Which implantation method should I choose?

March 13, 2014 Reading time ~ 2 min Number of reads: 31232

The arguments in favor of implantation are plentiful: from the unnecessity of grinding neighboring teeth to the lifelong results of the procedure. But making a choice among implant systems is not an easy task.

Methods of implantation Classic protocol. It takes place in 2 stages. Place the implant: incise the mucosal flap, implant, suture the wound. Do osseointegration. Time for the procedure on upper teeth is 6 months, for lower teeth - 4 months. At the 2nd stage, the mucosa over the implant is incised, the abutment is fixed, the gingival margin is formed, and the prosthesis is placed Single-phase protocol. Single-phase protocol. The operation is minimally invasive: mucosal incisions and wound closure are not made. The implant is implanted through a small puncture. On the 2nd day after implantation, a temporary crown made of metal-plastic is placed. Th…
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Vaccination against covid-19 and dental treatment: are there contraindications?

In 2021, the coronavirus pandemic is still a major human problem. New strains appear, people continue to get sick. The state takes measures to protect citizens. One of these measures was universal vaccination against Covid-19.

The impact of the coronavirus on the systems and organs of the human body has not yet been fully studied. Scientists and medics, of course, put forward various theories, but it will take years of study to confirm them.

The same is true for the vaccine.

Our patients ask a lot of questions related to dental treatment during the pandemic: whether it is possible to come to the clinic with mild symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, whether it is possible to start implantation after vaccination against covid-19, how the coronavirus will affect rehabilitation after dental surgeries, and much more.

In this article, with the help of an experienced implant surgeon of our clinic, Nesterenko Alexey Pav…

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What are dentures without chipping and why are they preferred?

The most common way to replace missing teeth is with a bridge. Except that the supporting teeth have to be ground down for it. And before that they are depulped (nerve is removed). There are 2 problems here:

Psychological. It is not easy to make up your mind to go to the dentist, and the prospect of nerve removal and teeth grinding will make many people postpone the visit for a long time.

Dental. Doctors don't like to depulp teeth. The reasons are several. The pulp is full of nerve endings and blood vessels. They make the tooth alive. The blood supplies nutrients, and in return, the pulp produces replacement dentin. Because of this, teeth have the ability to repair this layer when it is damaged. Nerve endings signal a problem with the tooth, so tooth decay, for example, can be diagnosed in its early stages. Without the pulp, nutrition is not supplied, and tissues are not renewed. A "dead tooth" becomes very fragile. It is difficult to detect infe…

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Piezosurgery machine

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 2668

Piezotome is a progressive equipment for surgery with ultrasound. The principle of its operation is based on local destructive effect on bone tissue ultrasound radiation.

How the piezotome works

Ultrasonic device structurally consists of a "scalpel" with nozzles and a regulating unit, which sets the necessary frequency of oscillations to achieve the desired effect. The frequency range of the equipment is wide - 10-29000 Hz, with an amplitude of vibrations in the range of 60-200 microns. The power and frequency are selected by the dentist depending on the surgical objectives. This contributes to effective work with bone tissues of different structure and density.

Author of the article: Omerelli Emir Romanovich

Work experience: 13 years

Specialization: maxillofacial surgeon-implantologist and candidate of medical sciences.

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Artificial gum – what is it and does it need to be done?

Reading time ~ 4 min Number of readings: 19642

Restoration of dentition solves not only functional problems, replacing lost teeth with artificial ones. Prosthodontists attach equal importance to the aesthetic component of prosthetics. Functionality and aesthetics are combined by the use of artificial gum.

Most often such a design is used in the manufacture of removable prostheses. Crowns are fixed in the base, creating a complete imitation of the gum and teeth in it. The material for such products are polymers: acrylic, nylon, AcryFree. The latter two are hypoallergenic, but acrylic can cause an allergic reaction. The teeth on the artificial gum transfer part of the load to the base, but this distribution is uneven. Adequate distribution is possible only with prosthetics on implants.

