Types of bite: what is the correct bite and how to determine it?

The dentition of the teeth is the mutual arrangement of the tooth rows when the jaws are fully interlocked.

The formation of the dento-mandibular system begins during intrauterine development. By week 11, the fetus has the jaw bands defined. Almost all babies are born with an incorrect bite. The lower jaw is shifted backward. Dentists call this phenomenon retrognathia. When a baby actively sucks, the muscles are exercised. By 6-8 months of breastfeeding, and a little later, with artificial feeding, the lower jaw takes the correct position. For artificially fed babies, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body, the opening in the nipple. If the formula does not flow from the bottle, you have to make an effort to get it, the child's tongue and jaw muscles get enough load and bite anomalies can be avoided.

Stages of bite formation

The first stage is completed by the time the teeth erupt. It is then formed:

Temporary bite


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Tooth misalignment

Tooth misalignment is a change in the position of the teeth, after the tooth rows have finished forming, as a result of disease or injury. When teeth erupt, they also change location. This is called a primary relocation. All other cases are secondary movements.

Teeth can change position in a variety of directions, the most common types of movement are as follows:

vertical (unilateral or bilateral); distal - the tooth moves backwards; mesial - the tooth moves forward; tilts; rotation around the axis; combined. Why teeth shift

The most common cause is a violation of the integrity of the tooth row. As a result, the antagonist teeth cease to participate in the chewing process, and the load on the other (working) teeth increases. Tooth contact (occlusion) is compromised and becomes traumatic, destroying the ligaments and stretching the collagen fibers that hold the tooth in place. A tooth that has no contact when the jaws are clamped togeth…

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스웨덴 임플란트: 특징 및 비교

임플란트는 1952년 스웨덴에서 도입되었습니다. 스웨덴의 과학자 Per-Ingvar Branemark는 골유착 현상을 발견하고 이를 치과에 적용했습니다. 그는 티타늄 포스트가 뼈 조직을 과도하게 성장시켜 제거하기가 매우 어렵다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 이러한 뼈 조직의 특성을 바탕으로 노벨 바이오케어는 스웨덴에서 최초의 임플란트를 개발했습니다.

노벨 바이오케어는 여전히 글로벌 임플란트 생산의 선두주자이지만, 국제 기업 덴츠플라이 시로나의 계열사인 또 다른 스웨덴 기업 아스트라 테크 임플란트 시스템에게 빠르게 추월당하고 있습니다.

스웨덴 치과 임플란트: 특징

스웨덴 제조업체의 모든 제품은 과학적 발전을 기반으로 합니다. 이를 생산하는 기업은 공장과 공장뿐만 아니라 과학 실험실과 교육 현장이기도 합니다. 기업은 이식성에 대한 장기 및 단기 연구 비용을 지불하고 과학 데이터는 전문 저널에 게재됩니다.


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Fissure sealing – why is it necessary and how is it performed?

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 26729

Fissure sealing is a method of primary prevention of dental caries. Fissures are natural depressions, grooves on the chewing surface of teeth. They are narrow and difficult to clean with a brush. Therefore, bacteria gradually accumulate in the grooves, destroy the enamel and cause tooth decay. 67% of tooth decay in young children [1] is fissure caries. By the age of 17, this figure reaches 85% [1].

Fissure sealing in dentistry aims to create a physical barrier that prevents the penetration of microbes.

Indications A deep tooth fissure that cannot be penetrated by a toothbrush; absence of caries; insufficient mineralization of enamel; short time since the teeth erupted; history of decay of baby teeth.

Permanent teeth erupt with enamel in which mineralization is not yet complete. This process continues for several years. It …

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치아 탈구 : 증상 및 치료

읽기 시간 ~ 5분 읽기 횟수: 13794

치아 탈구 - 기계적 충격으로 인해 앞니 또는 송곳니가 측면 또는 수직 위치의 폐포 (우물)에서 변위되는 치아 손상입니다. 해부학적 구조의 특성으로 인해 상부 앞니와 송곳니가 더 자주 이러한 부상을 입습니다. 해부학적으로 각 치아 단위는 크라운과 뿌리로 구성됩니다. 크라운 부분은 잇몸 위에, 뿌리는 턱뼈(폐포, 구멍)에 위치합니다.

