Visizplatītākais veids, kā aizstāt trūkstošos zobus, ir tilts. Tikai tam ir jānofrēzē balstošie zobi. Un pirms tam tos depulpē (noņem nervu). Šeit ir divas problēmas:
Psychological. It is not easy to make up your mind to go to the dentist, and the prospect of nerve removal and teeth grinding will make many people postpone the visit for a long time.
Dental. Doctors don't like to depulp teeth. The reasons are several. The pulp is full of nerve endings and blood vessels. They make the tooth alive. The blood supplies nutrients, and in return, the pulp produces replacement dentin. Because of this, teeth have the ability to repair this layer when it is damaged. Nerve endings signal a problem with the tooth, so tooth decay, for example, can be diagnosed in its early stages. Without the pulp, nutrition is not supplied, and tissues are not renewed. A "dead tooth" becomes very fragile. It is difficult to detect infe…