Artificial gum on implants

Gum problems can be expressed in different ways during implantation:


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Free prosthetics for pensioners: how to get benefits and compensation

Even if you have always had healthy and strong teeth, over time irreversible processes begin to occur in the body. In old age, 70% of people need to have their teeth restored. The absence of teeth is unpleasant not only from the aesthetic side. Their poor condition or absence negatively affects the state of health, violate the usual diet, affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, dental services are a costly procedure. The size of the pension does not allow the elderly to pay for expensive dental treatment. Not all seniors are familiar with the possibilities of modern dentistry and the benefits of dentures for seniors that they can get. Let's understand in order where to start, where to turn, what benefits can be used, how to choose the right clinic and what options for restoring teeth exist at the moment.

Where to start treatment

Dental prosthetics for pensioners has a number of peculiarities. At an advanced age, it is a complex and d…

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Tooth extraction using ultrasound

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 7024

Even quality oral care does not eliminate the possibility of trauma or other factor that may require tooth extraction. The need to pull it out with forceps or saw it into pieces with a milling machine for fragmentary removal causes unpleasant associations, becomes a reason to postpone going to the dentist.

The innovation of 2017-2018 was the use of ultrasound equipment in dentistry - piezotome, for tooth extraction. Previously, ultrasound was used for the removal of dental calculus, treatment of periodontal disease.


Piezotome includes a block-regulator, which sets the parametric parameters (frequency of oscillation, amplitude), and ultrasonic scalpel with interchangeable attachments. Depending on the quality, structure, density of bone tissue, the surgeon sets the frequency in the range of 10-290000 Hz, amplitude 60-200 microns.


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Tooth pain under the crown – what to do?

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 100735

Prosthetics - a multi-step procedure, if all the work is completed, the prosthesis is installed, but you are worried about pain or discomfort under the crown - it's time to understand the source of discomfort. To relieve pain under the crown, you must first determine the exact cause of the pain. Soreness may be caused by a recurrence of caries, periodontal disease or associated with errors in the manufacture of orthopedic construction. The doctor will name the exact cause after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Pain syndrome can occur immediately after the installation of prosthesis, a month, a year or a long time. In any case, it is necessary to go to the dentist immediately. At home, you can only temporarily improve your health, but not eliminate the problem itself and its cause.

Why the tooth under the denture hurts

A crown is a prosthetic structure…

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Smerter i tennene

Avlesningstid ~ 3 min Antall avlesninger: 4110

Tannpine - en av de sterkeste ubehag, som ikke kan tolerere ikke alle, og som regel ikke i lang tid. Tannpine gjør selv den mest ivrige "motstanderen" av tannleger til å gå til sykehuset, selv om en person i noen tid prøver å takle situasjonen med vanlige smertestillende midler eller folkemidlene. Faktisk kan smerten bare elimineres helt ved å fjerne årsaken, og det er umulig å kurere tannen hjemme.

Hvorfor gjør tannen vondt?

De vanligste årsakene til tannpine er karies, pulpitt eller periodontitt. Smertesyndromet kan også skyldes en cyste som har vokst i vevet som omgir roten. I hvert av disse kliniske tilfellene er det viktig å få profesjonell hjelp fra en lege så snart som mulig, fordi smerte ikke er det eneste ubehagelige, og patologien som utvikler seg kan forårsake betydelig skade på kroppen.

Tannsmerter fra...
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Kan koronavirus forårsake tannpine?

Avlesningstid ~ 5 min Antall avlesninger: 30312

I kampen mot koronavirus mister kroppen sitt forsvar, noe som fører til en forverring av eksisterende kroniske sykdommer. Patologiske prosesser i tennene eller peri-dental vev er ikke noe unntak. Det faktum at koronaviruset forårsaker tannpine, periodontal sykdom, rotcyster og granulomer, er en konsekvens av redusert immunitet.

Presidenten for Angiogenesis Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts (en organisasjon som studerer angiogenese) bemerket i et intervju at SARS-CoV-2 binder seg til ACE2-proteinreseptoren, noe som gjør den enda mer smittsom. Det påvirker ikke bare lungevev, men også nervefibre, endotel på grunn av hvilket blodkarene i tannkjøttet lider. Forskere fra McGill University (Canada) sier det samme. [1]

Russiske leger har bekreftet at Covid-19 fører til komplikasjoner av periodontal sykdom, og til og med blir årsaken til...

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