discoloration (starts with white spots, then they become darker and we can talk about caries);
  • by running your tongue you can feel that the surface of the tooth has become rough;
  • the shine has disappeared from the teeth, they have become matte.

Indications and contraindications to remineralization

When a dentist can offer the service of remineralization of tooth enamel:

  • The initial stage of tooth decay;
  • hypersensitive reaction to cold, sour, sweet;
  • wedge-shaped defect;
  • teeth whitening (before and after);
  • wearing braces, removable dentures, other orthopedic constructions;
  • increased erasability of enamel;
  • special hormonal period: adolescence, pregnancy, menopause.
Remineralization and fluoridation of teeth is contraindicated in case of allergy to one of the components in the preparation for the treatment of mineral deficiency in the enamel. Also in the severe stage of kidney and liver diseases, pancreas. It is necessary to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Professional procedure of teeth remineralization can stop the development of caries at the initial stage of “white spot” and even remove this defect.

What are the types and methods of remineralization

Distinguish between natural remineralization and artificial remineralization. Natural – taking preparations, dietary supplements with a complex of essential minerals and vitamins, revision of the diet with an emphasis on calcium- and fluoride-rich food. This method is aimed at improving the condition of the body as a whole and requires a lot of time to fill the deficiency caused by demineralization.

dental vitamins

Artificial remineralization of teeth – a procedure when a special applied composition saturates the enamel tissue. The penetration of elements is achieved either by the period of exposure of the application or by electrophoresis. In the latter case, a small electric current is applied to the tissues and the permeability of the enamel structure is improved. Minerals fill the empty spaces and are fixed there.

The following remedies can be used:

  • fluorolac (fluoride varnish);
  • fluoridation gels;
  • Remodent;
  • and others containing fluoride, calcium, phosphorus (may be fluoride-free).

Remineralization of teeth can be a professional procedure in a clinic or carried out at home with the help of special gels, pastes.

How the treatment takes place

Let’s highlight the stages of therapy:

  1. Before you remineralize teeth, it is necessary to sanitize the oral cavity. Sandblaster or ultrasound removes plaque, gets rid of tartar.
  2. Immediately before applying the means is dried surface.
  3. Distribution of the composition with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium on the teeth and soak it for 20 minutes.
  4. Application of sodium fluoride to protect against caries and aggressive influence from the outside. Fluorolac has antibacterial properties and gives a natural shine to the teeth.

stages of tooth remineralization

The course may consist of 10 or more procedures once a day, every other day, depending on the state of enamel in each case.

Is it possible to remineralize enamel at home?

The price for remineralization of teeth in the clinic is affordable for many, but there are means that can be used at home. They were developed specifically for such cases. The effect will be better if you first visit the doctor’s consultation and listen to his recommendations. Make a couple of procedures of professional remineralization of teeth, and continue and consolidate the result at home yourself.

Means for home remineralization:

  • gels;
  • toothpastes;
  • rinses;
  • foams, mousses.

All of them are enriched with calcium and fluoride, there are lines for sensitive teeth (reduce it) and for patients with braces. Manufacturers: R.O.C.S., Jason, Miradent, Professor Persin, BioRepair, SPLAT, Lacalut and others.

If they are remineralizing pastes, they are rubbed in or applied to pre-cleaned teeth for the time specified in the instructions (usually 10-15 minutes). Some pastes are applied under a mouth guard. Afterwards, you should not eat, drink or smoke for an hour. Use mineralizing means should be 2-3 times a week. The duration of treatment is a month.

The effect of remineralization

If the course of remineralization of hard tissues of teeth was done professionally and in full, we can talk about positive changes:

  • increase in the service life of fillings;
  • cure of caries at an early stage;
  • giving the enamel a natural shine;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • resistance to the occurrence of caries;
  • strengthening the enamel structure.

Care after the procedure

After remineralizing your teeth, you should remember to:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening – to prevent plaque formation;
  • use a rinse and floss to get rid of food debris;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • visit the dentist every six months.

Healthy enamel – healthy teeth, this is the price of remineralization of teeth. And about the cost of this service in Moscow you can find out on the websites of dental clinics, in ROOTT dentistry we offer the service in the complex of professional hygiene.

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