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As doenças dentárias são um grupo de patologias que afetam o esmalte e a estrutura interna da unidade dentária, as membranas mucosas da cavidade oral, as gengivas, os músculos da mastigação e os ossos da mandíbula.

A maioria das doenças odontológicas é de natureza infecciosa e se desenvolve uma após a outra na ausência do tratamento necessário. Apesar da opinião de que essas patologias não são consideradas perigosas para as pessoas devido ao risco de desenvolver consequências graves para o corpo, isso não é verdade. As consequências do tratamento inadequado, ou da falta dele, podem ser muito sérias, até mesmo letais.

Qualquer doença é mais fácil de prevenir do que de tratar, portanto, é importante ter uma ideia das causas e dos sintomas das doenças odontológicas para identificá-las a tempo e evitar complicações.

Causas de doenças dentárias em humanos

Diseases of the teeth and gums can appear both due to the impact of a single negative factor, and because of their complex. Most often the reasons for the development of dental pathologies are as follows:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene or its complete absence. Improper brushing, ignoring professional oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of dental plaque, which then hardens and becomes a source of bacterial inflammation.
  • Infectious diseases. Pathogens penetrate into the tissues through damaged teeth or with the bloodstream from an infected internal human organ.
  • Lack of nutrients in the structure of the teeth and gums. Often results from an unbalanced diet.
  • Excess of certain chemical elements in the body, such as fluoride.
  • Taking certain medications, more often antibiotics (for example, tetracycline).
  • Violation of hormonal balance and metabolism due to various circumstances.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Congenital anomalies of the teeth.
  • Trauma to the teeth, gums, jaw.

Classification of dental diseases

The directory of dental diseases counts a huge number of pathologies. The most well-known are:

  • Dental caries: the process of destruction of the structure of the dental unit due to external factors. Develops at any age and is characterized by both acute and chronic course. Symptoms: pain syndrome, carious spots, which then turn into cavities. In the absence of the necessary treatment, complications manifest themselves.
  • Pulpitis. Inflammation of the inner part of the tooth: nerves and soft tissue. It is a complication of neglected caries. The main symptom is severe pain that occurs spontaneously, without connection with external influence. If pulpitis is not treated, it can lead to complete loss of the tooth and inflammation of the bone and periosteum.
  • Tooth cyst. Is a complication of pulpitis. It is characterized by the appearance and growth of cystic tissue at the root of the tooth. Symptoms – pain syndrome, hyperemia of the gums.
  • Periodontitis. The consequence of untreated pulpitis. Inflammation of mucous membranes and bone tissue outside the root of the tooth. In the acute course is characterized by severe pain, localized within a certain tooth, a feeling of mobility of the dental unit, breath odor, hyperemia.
  • Anatomical pathologies: Adentia, congenital or acquired absence of teeth. Anomalies of individual dental units and of the dentition as a whole: curvature, dystopia, retention of teeth, overcomplete, too small or too large teeth. Improperly formed tooth enamel.
  • Tooth trauma: chipped, cracked, fracturedteeth.

Most often, in the early stages of dental disease are asymptomatic, but as the pathology develops, pain and discomfort appear. If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, you should contact a dental clinic for qualified treatment.

Prevention of dental diseases

In order to prevent the development of diseases of teeth and gums, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • Refusal from smoking. Nicotine contributes to vasoconstriction and worsens blood flow to the tooth tissues and deteriorates its nutrition.
  • Proper nutrition and the use of vitamins.
  • Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste at least twice a day. Regular professional dental hygiene, at least once every six months.
  • Professional check-ups with a dentist in order to detect dental diseases at early stages.

Benefits of our clinic. Invitation for consultation

ROOTT Dentistry is a high-tech clinic that can solve any dental problem. The offices and laboratories are equipped with all the necessary innovative equipment to provide qualified medical care. All our doctors are professionals in their field, who can help even in the most difficult clinical situations. Treatment of dental diseases in “ROOTT” has a high level of quality and safety. Guarantees are provided.

Sign up for an initial free consultation and you will receive an examination by three specialists, CT-diagnosis, orthopantomogram and an individualized treatment plan.

Call 8 (800) 511 82 06; +7 (495) 260 15 71 or use the feedback button on the website.

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