
Cariës is een laesie van harde tandweefsels met de vorming van holtedefecten. Eerst wordt het glazuur vernietigd, daarna het tandbeen, de pulpa, het periosteum en het bot. Het is de meest voorkomende tandziekte ter wereld en de belangrijkste oorzaak van tandverlies. Uitgebreide preventie van tandcariës verhoogt de weerstand van de glazuurlaag tegen verschillende cariësogene factoren en voorkomt de vernietiging van tandstructuren.

Oorzaken van ziekteontwikkeling

The leading cause of the carious process is the vital activity of oral bacteria. The normal microflora of the mouth is made up of many microorganisms. Among them there is a group of cariesogenic bacteria that negatively affect the enamel. In the absence of factors that weaken the body's defense response, the number of opportunistic microorganisms does not exceed the norm and the disease does not develop. But if the bacteria become too much, the organic acid that they produce begins to gradually dissolve areas of the enamel lay…

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Pain after a tooth filling

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 58540

Having finished treatment, we leave the dentist's office with a sense of relief. Then the effect of local anesthesia ends and it is found that the tooth hurts after the filling. There is no reason to panic and immediately make an appointment. Pain is a natural reaction to medical intervention:

To prepare the tooth, it is drilled. Nerve endings in the hard tissue react to this process by sending pain signals to the brain. The deeper the drill bit goes, the more painful it is. When the pulp (nerve) is removed, the adjacent vessels and nerve endings are traumatized. The antiseptic used to treat the cavity has a strong irritant effect. It can get on the surrounding tissue, causing discomfort.

This kind of painful sensations pass on their own, within a period of up to 2 weeks. The main feature: unpleasant sensations gradually subside, come to naught. Meer lezen

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Cracked teeth: methods of treatment and prevention

Cracked teeth can be tiny and unnoticeable, or they can be glaring and cause a lot of discomfort. But even microcracks require attention. The fact is that the environment in the oral cavity is aggressive, there are constant chemical reactions, temperature changes, teeth are subjected to mechanical impact. Small cracks can turn into a major problem. Through enamel damage, pigments stain the dentin and the teeth acquire different shades, each one - its own. As the crack deepens, it can reach the dentin, provoking tooth hypersensitivity. And if the fracture deepens and touches the pulp, complications such as pulpitis, abscess and even tissue necrosis develop.


The American Association of Endodontists distinguishes the following groups of cracks[1]:

Superficial enamel lesions

Often discovered incidentally during regular visits to the dentist. Treatment has the most favorable prognosis. Some microcracks, such as those that occur afte…

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Bruxism: how to get rid of teeth grinding?

We use the expression "gnashing our teeth" most often in a figurative sense when describing rage. However, for some people it is a real problem that causes a lot of trouble. It's called bruxism. Bruxism in adults is uncontrolled grinding of teeth. It occurs due to spasm of the masticatory muscles. The jaws clench and rub against each other. A distinction is made between daytime and nighttime bruxism. With age, its incidence decreases. Nevertheless, nighttime teeth grinding occurs in about 13% of adults and 22% of adults during the day [1]


primary bruxism - it is not associated with other diseases; secondary - this type is caused by neurological problems or medications. What are the causes of bruxism

In dentistry, there is no consensus on this issue. They distinguish not separate causes of bruxism, but entire groups:

Psychological. Constant stress is considered the main cause of the disease. It is considered a "disease…
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Increased tooth sensitivity – how to get rid of it?

Hyperesthesia or hypersensitivity of the teeth is pain that occurs in response to temperature, chemical, tactile stimuli. Characteristics:

The pain is short-lived but constantly recurring It is not associated with oral or dental disease

Hyperesthesia is caused by thinning enamel. The dentin underneath is no longer protected and responds to irritation. Another cause may be gingival recession. In this case, the root is exposed and reacts.

In Russia, hypersensitivity affects 62% of the population [1]. The problem mainly occurs between the ages of 30 and 60.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

Dentistry identifies several factors that affect the increase in sensitivity:

Enamel damage: cracks, chips

This can be caused by functional disorders (bruxism) or physical impact (chewing nuts, breadcrumbs, hard candies)

Incorrect brushing algorithm

Horizontal movements during brushing can lead to a serious problem s…

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What should you do if your teeth are grinding?

Everyone's teeth wear down as they age. Hard tissue is lost due to friction between surfaces and food. In most cases, this process is uniform, takes a long time and does not affect chewing function. It is a natural (physiological) loss of hard tissue. But sometimes the loss of enamel and dentin (the layer beneath the enamel) is so intense that they talk about pathological erasability of teeth (abrasion). This process leads to physiological disorders and affects all aspects of life.


