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Pertanyaan apakah akan memasang mahkota gigi menjadi relevan ketika ada alternatif lain dalam hal restorasi.


Saya hanya memiliki sisa tunggul gigi bagian bawah. Meskipun akarnya tampak normal, setidaknya enam bulan yang lalu tidak menimbulkan rasa takut. Apakah mungkin untuk membuat prostesis atau mencabut dan memasang implan.


Jika akarnya kuat, letakkan tiang di saluran akar sebagai dasar mahkota gigi. Implantasi adalah solusi yang efektif.


Saya menjalani pencabutan akar pada empat gigi atas saya tiga tahun yang lalu. Awalnya tidak ada masalah, tetapi baru-baru ini gigi mulai goyang. Apakah mungkin untuk memasang mahkota di atasnya?


If the tooth is held on only half of the root, it is important to evaluate the possibility of prosthetics with a crown. A conclusion can only be made after a consultation with the doctor.

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Let’s take a closer look at the “popular” cases that prosthodontists encounter in their practice.

  • If we are talking about aesthetic problems – pigmentation, chips or cracks, etc. – a crown is too traumatic a solution. A gentle option is the installation of a veneer, chemical or laser whitening or restoration.
  • If the tooth with nerves and with serious destruction (40-60% of tissue). When a filling fails, a ceramic inlay is made. It is important that the decision is objective and not the whim of the patient. If the inlay is placed on a minimal amount of tooth tissue, under chewing load it will crack and then the unequivocal verdict is extraction.
  • If the tooth is innervated and severely decayed. Objectively you can put a crown. Thus restore aesthetics, chewing and protect the remains from total destruction. Without receiving full nutrition, dentin becomes brittle and prone to fractures and cracks.
  • If there is little tooth left but the root is healthy, the doctor will place a crown using post and stump inlays.
  • If the image shows that the decaying tooth with a granuloma or cyst, the doctor decides on prosthetics. Thus, the formation is removed through the root canal, and sometimes it is necessary – removal and cleaning of tissues through the well.
  • If the crown part is destroyed by disease or trauma, and there are problems with the root, not always put a crown. After all, the root is responsible for the stability of the denture.
  • When it comes to wisdom teeth, problems with them are solved by extraction without restoration.

When deciding to get a denture, weigh the factors and use a dentist you trust.

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