Visiting the dentist is firmly associated with pain and discomfort for most people. Only 2% of the population have no fear of the dentist. Therefore, the question of how to choose a dentist, where they will provide quality help and will not leave a psychological trauma for life is very relevant.

You can turn to a tiny clinic, which we pass by every day. You can go to a luxurious dental center.

How to choose a dental clinic

Before you decide where to go for treatment, you need to learn more about the treatment facility. These days, no one has time to go from one institution to another to clarify information or ask questions. The search begins with the Internet. The first thing that catches the eye is the website.

The website is the first step in choosing a dentist

How informative is it? If the site has nothing but appeals to treat them, then they have nothing to brag about. In centers with a decent reputation, the site contains a lot of information. On such pages, they tell in detail about the services, doctors, give advice. Often on the site you can leave a request for a callback or communicate with the administrator in business chat.

On the Internet it is convenient to compare prices and qualifications of doctors, to determine which location is most convenient. A website for a clinic is not a luxury, but a means to make a statement. Internet pages help to choose the right dentist, clinic, familiarize yourself with the methods of treatment.

What they offer

The availability of the entire range of dental services in the dental center means that, if necessary, you can gather a consilium, get the opinion of doctors of other specialties. Treatment options are not limited by limited options, but allow you to choose the best one. Sometimes, a patient comes in with one problem and it turns out to be only an indicator of another. It is convenient when all specialists work together, it saves time, increases the accuracy of diagnosis.

How to choose a dentist

The first acquaintance with the doctor begins on the website. There you can learn about education, work experience, qualifications. A personal meeting helps to understand “your” person or not. It happens that there is no mutual understanding between the patient and the doctor. In this case, it is better to change the dentist. The level of stress will not cover all the achievements of the doctor.

ROOTT dentist and patient

Choosing a dentist is not easy. It is worth paying special attention to the process of continuing education. New techniques and current technologies are emerging every day. Having a well-known name does not yet guarantee familiarity with the latest achievements and the ability to apply them in practice. The best dentist is a practitioner who is constantly improving his qualifications.

Diagnostic level

Expensive equipment of dentistry is not purchased to let dust in the eyes. On it depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment method. This is especially important now that the focus has shifted to preserving every tooth. The “if in doubt, extract” approach no longer works. In order to restore a tooth you need an accurate picture. Orthopantomogram (OPTG) machines, targeted x-rays, and computerized tomography (CT) scans can help you get it. The more complex the case, the more detailed the examination should be.

diagnostic methods in dentistry


In trustworthy clinics, an individualized treatment plan is mandatory. This eliminates misunderstandings about the services provided and guides the patient on the size of the budget. The absence of a plan is an excuse for unreasonable fees and unnecessary procedures.

The treatment plan is based on a conversation, visual and diagnostic examination. A professional will be sure to ask about comorbidities and known allergies.

Why so … cheap?

The question of price is usually in the foreground when trying to find a good dentistry. In medicine, this approach is not entirely justified. The low cost of services should, rather, be alarming than pleasing.

What’s inside?

The cost of service is like an iceberg. We see only a small part – the price. In fact, there are many components:

  • Materials and tools

We don’t want to scare you, but a common complication during treatment is a broken off instrument tip. Do you think Swiss instruments or Chinese instruments are more likely to break off? Dental clinics don’t pay for a brand name. The name of the company, which is in everyone’s ear, means millions invested in research and development and quality control of products. It is the certainty of service life and positive long-term prognosis.

The seal, which will cost more expensive, will last longer, and the cheap one will have to be replaced so often that the savings will be only apparent.

  • Associated equipment

People of the older generation, who have gone through all the circles of hell of Soviet dentistry, uncomfortable chair will not intimidate. Young people are accustomed to comfort, and will not tolerate such a thing. But the chair is not only about comfort. A quality chair is easy to adjust. The angle of inclination provides better access and a good view. The dentist is comfortable to work, the patient will not have to regret choosing a specialist.

A modern unit (what we habitually think of as a drill) is multifunctional. The more functions, the higher the price. But all manipulations can be done in 1 appointment.

And also autoclaves, refrigerators – a lot of mechanisms and devices that ensure reliability and safety of work.

  • Thework of a dentist

The more complex the manipulation, the higher the qualification of the doctor should be. But experience, it is not only the number of teeth pulled or braces installed. This is minimally invasive, gentle methods, innovative restoration technologies, modern methods of implantation. Familiarization with the latest achievements in medicine requires a large investment. It is constant participation in trainings, master classes, seminars, conferences. It is a subscription to scientific journals, podcasts and educational channels.

