Bleeding gums: causes and treatment

Periodontal tissue diseases are the second most common dental pathology, second only to tooth decay. Almost everyone knows that bleeding gums when brushing teeth can be the first step to losing them. Not surprisingly, one of the frequent questions patients ask is how to treat bleeding gums.

The appearance of blood may be a consequence of excessive activity during hygienic procedures or evidence of the development of a serious pathology that requires treatment. Sometimes the cause is both dental problems and systemic - endocrine disorders, avitaminosis, pregnancy, etc. To understand why the gums bleed, prescribe a comprehensive treatment, only a doctor can.

Causes of bleeding gums

More often, bleeding gums are not a demonstration of seasonal vitamin deficiency, but a sign of periodontal pathology. The cause of the disease can be affected by decayed teeth, sharp edges of restorations, dentures, traumatizing the mucosa, overload of individual d…

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Sarkani plankumi uz mēles (glosīts): cēloņi un ārstēšana

It is not always a toothache that brings us to the dentist. Quite often it is not the teeth that cause problems, but unpleasant sensations in the mouth, red spots on the tongue, burning sensation. These signs are characteristic of a variety of diseases, often systemic, but can serve as symptoms of glossitis - inflammation of the tongue.

Glosīta veidi

Visus iekaisuma procesus iedala hroniskos un akūtos, neatkarīgos un sekundāros, kas pavada citas slimības. Jebkurā gadījumā problēmas ar mēli liecina par slimības klātbūtni, tāpēc labāk nekavējoties konsultēties ar ārstu. Dažkārt glosīts norit bez izteiktām izpausmēm, bet ārsts profilaktiskās apskates laikā noteikti pamanīs izmaiņas mēlē.

Pie neatkarīgām slimībām (kad ir skartas tikai mēles) pieder vairāki iekaisuma veidi.

Akūts katarāls glosīts

Most often develops as a result of mechanical damage by sharp edges of …

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Distālais kodums: cēloņi un ārstēšanas metodes

Maloklūzija ir apakšžokļa un augšžokļa savstarpēja novirze. Distālais priekšzods ir diezgan izplatīts šīs anomālijas veids.

Kas ir distālais sakodiens

Ja apakšžoklis neattīstās pareizi, augšžoklis var gūt virsroku pār to. Tas nozīmē, ka, ja augšžoklis stipri izvirzās uz priekšu, bet apakšžoklis ir nepietiekami attīstīts, var runāt par distālo (prognātisko) sakodienu.


Ar zobu oklūziju ir raksturīgas šādas sejas iezīmes:

lieli vaigi un vaigu kauli, seja šķiet izliekta; nāsu spārniņi ir uz augšu; profils tiek dēvēts par "putnveidīgu", jo apakšžoklis ir mazs; tā kā apakšējā lūpa atrodas zem priekšējiem zobiem, mute bieži var būt pusatvērta; augšējā lūpa ir blīvāka; zodam ir izteikta grumba.

Pacients runā ar čukstus vai mutē, jo smagāka, jo lielāka ir distālā zobu bojājuma pakāpe. Raksturīgas ir stājas anomālijas....

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Denture chafing – what to do?

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 75830

Removable denture solves many problems: functional (chewing, diction), aesthetic (smile), psychological (no fear of communication). But it also has disadvantages. Unpleasant sensations caused by the fact that the gums are rubbed by the prosthesis.

Do not immediately blame the prosthodontist, over time the relief of the oral cavity changes. Due to the absence of teeth, bone atrophy increases, the gum sags, fixation is disturbed, eventually requiring correction or a new product.

Reasons for chafing of removable dentures

Even a perfectly made removable denture takes some getting used to. A foreign object in the mouth causes psychological problems and can also scratch and irritate the gum. That's why adjustments take several visits and adjustment takes several weeks. But sometimes correction doesn't work.

Removable dentures chafe when: Lasīt vairāk

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Fistula uz smaganas - kā ārstēt un identificēt cēloņus

Smaganu fistula ir patoloģisks stāvoklis, ko izraisa strutains iekaisums pie zoba saknes ar smaganu audu perforāciju. Tas ir kanāls smaganu biezumā, pa kuru no iekaisuma vietas izplūst strutas.

Slimību diagnosticē un ārstē zobārsti: terapeits, ķirurgs, dažreiz ķirurgs ar sejas un žokļu ķirurga specializāciju.

