Today's beauty standards include a beautiful, snow-white smile. If your teeth are not so white, don't be disheartened. You can get a Hollywood smile with thin overlays on your teeth - veneers. They hide discoloration, gaps between teeth, chips, and age spots.
Veneers are used to visually enlarge small teeth. If one or two teeth are out of alignment, you don't have to wear braces for years. The same veneers can help make the teeth row even.
The main task of veneering is aesthetic correction of the smile. Therefore, they are mainly placed on the front teeth.
Restaurācijas ir izgatavotas no dažādiem materiāliem un sakausējumiem, tāpēc ir diezgan grūti noteikt, kurus finierus ir labāk likt. Mūsu rakstā mēs jums pastāstīsim par onleju materiālu īpašībām, to izgatavošanas un uzstādīšanas metodēm.
Kas ir finieriDental onlays differ from crowns in that they cover only one, the front side of the tooth. The preparation…