What should I do if my jaw and gums hurt after dental implants? Is it considered normal and how long can it last, should it be tolerated? Let’s analyze in detail in our article.

During the implantation of a titanium rod into the bone, a puncture is made in the gum, respectively, tissues and blood vessels are traumatized, so pain, swelling or slight bleeding is a normal response of the body.

The implantation itself is painless, as the procedure of installation of the artificial tooth root is carried out under anesthesia. After its effect is over, sensitivity returns, there is a nagging, throbbing pain syndrome, it should pass on the 10th day or earlier.

What does the pain during rehabilitation depend on, in which days what sensations should be

Pain after implant implantation begins when the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic drug ends. After 1.5-2 hours. Some numbness of tissues may also be present. After 5-7 hours, if normal sensitivity has not appeared, you should consult a doctor, because there are risks of damage to the facial nerve. Severe pain after implantation of teeth on the lower jaw can also be caused by injury to the trigeminal nerve, as it is located in close proximity to the roots.

nerve damage at implantation

The severity and extent of the pain depends on:

  • on the number of implants placed: one or more;
  • on the type of surgery: for implantation the gum tissue was dissected with subsequent suturing – flap method (in rare cases) or a puncture was made (transgingival method);
  • from the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, his pain threshold;
  • from additional surgical interventions: sinus elevator, bone augmentation, etc..

How long does the pain last after the placement of a tooth implant?

Consider the normal postoperative course of the condition.

Day 1-5. Pain may increase for the first few days, starting when the anesthetic agent administered before implantation is discontinued. It may be aching, throbbing, intensified by tilting the head. As long as it does not indicate a complication, it is a natural response of the body to the intervention. So is swelling of the tissue around the implant.

Day 5-10. By the 5th day, the pain decreases. The swelling subsides completely. The question for the patient remains: how much the gum hurts after implant placement, as it is still sensitive. By the 10th day, as a rule, everything goes away.

After 2-6 months. There are cases when everything goes normally, and after a few months or even a year, a person complains that the implant tooth hurts, around it. Possible causes:

  • loosening of the plug, adaptation crown on the abutment. They rub the soft tissues of the gum. The situation is not critical. The dentist will adjust, perform the necessary manipulations and you can not worry about the safety of the implant;
  • implanrejection. An unfavorable outcome of the entire implantation is unsuccessful osseointegration. The body has not accepted the artificial tooth root. Fortunately, the rejection rate is close to 1%;
  • inflammatory gum disease. The culprit is often poor hygiene, violation of postoperative recommendations of the doctor;
  • traumatization of the jaw nerve, then the jaw hurts after implantation.

If your gum, jaw, ear hurts after dental implantation for more than 10 days, do not delay a visit to the doctor who made you the operation. Early diagnosis and the beginning of treatment will avoid complications. Appeal in two weeks or more with such symptoms, can delay treatment for a longer period of time.

Pain depending on the localization and specificity, what it indicates

Unpleasant sensations can be of different character, as well as the place of their location.

  • Pulsation in the implantation site, tingling, itching can be both a normal phenomenon and a sign of an allergic reaction to the material. You should not stop taking antihistamines (in agreement with the doctor) and monitor the course of such manifestations;
  • Alarming is the unit located near the installed artificial root. This can speak of nerve damage, inflammation of the gum or failed implant implantation, and it is possible that the crown presses, so the neighboring tooth hurts after implant placement;
  • Severe pain in the ear after implantation of teeth on the lower jaw, which does not go away for a week, may indicate a violation of the integrity of the trigeminal nerve. It may be caused by an improperly placed implant or traumatized by an instrument during preparation of the site;
  • The answer to the question of why and how much the gum hurts after implant placement depends on the health of the person. Normally, the gum can be sore for 5-7 days. By the day of suture removal, usually on the 7th day, the painful sensations disappear;
  • Rasping pain near the implant, the appearance of pus at a slight pressure, fever may indicate an inflammatory process. The main thing is not to let the infection join. You should urgently consult a doctor.

Pain during implantation, whether it hurts to install an implant

For those who are once familiar with the removal of eighths (wisdom teeth), knows how unpleasant it is. Implantation is a completely painless surgery. The effect of anesthesia is enough to make everything comfortable. The patient feels the manipulations in the oral cavity, but there is no pain. Even the injection itself with anesthetic solution can be made imperceptible. By treating the puncture site and special means.

Anesthesia in implantation is of several types:

  • local, used in most cases. It is quite enough to work. A shot is given and in a few minutes the medicine begins to work. Installation of one implant takes 15-30 minutes, and the effect of anesthesia ends in a few hours;
  • sedation. The patient is in a half-dream, no unpleasant sensations, but there may be consequences;
  • anesthesia. For implantation under anesthesia, it will be necessary to take certain tests, undergo a consultation with an anesthesiologist. Exit after anesthesia takes time. This method is used very rarely, it is not available in all clinics and can be dangerous.

Pain during prosthetics

In the process of installing prosthetic structures, there should be no pain. After prosthetics, there may be sensations that cause discomfort, due to habituation or incorrectly selected prosthesis. The dentist and technician must adjust it to your jaw and the prepared supports.

After two weeks, the cause of soreness after dentures may be due to gum rubbing and inflammation.

How to reduce or prevent pain during recovery, what you can and what you can not do

In the postoperative period, the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. The main ones are:

  • in the first hours after implantation do not eat or drink;
  • the first days (about a week) to consume liquid food: soups, mashed potatoes, baby food;
  • exclude hot, cold, spicy, alcohol;
  • after surgery to make cold compresses, this will reduce swelling;
  • take prescribed medications strictly according to the scheme. Do not cancel them independently, if you feel better;
  • make mouth baths with antiseptic agents: chlorhexidine, chamomile;
  • sleep on a high pillow and on the opposite side of the operation;
  • forget about physical activity for a while;
  • baths and saunas are forbidden.

Usually in each dental clinic there is a memo that you can after implantation, what is forbidden, how to relieve pain after dental implantation, the schedule of visits to the doctor.

The doctor will definitely prescribe painkillers – nurofen, nimesil, analgin, nayz or others. They should be taken for as long as the pain lasts after the installation of a tooth implant, up to 7-10 days. If it persists longer – it is better to contact your dentist.

What if the implant is sore long after the surgery

Peri-implantitis is insidious, it can go unnoticed. After a while, it can be withdrawn with sharp pain or retching, even in the nose, ear, head, face. This indicates inflammation of the tissues around the artificial root. Complaint: tooth implant pain is incorrect in this case. After all, the implant itself can not hurt, it is an inanimate structure, but the soft tissues around it can. The main thing is not to wait as many days as you are willing to tolerate, but to go to the clinic urgently.

Pain after dental implants: how long does it last and how to relieve it?

Periimplantitis on the X-ray image

The body is not always ready to accept a foreign object and osteointegrate with it. Rejection is extremely rare – less than 1.5% of cases. But you should always monitor your health.

When it is urgent to see a dentist

Do not delay your visit in the following cases:

  • the temperature lasts more than 4 days and rises;
  • the pain is not controlled by medication;
  • pus is released at the implant site when pressure is applied;
  • sensitivity does not return after 5 days;
  • swelling of the face does not go away for a week;
  • bleeding does not stop after 2-3 days, but increases.

Implantation is a technologically advanced way to restore teeth. The implantation itself is painless, the subsequent period can be tolerated with minimal discomfort by following the doctor’s prescriptions.

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