Kas ir fistula, kā tā izskatās, simptomi

Ārēji fistula ir izliekts veidojums ar pamanāmu baltas krāsas plankumu. Tas nozīmē, ka patoloģisko procesu pavada strutas veidošanās lielā daudzumā.

Fistula ir divu veidu:

Ārējais, kad smaganu fistula izkļūst virspusē; iekšējais, kad process paliek apslēpts smaganā, jo fistulas kanāls nesasniedz tās virsmu. Iekaisuma procesu var konstatēt tikai ar radioloģisko izmeklēšanu.

Zobu fistulas simptomi ir...

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Smaganu recesija: cēloņi un ārstēšanas metodes

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 17193

Smaganu recesija ir smaganu audu zudums, kura laikā atklājas zoba saknes kakliņš. Vizuāli tas izskatās šādi: saknes daļas atsegšanas dēļ zobi šķiet garāki, un smaganu malā veidojas neliela rieva. Palielinās zobu jutība pret skābām, saldām, sāļām un temperatūras izmaiņām. Smaganu recesiju var novērot viena vai vairāku zobu zonā. Tomēr, lai noteiktu precīzu diagnozi, nepieciešams konsultēties ar zobārstu.


Atkarībā no smaganu audu saglabātības ir 4 smaganu recesijas stadijas:

In the first stage, only the attached part of the gum tissue is reduced. The reduction in tissue volume is insignificant. The area of attached gingiva is destroyed, but bone and gingival tissue are preserved, and tooth sensitivity increases. At the third stage, the outer surface o…
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Dental onlays: types and methods of restoration

Dental onlays are orthopedic mini-prosthetics used for the purpose of restoring the aesthetics of the dentition. Restoration of teeth is usually performed:

for medical reasons (treatment, prevention of dental disease, reconstruction of lost teeth); to restore the aesthetics of the smile.

To meet these needs, there are many ways in which dental restorations with onlays are performed. In this article, we will look at the most popular ones.


Veneers are ceramic plates used to restore the front row of teeth. They are placed on both upper teeth and lower teeth.

Veneers can correct a variety of defects:

crooked teeth; enlarged gaps between teeth; chips and cracks; pigmentation or darkening of enamel.

To fix veneers it is necessary to grind a thin layer of enamel and fix them with a special cement, which will securely hold the construction on the teeth. The service life of veneers is up to 15 year…

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Numbness after implantation

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 35481

Numbness after dental implantation, swelling, pain, bleeding gums - perfectly normal phenomena of surgical interventions as long as they do not last longer than the prescribed period. The presence of such symptoms for more than 7-10 days should be alarming, and become a reason to visit a doctor.

And if numbness does not go away after implantation on the upper jaw or lower jaw after 5 hours - it is better to call the doctor who performed the surgery.

Why numbness can occur in different parts

In order that the patient does not feel pain during implantation (as with tooth extraction or any other operation), local anesthesia is made. An injection with a special agent that numbs the tissue in the area of future surgical intervention. Usually paresthesia lasts 3-5 hours, if sensitivity begins to return, the anesthesiologist may decide to add some mor…

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Nutrition after dental implants

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 38335

The implant is installed, all the excitement behind, the patient begins to be overcome by the question: what to eat after dental implantation and when? The last meal was before the operation, then the time for the procedure, comes out for 4 hours at least a person without food. Hunger makes itself felt. But! In this situation, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Is it possible to eat immediately after dental implantation

Immediately after surgery, you can not eat. The rule is due to several reasons:

Food can get into the wound (fraught with complications of the postoperative period); With anesthesia still in effect, it is easy to bite the cheeks, lips, tongue. Numb tissue will not signal whether the food is hot or cold. It is impossible to assess the correct temperature of the food: you can burn yourself, get injure…
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Vitamins for teeth and gums

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 130047

A beautiful smile is one of the main components of an attractive appearance and non-verbal language of communication. To be able to attract people with an attractive smile, you need to have beautiful and healthy teeth. They can be kept that way by a balance of nutrients in the body. What vitamins for teeth and gums should be consumed and where to get them, we will consider in detail in this article.

Vitamins are organic compounds involved in the vital functions of the body. They are indispensable for maintaining health and the proper functioning of life-supporting processes in general. Vitamins come from the environment, or are synthesized in the body independently.

Vitamin deficiency

Lack of vitamins in the body leads to dysfunction of various organs and processes. This greatly affects the quality of life and appearance of a person. As for …

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