치과 임플란트로 인한 피해는 없나요 아니면 오해인가요 : 설치에 대한 리뷰

Dental implantation is the replacement of the root of an extracted tooth with a biocompatible metal rod that fuses with living bone tissue. The upper part of the implant is prosthetized with a crown or bridge, providing aesthetics and functionality. Some people refuse the surgery, condemning themselves to the discomfort and low functionality of using removable prostheses.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna, Podolsk "Dentalroott" is the third clinic where I turned with a desire to restore my teeth. In the first in our Podolsk I was refused because of diabetes (although in a compensated stage). In the second one in Moscow they voiced a cosmic price for 4 implants, a lot of additional procedures plus bone grafting, and without it, they said - no way. Well, I didn't stop there. Dr. Voznyuk, whom I consulted at the Ruth Clinic, carefully studied my scans and anamnesis and told me that it was possible to place implants directly, without grafting - but special basal implant…
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치과 임플란트 - 식립 과정 및 수명

Implantation is a surgery to place dental implants. They are made of a biocompatible titanium alloy and replace the root of an extracted tooth, designed to support a crown. During the procedure, the doctor implants the implant into the jawbone through an incision, puncture or into a fresh hole. The operation is performed under anesthesia, which eliminates painful sensations. The timing and order of dental implants depends on the treatment protocol. It is selected by the attending physician based on the complexity of the clinical case, the condition of the oral cavity, age and health of the patient. What is a dental implant A dental implant is a construction made of biocompatible material that mimics the root of a living tooth. Once embedded in the bone tissue, it holds a crown, bridge, or removable denture. Unlike traditional prosthetics, the installation of implants restores the physiological load on the jaw, prevents bone atrophy. According to the structure and design dis…
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치과 임플란트-종류 및 가격, 제조업체 비교

Implants are titanium roots that are implanted in place of missing teeth and loaded with dentures. They help to restore the functionality of the tooth row, to achieve aesthetics. Implants differ in design (double-jointed, monoblock), method of installation (classical, basal, mini-implants), size, shape, material, cost, etc., as well as in the type of implants. Pros and cons of dental implants Dental implantation prevails over traditional prosthetics. It has undeniable advantages: Efficiency. The implant fulfills the functions of the lost element, evenly distributes the chewing load on the jawbone - prevents bone atrophy. Aesthetics. The variety of materials used to produce crowns fixed on implants provides a natural look of artificial teeth. Comfort. Removable and fixed prosthetic structures are securely fixed in the mouth. Durability. Titanium roots are able to serve a person for a lifetime. Compared to traditional prosthetics, implantation has only a couple of …
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열린 물기

교합 장애는 다양한 형태로 발생합니다. 그중 하나는 열린 물림입니다. 그것은 매우 드물게 고정되어 있습니다-최대 2%의 환자가 그러한 이상을 가지고 있습니다. 1 세 미만 어린이의 12%에서는 6 세까지 5.6%의 잘못된 절개가 있으며 성인의 경우 그 비율은 1.8-2%로 매우 적습니다.

오픈 바이트란 무엇인가요?

개방교합은 앞니의 앞니열 또는 옆니가 불완전하게 닫히는 것을 말합니다. 수직 간격이 형성되어 미적 문제뿐만 아니라 기능 장애도 유발합니다. 종종 이러한 유형의 병리는 다른 형태의 폐색과 결합 될 수 있으며 원위 개방 교합 또는 중간 교합을 치료할 필요가 있습니다.


열린 물린 시각적 징후:

턱이 아래쪽으로 이동하고 얼굴 아랫부분이 커진 경우; 반쯤 벌어진 입; 윗입술이 닫히는 순간 좁고 팽팽합니다; 입천장이 아래쪽과 뒤쪽으로 이동했습니다; 팔자 주름이 부드러워졌습니다.

구강 내 증상...

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중간 물림

중절 교합은 아래턱이 더 앞으로 튀어 나와 위 앞니와 겹치는 턱 폐쇄 장애입니다. 이것은 환자에게 심리적 성격의 문제를 가져올뿐만 아니라 적절한 미학이없고 외부에서 결함에 대한 가능한 논의가있을뿐만 아니라 일반적으로 건강에도 영향을 미칩니다. 그리고 성인, 어린이의 중간 물린 치료는 길고 어렵습니다. 근 기능 체조, 폐포 과정 마사지, 교정 구조물 사용 및 치과 전문의의주기적인 방문 등 모든면에서 작업이 있습니다.

중간 물기란 무엇인가요?

중간(내측) 교합은 턱이 제대로 닫히지 않는 교합 이상입니다. 아래 치아 열과 위 치아 열의 전진 위치가 시각적으로도 눈에 띄게 나타납니다.

