Improper dentures

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 48546

Prosthetics is an event that involves serious financial expenditures. Going to install a bridge or crown, the patient expects that the design will be comfortable, beautiful and durable. What a disappointment when you leave the clinic, you feel the worst discomfort. Literally, after a couple of days, the tooth under the crown hurts, and after another week, the bridge breaks in half. Such a situation is considered a thickening of colors. How to insure against it, and what to do if it has already happened to you.

Immediately it is worth clarifying the following: the work of the prosthodontist and dental technician is not in the fact that the prosthesis is immediately comfortable, but in how you can get used to it. The area where the structure comes in contact with your gum will feel chafing at first. Prepare for the fact that it will take 1-2 adjustments of the…

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Brekešu aprūpe

Lasīšanas laiks ~ 6 min. Lasījumu skaits: 8387

Jūs esat spēris soli skaistu, taisnu zobu virzienā - jums ir ievietotas breketes. Tagad ir nepieciešama pareiza aprūpe pēc breketu uzstādīšanas. Pretējā gadījumā, pabeidzot ilgstošu ortodontisko ārstēšanu, pēc breketu noņemšanas Jūs varat pamanīt baltus plankumus uz emaljas vai progresējošas bojāšanās pēdas. Tāpēc par zobiem jārūpējas pastāvīgi, bet konstrukcijas nēsāšanas laikā - vēl rūpīgāk. Un pēc dažiem gadiem, kas saistīti ar nelielām neērtībām, ēšanas ierobežojumiem, jūs iegūsiet ne tikai koriģētu sakodienu, bet arī veselus zobus.

Ķemmes tīrīšana pirms breketēm

Zobu ar breketēm kopšana sākas vēl pirms to uzstādīšanas. Tiek veikta mutes dobuma higiēna un profesionāla tīrīšana. Cietie zobakmeņi tiek noņemti, izmantojot ultraskaņu, bet mīkstais zobu aplikums tiek noņemts, izmantojot spiediena strūklu ar speciālu tīrīšanas šķīdumu (AirFlow metode). Virsma tiek...

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Sagatavošanās breketēm

Lasīšanas laiks ~ 1 min Lasījumu skaits: 1820

Uzstādītas breketes nozīmē, ka būs papildu riska zonas, kurās baktērijas pulcēsies, lai "veidotu" zobu aplikumu. Tie ir stūrīši zem ligatūras, ap breketēm utt. Atcerieties, ka slikta higiēna ir pirmais solis garā zobu slimību sarakstā, starp kurām diez vai kariess ir visnekaitīgākā.

Sagatavošanās breketēm ir nopietns pasākums, kas ietver šādas procedūras:

Panorāmas rentgenogramma; hormonu testi (ja nepieciešams); jebkuru esošo zobu un smaganu slimību ārstēšana; zobakmens noņemšana; profesionāla higiēniska tīrīšana, ko veic zobārsts; Remineralizācija vai fluorēšana (ja nepieciešams); "lieko" zobu, bieži simetrisku, izņemšana (ja nepieciešams).

Pēdējais punkts tiek norādīts, lai vienmērīgi novietotu visus zobus uz īsa žokļa vai lai padarītu sejas ovālu skaistāku un harmoniskāku. Dažos gadījumos zobi...

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Breketes pieaugušajiem - veidi, ārstēšanas posmi

Lasīšanas laiks ~ 3 min Lasījumu skaits: 2445

Ortodontiskā ārstēšana pēdējo desmit gadu laikā ir "izaugusi". Agrāk breketes tika liktas tikai pusaudžiem, kurus pie ārsta atveda vecāki. Mūsdienās pie ortodonta apzināti vēršas liels skaits pieaugušo, lai risinātu problēmas ar sakodienu un zobu "pārkāpumiem".

Lietošanas laikā:

Attiecībā uz sakodiena anomālijām

Uzstādīšanas un izgatavošanas laiks:

90 minūšu montāža 2 nedēļu auduma izgatavošana

Ārstēšanas periods:

90 minūšu fiksators 1,5 gadu valkāšanai (individuāli)


ātra ārstēšana minimālas sāpes lielisks izskats


metāls, keramika

Vecuma ierobežojumi

No 18 gadu vecuma (mūsu klīnikā)

Korekcijas princips ir vienāds arī bērniem...

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Dry hole after tooth extraction – symptoms and how to treat it

Tooth extraction is one of the most popular and simple operations in medicine. It usually goes without complications, but due to a number of common or subjective reasons, abnormalities may occur. One such postoperative complication is a dry hole.