At first, the disease is asymptomatic, so it is diagnosed in a neglected state. When the tooth enamel erodes and dentin becomes involved, patients begin to complain of hypersensitivity. Teeth react to temperature (hot, cold), chemical (sour, sweet), mechanical (touch of toothbrush) stimuli, causing inconvenience in everyday life.

Destruction of dentin leads to root inflammation (periodontitis), bone atrophy.

Gradually the height of the face decrease…

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Cariës onder een vulling: oorzaken en behandelingsmethoden van secundaire cariës

Ben je bij de tandarts geweest, heb je je gebit laten behandelen en na een tijdje kreeg je er weer last van? De oorzaak kan secundaire cariës onder de vulling van de tand zijn. De situatie is vervelend, maar komt vaak voor. Helaas is het cariësproces lange tijd asymptomatisch. Patiënten beginnen te merken dat de vulling van kleur is veranderd, afbreekt, de tand begint te reageren op temperatuurprikkels, wanneer de ziekte zich tot een diep stadium heeft ontwikkeld.

Oorzaken van secundaire cariës onder de vulling

De belangrijkste oorzaak is dezelfde als bij primaire cariës: het binnendringen van bacteriën door de beschermende barrière. Deze barrière in de behandelde tand is de vulling. Zodra de integriteit ervan wordt aangetast, ontstaan er problemen. Bacteriën kunnen een microspleet van 50 micron breed binnendringen. Ze beginnen zich te vermenigvuldigen en vreten het harde weefsel aan.

Factoren die secundair tandbederf veroorzaken:

improper bite; poor oral hygiene; weakened immune system; bruxism; poor quali…
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Cariësvlekken: behandeling en preventie

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 5728

Cariës is een niet-besmettelijke ziekte. Ze wordt gekenmerkt door het uitlogen van mineralen uit de harde weefsels van de tand en de vorming van carieuze holtes. In het beginstadium is er sprake van cariës in de vlekfase. In dit stadium kan de ziekte worden behandeld met therapeutische methoden, zonder boor.

Helaas is het enige teken van kalkcariës een vlek op het glazuur. Het geeft geen pijnlijke sensaties, alleen af en toe kan het reageren op chemische irritaties. Er zijn geen duidelijke symptomen. Het is moeilijk te zien, vooral op de zijtanden. Daarom blijft de eerste cariës in het vlekstadium vaak onopgemerkt. De arts wordt geraadpleegd als de ziekte het stadium van middelmatig of diep tandbederf bereikt, waarbij het tandbeen en cement van de tand betrokken zijn.

That's why, it's important to visit the dentist regularly. The doctor will not just see a chalky stain,…

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What should you do if your wisdom tooth hurts?

Wisdom tooth is the 8th tooth in a row (eight) or 3rd molar, its eruption period is 17-25 years. It is a large molar, more often with a complex root system. Features of its development and growth in most cases become the cause of various dental problems. Although the structure of the eight is characterized as an ordinary molar, its chewing function is practically absent. If the wisdom tooth hurts, it is rarely saved. The eight is destroyed early, often erupts already with carious lesions, grows at an incline or in a horizontal position.

How to understand that the wisdom tooth hurts?

Eights erupt much later than all the other teeth in the row, when the dentoalveolar apparatus is fully formed, and there is simply not enough room for the newcomer. Because of the density of the gum and bone tissue, eruption is quite painful, accompanied by inflammation of the gum, damage to neighboring units. Pain during the growth of the wisdom tooth is quite sp…

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Tandpijn na zenuw extractie - wat te doen?

Reading time ~ 6 min. Number of readings: 82533

The viability of the tooth, in particular its sensitivity, provides the neurovascular bundle (pulp). Removal of the pulp (depulpation) is a forced measure, which is resorted to for serious indications (pulpitis, root cysts, damage to the pulp chamber due to trauma, etc.). Painful discomfort for several days after depulping is a normal reaction of tissues to the intervention. But if the tooth hurts after nerve removal and canal filling 2-3 weeks later, or if the pain occurs sharply long after endodontic treatment - this is a serious reason to consult a dentist.

Even treated teeth should be examined every year to diagnose or rule out complications at an early stage. A depulped tooth doesn't hurt, but it's like a ticking time bomb. Poor treatment of canals can provoke complications that destroy the jawbone, cause purulent processes (cysts, abscesses), lif…

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