Denture chafing – what to do?

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 75830

Removable denture solves many problems: functional (chewing, diction), aesthetic (smile), psychological (no fear of communication). But it also has disadvantages. Unpleasant sensations caused by the fact that the gums are rubbed by the prosthesis.

Do not immediately blame the prosthodontist, over time the relief of the oral cavity changes. Due to the absence of teeth, bone atrophy increases, the gum sags, fixation is disturbed, eventually requiring correction or a new product.

Reasons for chafing of removable dentures

Even a perfectly made removable denture takes some getting used to. A foreign object in the mouth causes psychological problems and can also scratch and irritate the gum. That's why adjustments take several visits and adjustment takes several weeks. But sometimes correction doesn't work.

Removable dentures chafe when: Meer lezen

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Dental onlays: types and methods of restoration

Dental onlays are orthopedic mini-prosthetics used for the purpose of restoring the aesthetics of the dentition. Restoration of teeth is usually performed:

for medical reasons (treatment, prevention of dental disease, reconstruction of lost teeth); to restore the aesthetics of the smile.

To meet these needs, there are many ways in which dental restorations with onlays are performed. In this article, we will look at the most popular ones.


Veneers are ceramic plates used to restore the front row of teeth. They are placed on both upper teeth and lower teeth.

Veneers can correct a variety of defects:

crooked teeth; enlarged gaps between teeth; chips and cracks; pigmentation or darkening of enamel.

To fix veneers it is necessary to grind a thin layer of enamel and fix them with a special cement, which will securely hold the construction on the teeth. The service life of veneers is up to 15 year…

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Hoe fineer wordt gemaakt: productiefasen

We live in a wonderful time: to get a snow-white smile with perfectly straight teeth, you don't have to wear braces or whiten your teeth every 2 years. It is enough to install thin onlays on your teeth - veneers. A quick, painless procedure and you will always have the smile of your dreams.

Veneers appeared in Hollywood, in the first half of the 20th century. Although actors used veneers constantly, the technology was not widespread - the products were fragile and did not hold well. Only at the end of the 20th century was the technology developed that helped veneers become popular.

Tandheelkundige microprothesen voor de bekleding van het frontoppervlak van tanden worden gemaakt van keramiek, zirkoniumdioxide en composieten. De techniek en het moment van vervaardiging zijn afhankelijk van het materiaal. Elke methode heeft voor- en nadelen.

Keramische fineren

"Ceramics" - a broad concept, which includes a variety of materials. Their main feature is the absence of…

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How do you choose the color of veneers for your teeth?

In the age of selfies, video conferences and presentations, a smile takes on a special significance. Beautiful, straight and white teeth are the beauty standard of the 21st century. But what if your teeth are not so even and their color leaves much to be desired?

Special thin onlays on teeth - veneers - come to the rescue. They mask the defects of the tooth row, and the colors of veneers for teeth can be matched to individual preferences.

Veneering is the correction of the smile using thin onlays on the teeth.

Veneering allows you to:

conceal chips and cracks; camouflage age spots; visually enlarge small teeth; cover gaps between teeth.

An important advantage of veneers is the ability to change the color of teeth.

How to choose the color of veneers

Choosing the right shade for veneers is almost the most important part of the process. It is possible to make veneers perfect in shape, carefully convey detail…

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Service life of ceramic and composite veneers

Smooth, pleasant-looking teeth are a modern man's dream. Fortunately, dentistry can provide the perfect set of teeth, even if you were unlucky enough to be born with them. A quick, aesthetically pleasing way to acquire the perfect smile is veneering. Veneers are thin overlays on the teeth that mimic tooth enamel.

Let's face it, installing veneers is not cheap. Therefore, patients ask the question, what is the service life of veneers on the teeth?

There is no definite answer, it all depends on the type of veneers and the conditions of their use.