The fact is that after extraction of the tooth, a cavity is formed in its place, which in a positive scenario is filled with a blood clot. It prevents the penetration of germs into the open wound and promotes its early healing. A dry hole after tooth extraction is the absence of the very blood clot in the cavity. This can happen for two reasons:

Dislocation or resorption. Heavy bleeding, as a result of which the clot was not able to form.

Whatever the cause, the healing process can take weeks and be accompanied by serious discomfort, which is not always possible to eliminate by their own efforts.


Dry socket syndrome is very painful. It is quite easy to identify …

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What are the best dental crowns

When the need for prosthetic teeth arises, the question arises - which crowns are better to put. Modern dentistry offers various options for dental crowns. They differ in material and purpose, manufacturing technology. Each type has its pros and cons, each is recommended for certain indications.

What are the types of crowns

A crown is a prosthesis for a tooth. Its main purpose is not only to imitate a healthy tooth, but also to preserve the one under it, to fully perform the chewing function, biting, if the installation is planned for the front teeth, to restore aesthetics, to return a beautiful smile. Again, relevant if it concerns the frontal zone.

What crowns are better to choose? First it is worth considering their types. According to the materials, they are divided into:

metal; metal-ceramic; all-ceramic; metal-plastic; zirconium.

In each of the above types of dental crowns, there is also a variation.

Metal crow…

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Prosthetics after tooth extraction

Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 41122

A professional dentist will do everything to save a tooth, but sometimes this is not possible. You have to undergo surgery - extraction and plan for prosthetics after extraction. It is necessary because the aesthetics, the integrity of the tooth row is lost. There are problems with the bite, as neighboring teeth try to occupy the vacated space, the load on the entire jaw system is distributed incorrectly. And many other reasons that worsen the health of the patient - the price of refusing to prosthetics after tooth extraction in time.

Displacement of teeth in the absence of neighboring and antagonist teeth

Types of prostheses

After extraction, according to the indications, the doctor can offer the following type of prostheses:

removable; fixed.

Sometimes added to the classification is a partially removable dental constr…

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Rotten teeth – all about causes and treatment options

Statistics show that 98 percent of people are afraid of going to the dentist. As a result, dental problems are put off until one day we find out that a tooth has rotted away. Then a visit to the doctor is inevitable, but there is a lot of work to be done.

Contrary to popular belief, rotten teeth are not just the result of poor hygiene.

Causes of tooth rot

Yes, we all know that teeth should be brushed 2 times a day, flossed and visited the dentist 2 times a year. Many patients follow these recommendations and their teeth still deteriorate and rot. Poor hygiene is not the only reason why teeth deteriorate. There are other factors:

Gum disease triggers bacteria to multiply, which literally chews through enamel and destroys tooth tissue; genetics plays a role in the ability of teeth to resist pathogenic factors; unfavorable environmental conditions lead to more dental problems in industrial areas than in places without factories and mills…
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Implant engraftment

Implantation is the only prosthetic method that restores the functionality of the entire tooth, not just the crown part. A dental implant is a multi-component construction made of biocompatible material (titanium and its alloys) that is inserted into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth unit. It fully replaces the natural tooth, taking over all its functions. Those who dare to implant are usually interested in how dental implants take root, how long it takes, and what problems may arise.

The viability of the artificial root depends not only on the choice of its type, shape and size according to the parameters of the jawbone. But also on the general state of health, the correctness of implant placement, compliance with the doctor's instructions in the postoperative period.

How long do dental implants take to heal

The process of fusion of the implant with the bone is called osseointegration. It occurs in this way:

In the first 30 days after…
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Gum shaper for implantation

Implant prosthetics is the most physiological way to restore missing teeth. The essence of the method is that an artificial tooth root is implanted into the gum, on top of which an orthopedic structure (crown, bridge) is placed. But in order to make the prosthetic system look natural, fit tightly to the gum, firmly fixed to the implant, special suprastructures are used - gum shaper and abutment.

The gum shaper is not always placed during implantation. It is not used in case of complete jaw adentia, when one-stage technologies with immediate loading with a prosthesis are used to restore the dentition. Installation of this suprastructure is necessary in a two-stage protocol. Without it, it is not possible to achieve a correct gingival contour so that the denture looks natural and aesthetic.

In one-stage techniques, the placement of this element is more often skipped. In these cases, one-piece implants are usually used, which are immedi…

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