Korzystanie z irygatora - moda czy konieczność?
February 19, 2014 Reading time ~ 2 min Number of reads: 6475
Irygator to urządzenie niezbędne w przypadku posiadania koron, mostów na zębach naturalnych lub implantów. Ukierunkowany strumień wody wypłukuje resztki jedzenia, które pozostają pod sztucznymi zębami. Do wody dodaje się antyseptyczne wywary ziołowe lub gotowe płukanki.
Irygator jest niezbędny:
When treated with braces (it helps preserve enamel). As a supplement to toothbrush and floss. If there are no tooth or gum problems. Example. When the dental elements are crowded or dense, it is not more effective to clean the interdental space than an irrigator. In the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and periodontitis by adding prophylactic agents that will remain on the jaw after use. The water pressure is adjustable, so the device is convenient for massaging the gums.With its appearance in free access, infec…
Effects of endocrine diseases on oral tissues
February 19, 2014 Reading time ~ 1 min Number of reads: 12993
The endocrine background is tuned by the glands of internal secretion, which regulate the performance of the body. The most common disorders are diabetes mellitus, thyroid malfunctions. They are directly related to diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa. The earlier they are detected, the better the chances of keeping the teeth healthy.
Toxic goiter is a common thyroid disorder. With this diagnosis, dental patients are diagnosed with changes in the hard tissues of the teeth (caries), especially in the vestibular (near the gum) area.In hypothyroidism, the patient visually has swelling of the eyelids, thickening of the lips, and multiple caries.
In diabetes mellitus, inflammation in the mouth increases depending on the duration of the disease and when sudden spikes in sugar readings are present. The earliest symptom of diabetes mellitus is dry mou…
Impact on the development of dentistry of the Open Dental Community
April 16, 2022 Reading time ~ 2 min Number of reads: 3495
The Open Dental Community (ODC) was created to share experiences in 2000 by Swiss doctors. Gradually it has grown into an International organization. The community researches, analyzes, develops new techniques, systematizing the gained experience of the participants. The participants are implantologists with extensive experience and number of clinical cases.
Doctors, patients are dependent on manufacturers of implant constructions, who do not want to invest money in development.
ODC created the project "ECRS Implantology". The content of the project is to develop a universal treatment selection tool for patients with partial and complete adentia:
E: Eliminate - reducing or completely abandoning what does not improve outcomes; C: Combine - combining, combining effective methods of work; R: Rearrange - reorganizing, setting new priorities;…