중절 턱은 전체 수의 최대 10%의 인구에서 발생합니다 (몽골 종족에서 병리학이 관찰되는 경우가 많습니다). 그리고 원위 물린과 달리 중간 폐색은 덜 진단됩니다 ...
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크로스 바이트

읽기 시간 ~ 7분 읽기 횟수: 13499

교합은 2%의 환자에서 발생합니다. 이들은 어린이와 성인입니다. 많은 변형이 있으며 종종 이러한 유형의 교합이 다른 이상과 결합됩니다. 부적절한 물기는 치료할 수 있지만 표준에서 벗어난 것을 발견하면 즉시 시작해야합니다. 그렇지 않으면 치료만으로는 충분하지 않을 수 있습니다.

교합이란 무엇인가요?

교합은 위턱과 아래턱이 수평면에서 닫히는 것을 말합니다. 한쪽 또는 양쪽, 정면 또는 측면의 위반. 교합은 교차된 위치에서 발생하며, 치아 열, 개별 요소가 겹칩니다.

교차 폐색의 징후

눈에 보이는 증상 중 하나는 확실히 얼굴의 비대칭입니다:

입술 모서리의 높이가 달라서 미소가 비뚤어집니다(비뚤어짐); 턱 선이 중심 축에서 벗어난 경우.

크로스비트의 시각적 비대칭...

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Why teeth crumble: causes and treatment

Reading time ~ 6 min. Number of reads: 9695

Unfortunately, due to many reasons, health problems happen that simply crumble teeth. This can occur at different ages, with baby teeth in children and permanent teeth in adults. What to do? Of course, it is worth going to the doctor. Go to the dentist, and he, after examination, can refer to a narrow specialist and advise to undergo examination.


It is difficult to miss such a fact when a tooth is cracked. Usually it happens while eating, and you can feel a hard piece of enamel in your mouth. Sometimes there are many small pieces at once. There is a sense of panic. After all, we know from school that enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. Why does this happen, what causes teeth to crumble and crack?

It happens that it all starts with stains on the enamel - this is a symptom that not everything is in order. And you need to make a v…

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Fluoridation of teeth: methods, benefits and harms

Tooth fluoridation is an effective way to protect teeth from decay and strengthen the enamel structure with certain fluoridated products. Fluoride is an important element for the body, its daily requirement is about 3 mg. It comes to us with water, some foods. If it is insufficient, it destroys the bond of calcium compounds concentrated in the enamel, the surface becomes vulnerable, which leads to increased sensitivity and damage to the tooth tissue. Mechanism of fluoridation procedure Fluoride-containing products are applied to the visible surface of the teeth and get into the enamel tissue, replenishing the lack of trace element F. Tooth fluoridation is safe and completely painless. Suitable for adults and children from 2 years old. Indications and contraindications Indications for fluoridation of teeth in dentistry: increased sensitivity of enamel, reaction to cold, hot, sour and sweet foods; susceptibility to carious disease, as a caries prevention; after the use…
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Remineralization of teeth

Teeth are covered with the densest material in the body - enamel. But it also has weaknesses. The tissue thins in places, becomes rough, vulnerable, important mineral layer is washed out, and then a dental procedure is necessary - remineralization of teeth. Without it, tooth sensitivity may increase, spot discoloration on the enamel surface may progress to the stage of deep caries. What is remineralization Remineralization of tooth enamel is the process of restoring its mineral composition by saturating it with micro-, macro-elements. In dentistry it refers to therapy and therapeutic and prophylactic actions. Why enamel demineralization occurs Enamel consists of 97-98% of minerals. The basis - hydroxyapatite crystals, they contain calcium, fluoride, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements that affect the quality of the protective coating. Minerals are easily washed out by acidity and disturbed Ph in the mouth. Acidity is restored by saliva, but if you are overly fond of acid…
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Stomatitis: symptoms, types and treatment methods

All of us at least once in our lives have had unpleasant sensations in the mouth. On examination, there were visible spots, so characteristic that it was immediately clear - stomatitis. Such inflammation of the mucosa, which captures the lips, tongue, gums. Although stomatitis in adults is less common than in children, the problem is widespread, .

Symptoms of stomatitis

When stomatitis manifests itself as an independent disease, it is called primary. And secondary is a symptom of another pathology.

Manifestations of the disease depends on the type and severity, but all inflammations are characterized by signs of the following syndrome: reddening of the mucosa in one or more places: on the cheeks, under the tongue and on it, on the gums. Then the area of redness swells, darkens, covered with whitish plaque. Pain appears, which increases during eating and drinking. Quite quickly, the spot turns into an aphtha (ulcer), covered with grayish (fibrin…

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