One of the most serious problems that dentists face is complete adentia. When a patient comes in with a complete lack of teeth, there are not many solutions. Complete dentures are the only correct way out of this situation. At the moment, there are quite a large number of different types of dentures, so it is not difficult to find a solution for each individual patient.

Types of prostheses in the complete absence of teeth

At the disposal of modern dentists there is a sufficient arsenal of technical solutions in order to achieve effective restoration of the maxillofacial apparatus in the case of complete loss of teeth. Now all existing prostheses can be divided into three main categories: removable, fixed and conditionally removable. Let’s consider each of them in comparison to understand what opportunities each of them opens up.

First of all, it is worth evaluating such an important aspect for patients as the cost. And here, at first glance, removable orthopedic designs are more favorable. After all, their cost can be several times lower. The caveat “at first glance” here is not just for nothing. The fact is that the service life of removable prostheses, even the best quality ones, is much lower than fixed or conditionally removable ones. As a consequence, they need to be replaced frequently. Because of this, over the long haul, the difference in price is completely leveled out.

Another feature of significant importance for patients is the efficiency of treatment. And here the undoubted leader will be implant-supported prostheses, since modern technology allows you to restore a full tooth row in just 2-3 days.

Key features of removable dentures

Let’s consider each of the presented options in more detail. And the first in line will be removable dentures. They are made of various materials. The most popular are:

  • Hard plastics;
  • Silicones;
  • Acry Free Composition;

Depending on which material is chosen, the prosthesis model can vary in such characteristics as flexibility, wearing comfort, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of maintenance.

An important advantage of removable prosthesis is the almost complete absence of contraindications. If the patient has a large number of contraindications to implantation and there is virtually no chance that the implants will take root – removable prostheses will not cause any problems.

In addition, it is important to note the fact that their cost is the most affordable, which makes it possible to restore the jaw with complete adentia to patients with a wide range of budgets. At the same time, they have a relative durability so that after installation, the patient can live peacefully and not worry about the need for rapid replacement of the prosthesis.

Non-removable and conditionally removable prosthetic structures for the treatment of complete adentia

The main alternative to removable prostheses are permanent structures that are mounted on several implants. An important advantage over the previous option is that implants implanted directly into the jaw significantly inhibit the degradation of bone tissue, which is of great importance for maintaining oral health.

Another important advantage of this type of prosthesis is its high strength. Thanks to their attachment (screw fixation or bar), modern prostheses on implants have become repairable and much easier to care for at home.

It is also worth noting the ease of use of the prosthesis for the patient. Unlike removable models, implants do not differ from the native teeth after rooting. They do not need to be periodically removed, cleaned in any specific way. For the most part, over time, the patient can forget that the teeth in his mouth are not real. This is the most comfortable option, which, at the same time, can not be called budget.

Indications for full dentures

Full dentures on one or both jaws are installed in several cases. The first is when a patient comes to the dentist with complete adentia and there are no teeth on the jaw at all (regardless of the reason for this).

The second case, in which it is also necessary to resort to full dentures, are situations in which part of the patient’s teeth are preserved, but they are in such a condition that their therapeutic treatment is not appropriate. This can happen both because of serious trauma, and simply because of neglected diseases of various kinds.

The main contraindications

Installation of full dentures (especially fixed dentures) is a rather labor-intensive process that requires preliminary preparation of the patient. There are a number of cases when the installation of fixed prostheses is not possible:

  • Presence of infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Individual intolerance to materials;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Severe degradation of bone tissue;

In these cases, the patient must first address the contraindication and only then proceed to implantation. For this period, in some cases, the installation of removable structures is possible.

The main stages of prosthetics in adentia

First of all, regardless of the cause of tooth loss, there is an initial consultation with a dentist. Next, the doctor examines the oral cavity, identifies the presence or absence of diseases, and also takes a picture of the jaw to make sure there are no hidden defects. After that, an impression of the jaw is made for the fabrication of the denture.

And then the treatment process differs depending on the type of denture. In the case of a removable design, all diseases are simply eliminated and the finished denture is placed. If we are talking about fixed structures, then after a complete sanitation of the oral cavity of the patient implants are implanted, and only after they take root, the prosthetic structure is installed.

Features of care for dentures

Depending on what type of prosthesis is used, the peculiarities of oral care may differ slightly. When installing fixed structures, the procedure does not differ from the care of native teeth. If you have a removable denture, however, there are a few important nuances.

In addition to cleaning the denture from plaque and food debris, it is also important to remove it and treat your mouth with a special mouthwash to remove any deposits that may accumulate under the denture. In addition, removable structures can damage the mucosa, which also leads to the need for additional disinfection.

Cost of full dentures

At the moment, the price of full dentures can vary significantly depending on the type of construction used. The final cost of treatment can be announced only after the initial diagnosis and the choice of the type of prosthesis, based on the doctor’s recommendations.

Opinion of specialists about prosthetics for complete adentia

Specialists in the field of prosthetics agree that the most correct solution for complete adentia is the installation of fixed prostheses, because, in addition to eliminating the main problem, such structures also avoid complications in the form of bone atrophy and disorders in the work of the maxillary joint.

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