When it comes to the need to replace three or more teeth that are next to each other, there are several different options available. One of the most effective is implant-supported bridges. This solution has a number of advantages that favorably distinguish it from its competitors. The use of fixed structures of this format allows you to quickly restore the maxillofacial apparatus and achieve the greatest both aesthetic appeal and full functional recovery.

What is an implant-supported denture?

An implant-supported dental bridge, unlike adhesive dentures or other removable bridges, has one distinctive feature. Healthy teeth are not affected in any way. Instead, special dental implants are used as a support, which are implanted into the jaw in the place where teeth are missing

This makes it possible to cover a larger number of missing teeth, as well as to ensure that the living teeth next to the missing teeth remain healthy, as their integrity is not compromised in any way during the treatment process. This significantly reduces the need for repeated intervention by the dentist.

What material are fixed bridges made of?

Due to the fact that these prosthetic structures do not assume frequent replacement, they are created using much stronger materials than adhesive prosthetic structures.

The most widespread are bridges made of metal-ceramics and zirconium dioxide. The advantages of these materials include high strength, immunity to food staining and the greatest similarity in tone to real teeth. However, their use increases the manufacturing time of the prosthesis, as it can only be performed in a specialized laboratory.

Types of implant bridges

At the moment, there are several varieties of fixed dental bridges on implants. They differ in the material used in the design of the crowns, as well as the number of overlapping teeth.

What kind of prosthetic design the patient will need in this or that case is determined by the attending physician after examination. Only a qualified specialist will be able to determine exactly which prosthetic option is suitable in a particular case.

Indications for implant-supported bridges

Fixed bridge prosthetics is indicated for patients when there is partial adentia with simultaneous absence of three or more neighboring teeth in one tooth row. Only in such a case does it make sense to use a bridge structure. In the absence of one or two neighboring teeth, the more correct solution is to use the technology of prosthetics of each tooth separately (1 implant – 1 tooth).

Main contraindications to implantation

Implant prosthetics is one of the most complex procedures in dental orthopedics. As a consequence, it has a significant number of contraindications. These include the presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, significant bone atrophy, individual intolerance to the components of the implant or crown, and many others. For this reason, before prescribing implantation, the doctor collects a detailed anamnesis and conducts therapeutic treatment.

Advantages of fixed prosthetics

To the main advantages that the installation of a bridge prosthesis with the use of implants as a support can be attributed such aspects as:

  • No impact on healthy teeth;
  • Long service life of the bridge;
  • Possibility of simultaneous prosthetics of a large number of teeth;
  • No need for regular replacement of the prosthesis.

In addition, the presented models have high aesthetic indicators, which is of great importance for most patients.

Disadvantages of bridges on implants

Like any other prosthetic design, the bridge on implants is not without a number of disadvantages. Thus, due to the fact that it is installed on artificial supports, the time of prosthetics is significantly increased. This is due to the need to ensure complete rooting of the implants in the jaw before the installation of the bridge structure. This feature also increases the cost compared to removable prostheses.

Placement of the implant-supported bridge

The procedure of fixed bridge implantation is in itself significantly safer for oral health compared to using healthy teeth as a support. In the alternative case, the teeth next to the lost tooth are subjected to mechanical processing, which, even if the procedure is perfectly executed, inevitably leads to their gradual destruction. Implantation allows you to get rid of this nuance. In addition, the installation of implants next to healthy teeth can prevent bone degradation and exclude the appearance of such a disease as tooth mobility.

In order to exclude the negative impact of various factors, at the first stage, the oral cavity is sanitized. After that, an impression of the jaw is taken and the direction of work is divided. The dentist begins the procedure of implantation of supports, controls the process of their implantation and healing of the jaw after the procedure. At the same time, a bridge of the selected material is made in the laboratory according to the impression. After complete healing, the bridge is tried on, accurately fitted to the jaw and only then is it fully installed.

Alternatives to an implant bridge

Undoubtedly, a dental bridge on implants is not the only possible solution to the task at hand. In addition to it, there are the previously described dental bridges, as well as various variants of removable prostheses. In terms of reliability, such bridges are second only to the separate implantation of each tooth. However, such a procedure will have a significantly higher cost.

Features of oral care after prosthetics

Qualitatively put a bridge on implants is important, but this is not enough to maintain long-term health. Competent oral care after the completion of all procedures is also of great importance. In addition to classical hygiene, it is also recommended to use a special mouthwash after every meal to remove all food residues and prevent them from accumulating on the denture. This will significantly extend the service life of the denture and eliminate the risk of various diseases.

How much does it cost for a bridge on implants?

The cost of installing a fixed bridge depends on many different aspects. The price is influenced by the number of missing teeth, how many implants will need to be installed to ensure sufficient strength, what material is used to make the bridge and much more. The final cost can only be determined by the attending physician after a complete diagnosis.

Doctor’s Opinion: Is a tooth-supported or implant-supported bridge better?

Of course, if it is possible to perform the procedure with implantation, it is worth resorting to it. This is due not only to the concern for preserving the integrity of healthy teeth, but also to the greater strength of the prosthesis. As a consequence, the ability to chew various types of food is achieved.

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