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Oral candidiasis (thrush) is an infectious disease of the mucous membranes. It is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

The mucous membranes are covered with whitish plaques that resemble a curd-like mass. Patients have unpleasant sensations in the mouth, a burning sensation. Eating, sometimes even speech becomes painful. Patients complain of dry mouth and unpleasant odor.

Molluscum contagiosum is very common in infants, but is easily tolerated and quickly cured. It often occurs in people with dentures, those taking corticosteroids or undergoing chemotherapy.

Causes of the disease

Yeast fungi are present in the body of any person. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply uncontrollably.

Milkiness in the mouth is caused by:

  • Hormonal restructuring, for example, during pregnancy
  • Taking certain medications
  • Weakening of immunity as a result of disease
  • Inadequate oral hygiene
  • Injuries to the mucous membrane
  • Diet high in carbohydrates
  • Taking contraceptives
  • Smoking
  • Candidiasis is contagious, it can be transmitted through shared utensils, kissing.


Symptoms of thrush manifest themselves differently, depending on the form of the disease. In dentistry, the following forms of candidiasis are distinguished:

  1. Acute pseudomembranous – Mild form: the only symptom is the presence of plaque. If you scrape it off, you can see swollen, reddened mucosa. – Medium severity: plaque is difficult to remove, there are unpleasant sensations when eating. Increased submandibular lymph nodes. – Severe form: extensive, dirty-white plaque. Signs of tissue infiltration. Plaques are removed with difficulty, under them can be seen bleeding mucous membrane.
  2. Acute atrophic mucosa red, painful to touch, smooth. The plaque is dense, covers the cheeks on the inside, tongue, palate. The oral cavity is dry. On the tongue visible traces of teeth. Possible bitter, sour, metallic taste in the mouth. The acute course can turn into a chronic one, usually in patients with removable dentures. Therefore, its second name is prosthetic stomatitis. Under the denture, the mucosa is parched, red. There is almost no plaque, but the pain syndrome is pronounced. On the back of the tongue papillae atrophy. Sometimes atrophic candidiasis is called erythematous (“erythema” – redness).
  3. Chronic hyperplastic occurs only in adults, mainly smokers. Plaque dirty gray, located in the corners of the lips, on the tongue. Poorly scraped, has an unpleasant odor. vPlaques merge, covering the mucosa almost completely. Changes saliva: it becomes viscous and foams. The most common such thrush in men.

candidal stomatitis

What is the danger of thrush

Many patients consider candidiasis an annoying nuisance, not a dangerous disease and are engaged in self-treatment. But candida is a yeast-like fungus, and, therefore, is capable of rapid multiplication, like any yeast. From the mucous membranes of the mouth, thrush can spread to the throat. This causes changes in the voice, making it hoarse. Spreading to the esophagus, it provokes inflammation of the esophageal mucosa (esophagitis), making it painful to pass food through it.

Untreated hyperplastic candidiasis develops into malignant neoplasms.

Most importantly, the reproduction of fungus indicates a failure in the work of the body’s defenses.

Only a doctor is able to prescribe the necessary examination and based on its results, prescribe a suitable treatment for fungal infection.

How to treat thrush

For successful treatment, you need an accurate diagnosis. To do this, a number of laboratory tests are prescribed. Obligatory is a bacteriological culture. It will not only confirm thrush, but also determine what kind of fungus caused it. This is important when prescribing medications. After clinical examination, the dentist can recommend tests for blood glucose or HIV.

Consultations with subspecialists are recommended:

  • Endocrinologist To make sure there are no endocrine disorders.
  • Allergist To determine sensitivity to dentures.
  • Therapist To find out the nature of somatic diseases.

Treatment of thrush in adults and children should be complex and include measures aimed at strengthening the general immunity, teaching adequate oral hygiene, changing the diet.

Algorithm of therapeutic measures

  • For the best result, the intervention begins with sanitation of the oral cavity. Treat carious teeth, replacing the affected tissues with filling material. Hard plaque and tartar are removed from the enamel. Plaque is a breeding ground for infection and must be gotten rid of.
  • Eliminate the factors that provoke candidiasis. Replace dentures, if they cause an allergic reaction or poor fit. Curb the exacerbation of common diseases. Take measures to adjust the hormonal background. Carry out activities that increase immunity.
  • Prescribe antifungal drugs based on the results of bacterial examination. Prescribe antihistamines, tonic agents, immunomodulators.
  • Give recommendations to normalize the microflora in the oral cavity.

To prevent recurrences, it is useful to establish regular hygiene, exclude from the diet food rich in fast carbohydrates and sugars. General strengthening measures include physical exercise and stress-reducing activities (hobbies). It is important not to take medications uncontrollably, on recommendations from the Internet or from acquaintances.

Medicines against thrush

  • Means for the treatment of candidiasis are available in various forms:
  • Suspensions (Diflucan, Amphotericin B)
  • Tablets (Nystatin, Flukanozol, Itriconazole)
  • Gels (Micanosol)

A good effect in candidiasis bring rinses with antiseptic agents: Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. This is especially important if the patient wears removable prostheses or, for various reasons, can not carry out adequate hygiene.

Patients should be warned about the need for regular disinfection of dentures.

Doctor’s opinion: Most drugs for the treatment of thrush are prescription. Their independent use can cause serious complications. Therefore, do not self-medicate, consult a dentist. The doctor will prescribe treatment only after determining the sensitivity of the fungus to certain drugs. This will increase the effectiveness of intervention and prevent relapses.

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