치조골과 뿌리 사이에는 결합 조직 섬유로 구성된 치주 인대가 있습니다. 치조골 및 치근 시멘툼과 얽혀 있는 치주는 턱에 뿌리를 고정합니다. 이 세 가지 요소(치조골, 치주, 시멘텀)의 조합을 치아의 인대 장치라고 합니다. 충격, 딱딱한 제품이나 물체에 물려서 외상을 입어 탈구 또는 아 탈구가 발생할 수 있습니다 ...

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How to floss? Features of the choice

A toothbrush and toothpaste are not enough for good oral hygiene. Teeth have 5 surfaces, the brush effectively cleans 3 - front, lingual, chewing. The other 2 (the neck area, the interdental spaces) should be cleaned from plaque and food debris, with the help of additional hygienic means - dental floss (floss) or interdental brush. And if in case of dense interdental spaces, the effectiveness of a toothbrush is questionable, the usefulness of properly selected floss is obvious. But many people don't even know how to floss properly.

What is dental floss

Floss is a special floss made of silk or polymer fiber, for quality cleaning of spaces between incisors, canines, premolars, molars. It helps to extract food particles similar to a toothpick, but much safer and more effective. The fiber structure of dental floss gives the opportunity to gently, gently remove deposits from the enamel, not allowing bacteria to multiply, destroying hard tissue. Floss is plac…

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Bad breath – how to get rid of it?

Everyone has discomfort in the mouth after sleeping, but after hygienic cleaning it disappears. But sometimes, after 1-2 hours, the breath becomes stale again. Persistent breath odor is called halitosis. This is not only an aesthetic problem. Often, stinky breath indicates violations of the work of some organs and systems. It is not easy to identify halitosis independently. The appearance of a foul odor is usually written off to food, alcohol or smoking.

The easiest way to identify halitosis yourself is to bend the palm of your hand and breathe into it a little and then bring it to your nose. You can use dental floss, having identified its odor after cleaning the interdental spaces. Or wipe a cotton disk on the tongue, the inner surface of the cheek and bring it to the nose. If any method gave a positive answer, you should seek help from a dentist.

Masking the bad odor with mints or chewing gum is not the solution. Halitosis does n…

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Molaria in the mouth

June 29, 2022 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 121802

Oral candidiasis (thrush) is an infectious disease of the mucous membranes. It is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

The mucous membranes are covered with whitish plaques that resemble a curd-like mass. Patients have unpleasant sensations in the mouth, a burning sensation. Eating, sometimes even speech becomes painful. Patients complain of dry mouth and unpleasant odor.

Molluscum contagiosum is very common in infants, but is easily tolerated and quickly cured. It often occurs in people with dentures, those taking corticosteroids or undergoing chemotherapy.

Causes of the disease

Yeast fungi are present in the body of any person. Under the influence of certain factors, they begin to multiply uncontrollably.

Milkiness in the mouth is caused by:

Hormonal restructuring, for example, during pregnancy Taking certain medications…
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Dental therapist: what kind of doctor is this doctor, what he does, to whom to address

March 2, 2023 Reading time ~ 5 min Number of reads: 16275

The doctor who deals with the treatment of dental caries, its complications, diagnosis, prevention of diseases of mucosal tissues is called a dental therapist. The doctor's duties include examination, interpretation of results and diagnosis. If it is in his competence, the treatment is carried out by a therapist. If it is an area of related specialty (bite disorder, missing teeth, the need for extraction), then gives referrals to specialists in this area.

When to turn to a dental therapist

Most often, the therapist is the first doctor we visit in dentistry. An appointment is made with him if:

A toothache; There is a chip in the enamel or a crack; A filling has fallen out or crumbled; There is discolorite (discoloration) of enamel or stains on it; Teeth react to touch, cold, hot; Gums bleed when brushing, brushing causes pain; Plaque ha…
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Dental hygienist: what kind of doctor is this, what he does, to whom to address

A dental hygienist is a specialist in dental and oral hygiene and disease prevention.

The profession involves performing manipulations to remove soft and hard dental deposits, as well as selecting individualized care, teaching proper brushing techniques and educational work.

The dentist works with both adults and children

When to see a dental hygienist

It is best to see a hygienist regularly, twice a year. Dental plaque is the source of the most common dental diseases: cavities and periodontal disease.

A biological film settles on the enamel after every meal. It is rougher than enamel, so bacteria can easily get a foothold on it. They begin to multiply, releasing acids that eat away at the hard tissues of the tooth. Caries and its complications arise: inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) and tissues around the tooth (periodontitis).

The products of pathogens accumulate, mineralized salts from saliva. Soft deposits turn into hard de…

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