How long veneers last

According to the material from which they are made, the overlays are divided into ceramic and composite. The first are made according to impressions in a dental laboratory, and the second - directly in the dentist's chair. The quality of the material is completely different and the strength to break at different types of onlays is significantly…

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How veneers are removed: methods and stages of replacement

April 1, 2024 Reading time ~ 4 min Number of reads: 17541

It is easy to become the owner of a snow-white smile these days. All you need is to use the services of dentistry and install veneers. These are thin plates on the front surface of the tooth, which maximally imitate the properties and appearance of natural enamel. Such a smile is designed to bring joy for many years, but sometimes there are situations when the overlays need to be removed. How are veneers removed and what happens to the teeth afterwards?

Veneers are divided into 2 types: composite and ceramic veneers. Composite veneers are made of the same material as fillings. Ceramic veneers are diverse in composition. These are glass-ceramics, and alloys based on feldspar, and polycrystals.

6 reasons to remove veneers Wear and tear of composite veneers. Composite veneers don't look flawless for very long at all. They absorb p…
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Veneers for crooked teeth – can they be placed?

A beautiful, snow-white smile is one of the most common standards of beauty. But perfectly straight teeth are quite rare. Some teeth are too close together, crowding together, while others are too far apart, leaving gaps. Sometimes teeth are knocked out of the row or slightly tilted to the sides. Such defects are corrected by cosmetic dentistry. One common method is veneering.

Veneers are thin plates made of composite, ceramic or zirconia that are used to correct the smile.

They are placed on the front teeth, in the smile area. It is recommended to cover 4 to 8 teeth with the plates. The load on the side teeth is too strong for thin plates. It is better to put crowns on chewing teeth.

It is possible to place veneers on crooked teeth if certain conditions are met.

Veneers for teeth alignment - conditions for installation

Overlays on the teeth rejuvenate the smile, hide stains, chips, cracks. They level the tooth row, enlarging small…

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Veneers or crowns – which to choose?

Reading time ~ 5 min. Number of reads: 8841

When it comes to prosthetics, the first question that comes to mind is: which is better, veneers or crowns?

Both types of restorations belong to prosthetic dentistry, but their purpose is different.

How do veneers differ from crowns?

Veneers are thin composite or ceramic overlays on the visible surface of the tooth. They are placed only on one side of the tooth, with minimal tooth preparation. The main purpose is to restore the aesthetics of the smile.

Crowns - caps made of metal, metal-ceramic, ceramic or zirconium dioxide. They surround the tooth from all sides, preventing the penetration of bacteria. The preparation of the tooth is significant. Prior to placement, the tooth is depulped and the nerve (pulp) is removed. The main goal: to restore the function of the tooth.

Crowns or veneers - indications

On the…

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Pros and cons of veneers

September 22, 2022 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads : 20652

Dazzle others with a Hollywood smile today can everyone. To do this, you just need to install thin plates on the teeth - veneers. But before you decide to decide on prosthetics, you need to analyze all the pros and cons of veneers.

Veneers are thin plates on the front teeth that improve the aesthetics of the smile.

They are made of different materials:

Composites Ceramics (feldspathic, glass-filled, polycrystalline) Zirconium oxide

The material determines how the onlays are placed. Composite veneers are placed by a dentist during a regular appointment. Ceramic veneers are made from impressions in a dental laboratory.

In any case, it does not take long to install the onlays, maximum 10 days.

But are veneers as harmless as the advertising claims?

The whole truth about veneers


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Veneers without grinding and preparation of teeth

Veneers are thin onlays made of reflective composite, ceramic or zirconia. These onlays are used in dentistry to hide cracked and chipped teeth, gaps between them, stains or unsightly color. Veneers have many advantages, they are:

durable, lasting up to 20 years; wear-resistant, not scratched by food or toothbrushes; do not change color (ceramic).

But there is one point, because of which many people refuse veneers. To prepare the surface for veneers, the teeth are prepared. Less than for crowns, but nevertheless, they remove part of the enamel. This discourages many patients. However, there is a method where veneers can be placed without grinding the teeth.

When preparation for veneers is not necessary

Composite veneering is a method in which composite is applied to the tooth layer by layer, each time drying it with light. This allows the dentist to adjust the thickness of the veneer, shaping the incisal edge and molding …

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