Infinity Health Care works as Dermatologist / venereologist services, Dental centers, Plastic surgery, Gynaecologist services, Pediatric services at the following address in Al Ain. Phone number +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030.

Metode pembayaran (Pembayaran dengan kartu, pembayaran tunai), Bahasa Layanan (Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Tagalog)

Dokter gigi, penambalan gigi, dan implan gigi di dekat saya

Those who want to have their teeth treated have a filling or a dental implant in medical center Infinity Health Care located in Al Ain at the address , are most of all interested in prices and the list of services provided.

  1. di grup media sosial resmi;
  2. di klinik gigi terdekat;
  3. by phone number +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030 ;
  4. on the official website Infinity Health Care.

Informasi singkat tentang perusahaan:

  • Nama perusahaan:
  • Nilai: (dari 5)
  • Cara membayar tagihan:

To find out prices and make an appointment with a dentist in Infinity Health Care call us +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030 . Our staff will answer all your questions and make an appointment with your doctor.  Or go to the nearest dental clinic located at .

Jika Anda tidak menemukan apa yang Anda cari, lihat organisasi yang direkomendasikan pada halaman di bawah ini. Klinik-klinik tersebut menyediakan layanan seperti implan gigi, ortodontis, penambalan gigi, periodontis, dan dokter gigi anak atau gawat darurat.

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