  • Paying staff

We want to come to a clean, processed room, talk to a competent administrator and ask a question in the online chat. We pay for that too, just not directly.

This is where the contradictions begin: we want top-level service and the same quality, but here – it’s expensive. Consider the question from a long-term perspective: change a filling every six months to a year or every 10 years. To carry out prosthetics every 5 years or to install an implant and not to remember about the crown on it for 20 years. To keep the tooth alive for 3-4 years or even longer or to pull it out and then – again regular prosthetics.

Warranty obligations

In the question of which dentistry to choose, not the last place is the problem of warranty obligations.

All well-known brands give a warranty on their products. For implants, it is indefinite, for prosthetic constructions, filling materials, mostly 1-2 years.

These are the manufacturer’s obligations. It is convenient if, for example, you have moved. Obligations are not canceled if in this city or country dentists work with such brands.

Commitment of the clinic is a guarantee of quality work of doctors. Only high-end dental centers take such responsibility.

Where is the technician?

It’s good if it’s right here in the clinic. Its technical laboratory ensures fast and smooth work of the doctor and technician. Choosing a good dentist is half the battle. The aesthetic side of the smile is provided by the technician. Working for “his” dentistry, the technician will try to make the final product indistinguishable from his own teeth.

Fabrication of dentures in the ROOTT laboratory


  • License for all activities

As soon as a scandal about substandard work unfolds, it immediately turns out that the dentistry had problems with authorization documents. It is better to make inquiries at once.

  • Certificates for products

These documents guarantee the originality of materials and tools.

  • Certificates of doctors

For all types of services, for new methods of treatment, for working with a certain brand of implants – all documents should be in plain sight.

  • Service contract

The more expensive the procedure – the more detailed the contract.

  • Medical records

It is very important that the dentistry fills out medical records. It is equally important to give truthful information about yourself. When drawing up a treatment plan, it is important for the doctor to take into account the anamnesis, the medications that the patient is taking at the time, and to record the manipulations that he carried out.

Once is not enough

In medical institutions with high social responsibility, reusable instruments undergo a double or even triple disinfection cycle. There they try to use disposable instruments whenever possible. Sterility of dental manipulations prevents the development of complications, infections and inflammation.

The administrator is the face of the clinic

The first impression is worth a lot. The psychological mood depends on how you are greeted, whether they give you full information, try to help or discourage you. Do not be frightened if the administrator can not answer a question, but consults with the doctor. This shows responsibility. A competent administrator will always give advice and help to determine the time of reception, will tell you how to get there and answer most questions.

ROOTT clinic consultation

Whether it is worth it to be guided by reviews

It is worth it, but if in doubt, listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances. People who are familiar with the service firsthand are the best source of information. Video reviews are trustworthy. They are recorded in real time, immediately after the end of treatment. You can see exactly what the doctor did and hear how satisfied the patient was with it.

What’s the bottom line?

If you have an opinion that the answer to the question “What kind of dentistry to choose”. the answer is expensive, it’s not. Not all premium clinics will pass all the criteria. But those that have built up a reputation for years, will do it with ease. One such institution is the Moscow ROOTT Dental Implant Center.

The treatment facility opened as a base for working with Swiss ROOTT implants, but it quickly went beyond a single service. Now the clinic provides a wide range of services. There is a therapeutic, surgical department. Services in the field of orthodontic dentistry and implantology are provided.


  • Included in the register of leading health care institutions of the Russian Federation

So everything is in order with the documentation.

  • Possesses the status of “StAR Innovation Center”.

This is a recognition of the high skill of the center’s specialists.

  • It is a member of the European association Open Dental Community

Innovative methods and effective technologies are implemented without delay.

  • Takes the 4th place in the rating of the best stomatology in Moscow.

3rd place in the category “Prices”. The innovative center of implantation technologies has managed to develop a financial policy that makes quality services available to more and more people.

  • 1st place in the All-Russian contest in the nomination “Best Website”

Informative, with a detailed description of procedures, the site will answer questions about the treatment, restoration and implantation of teeth. There is a business chat room. Patients are provided with round-the-clock support.

Briefly about ROOTT clinics

Convenient location, cozy atmosphere, cool specialists and new equipment have brought ROOTT ICDI to the leading position among the dental centers of Moscow.

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