Vai jūs vienmēr esat bijis aizrautīgs ar zobiem un mutes veselību? Vai jums ir aizraušanās palīdzēt cilvēkiem sasniegt viņu labāko smaidu? Ja jā, tad zobārsta profesija varētu būt īstais karjeras ceļš tieši jums. Un kas gan var būt labāka vieta šī sapņa īstenošanai, ja ne Vācija, kas ir pazīstama ar savu izcilo veselības aprūpes sistēmu un lielu uzsvaru uz zobu aprūpi. Šajā rakstā mēs jums soli pa solim pastāstīsim, kā kļūt par zobārstu Vācijā.

Izglītības prasības

Pirmais un vissvarīgākais solis, lai kļūtu par zobārstu Vācijā, ir iegūt nepieciešamo izglītību. Lai praktizētu kā zobārsts, jums ir jābūt diplomam zobārstniecībā, ko Vācijā sauc par Zahnmedizin. Šo grādu var iegūt, iestājoties kādā no daudzajām zobārstniecības skolām valstī.

Most dental schools in Germany require a high school diploma or an equivalent degree for admission. Additionally, you may need to pass an entrance exam and demonstrate proficiency in the German language since dental education in Germany is primarily conducted in German.

The dental program in Germany typically lasts for around five to six years and combines both theoretical coursework and practical training. During your studies, you will learn various aspects of dentistry, including oral anatomy, radiography, dental surgery, and dental hygiene.

Practical Training

After successfully completing your dental degree, the next step is to gain practical experience through internships and residencies. Practical training is an integral part of becoming a dentist in Germany, as it allows you to apply the knowledge you have acquired in a real-world setting.

In Germany, you will typically undergo a two-year practical training program known as “assistenzzeit.” During this period, you will work under the supervision of experienced dentists in various dental clinics or hospitals. This training provides invaluable hands-on experience and helps you develop the necessary clinical skills to excel in your future dental practice.

Examinations and Licensing

Once you have completed your practical training, you will need to pass the state examination to obtain your dental license. The exam consists of both written and oral components and is held by the state examination offices in Germany. It is necessary to successfully pass this exam to practice as a dentist in the country.

After passing the state examination, you will also need to register with the competent regional dental association, known as Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung (KZV), to receive your license to practice. The KZV regulates the provision of dental care, appointments, and reimbursement for dental services in Germany.

Continuing Education

Becoming a dentist is just the beginning of a lifelong learning journey. In Germany, as in any other country, it is essential to stay updated with the latest advancements in dentistry and continuously expand your knowledge and skills.

Therefore, as a licensed dentist, you will be required to regularly complete continuing education courses. These courses help you stay abreast of new treatment methods, technologies, and dental research. They also contribute to your professional growth and ensure that you provide your patients with the best possible care.


Becoming a dentist in Germany is an exciting and fulfilling career choice for those with a passion for dental care. By following the educational path, gaining practical experience, passing the necessary examinations, and continuing to educate yourself, you can embark on a successful journey to become a dentist in Germany. So, if you’re ready to make a difference in people’s oral health and create beautiful smiles, take the first step today and start working towards your dream career!

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