Pain after dental implants: how long does it last and how to relieve it?

What should I do if my jaw and gums hurt after dental implants? Is it considered normal and how long can it last, should it be tolerated? Let's analyze in detail in our article.

During the implantation of a titanium rod into the bone, a puncture is made in the gum, respectively, tissues and blood vessels are traumatized, so pain, swelling or slight bleeding is a normal response of the body.

The implantation itself is painless, as the procedure of installation of the artificial tooth root is carried out under anesthesia. After its effect is over, sensitivity returns, there is a nagging, throbbing pain syndrome, it should pass on the 10th day or earlier.

What does the pain during rehabilitation depend on, in which days what sensations should be

Pain after implant implantation begins when the anesthetic effect of the anesthetic drug ends. After 1.5-2 hours. Some numbness of tissues may also be present. After 5-7 hours, if normal sens…

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Dental implants under anesthesia and sedation

Implantation is a method of restoring a tooth row in which an artificial support, an implant, is implanted in place of a lost root. Thanks to the body's ability to reproduce bone tissue, the phenomenon of osseointegration occurs, the titanium post grows bone.

This surgical intervention, like any surgery, causes fear and apprehension. Clinics have often started to use implantation under anesthesia. Unfortunately, this procedure is presented as a treatment in a dream, without any consequences. Is this the case?

Local anesthesia, sedation, anesthesia

For a long time, all implant surgeries were performed under local anesthesia. These days, more and more clinics prefer to perform dental implants in your sleep. This is very convenient for the doctor, creates ideal conditions for work. Advertising claims that it is convenient for the patient: you fall asleep without teeth, and wake up with a dazzling smile. But any medical manipulation must have a jus…

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Tooth extraction under anesthesia and sedation

If you, like 98% of the world's population, are afraid of visits to the dentist, tooth extraction under anesthesia is an easy way to perform the procedure. You fall asleep, wake up, and the tooth is gone. But is it that easy, and most importantly, is it safe?

There are different degrees of medically controlled consciousness:

Mild (sometimes called superficial). The patient is aware of what is happening, makes contact, follows instructions. Only coordination and reactions are slowed down, and the patient himself experiences a sense of relaxation. Medium. Inhibition of the nervous system is deeper, but consciousness and reflexes are preserved, the patient responds to specific stimuli. Deep. Depression of CNS functions is increasing, the patient reacts only to strong stimuli. At the same time, defense reflexes are preserved, but respiratory monitoring is required. General anesthesia. Complete unconsciousness, no reaction to stimuli, respiratory s…
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Dental treatment under sedation in children

Most people associate going to the dentist with fear and stress. And if it is a child, the whole family is afraid of the visit. That's why dental clinics' promises about dental treatment under anesthesia for children, without pain, in their sleep sound like a balm. What is meant by "treatment without pain" and is it as safe as we are told?

Sedation is the inhibition (depression) of the nervous system in order to relax and reduce anxiety. It does not preclude the use of local anesthesia, but simply helps you overcome your fear of treatment. This is the main difference between pediatric dental treatment under sedation and the use of anesthesia.

But the word "sedation" did not catch on, and gradually even dentists began to use expressions such as "treatment of children's teeth under anesthesia" to be understood by a wide audience. In this case, it is more often meant not general anesthesia, but sedation, a state in which consciousness is depressed wi…

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Dental treatment under anesthesia or sedation

There are few people in the world who are not afraid of going to the dentist. Against the background of such a widespread phobia, there are more and more calls to undergo treatment under sedation, without pain. What is it and is this method as safe as they say it is?

Dental treatment under anesthesia in adults is carried out in rare cases, more often in hospitals. Sedation, on the other hand, is more common. This method causes inhibition of the nervous system to reduce panic and stress during the procedure. There is contact with the doctor, the patient is able to respond to stimuli. With this method of anesthesia, the patient breathes on his own, all his reflexes are preserved. This is the main difference between sedation and anesthesia, in which the degree of inhibition reaches such a level that consciousness is cut off, reflexes are not preserved, the patient does not respond to physical and verbal stimuli. The main goal of anesthesia is to immerse t…

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Mengapa implan gigi lepas dan bagaimana cara menghindarinya

Implantation is a successful and effective method of restoring teeth. It is the most technologically advanced and the safest. But, what to do if the implants do fall out? And who is to blame? Let's talk at once, that according to the long-term statistics it is fixed, rejection of the implant happens only in 1-2% of cases from the total number. And the reasons why dental implants fall out are sufficiently studied to avoid this even at the stage of planning prosthetics on dental implants. But there are a number of factors that are beyond the doctor's control. The patient is solely responsible for the implant falling out.

Tanda-tanda prolaps implan

Anda dapat merasakan dan menentukan bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah dengan implan, misalnya, akar buatan telah kehilangan stabilitas. Dalam hal ini, ada baiknya Anda mengunjungi dokter yang melakukan pembedahan dan pemasangan struktur gigi tiruan. Sangat disarankan untuk tidak menunda kunjungan.

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Pain after caries treatment – how to relieve it?

Cavities are a reason to see a doctor. It causes pain, inflammation, and spoils the appearance of the teeth. After treatment, we expect that the tooth will no longer bother us. In the vast majority of cases, this is the case. But, sometimes, teeth hurt after caries treatment.

Soreness after a filling is a natural phenomenon. To remove decay and prepare the cavity, drill hard tissue, which has nerve endings. And if you have to remove the nerve (pulp), the nerve impulses transmit pronounced pain signals to the brain. Even treatment with antiseptic cause local irritation and pain.

During treatment, the patient is under anesthesia and does not feel anything. When the effect of anesthetics ends, there is discomfort. . How much the tooth can hurt after caries treatment depends on several reasons. The degree of tissue damage, the type of medical intervention and individual characteristics of the body, everything matters. Usually, everything goes awa…

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Pain after wisdom tooth extraction: causes and how to get rid of?

Dental treatment can be therapeutic or surgical, and pain can occur after either type of intervention. If the wisdom tooth hurts after treatment - in most cases, this is a normal physiological reaction of tissues to the procedure performed. Usually painful sensations are quickly bought anesthetic drug, pass independently in a couple of days. But there are situations when the pain after the removal of the eight is due to complications or violation of the technology of medical manipulation.

The dentist will necessarily advise the patient on how the normal process of recovery after the intervention, in the appearance of what symptoms should immediately consult a doctor. If all the doctor's recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period are fulfilled, but painful sensations only increase - this is a direct indication to come for another appointment.

Types of extraction

Wisdom teeth (eights, third molars) are larger than other dental units in…

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Caries prevention

Caries is a lesion of hard dental tissues with the formation of cavity defects. First the enamel is destroyed, then the dentin, pulp, periosteum and bone. It is the most common dental disease in the world and the main cause of tooth loss. Comprehensive prevention of dental caries increases the resistance of the enamel layer to various cariesogenic factors, prevents the destruction of tooth structures.

Causes of disease development

The leading cause of the carious process is the vital activity of oral bacteria. The normal microflora of the mouth is made up of many microorganisms. Among them there is a group of cariesogenic bacteria that negatively affect the enamel. In the absence of factors that weaken the body's defense response, the number of opportunistic microorganisms does not exceed the norm and the disease does not develop. But if the bacteria become too much, the organic acid that they produce begins to gradually dissolve areas of the enamel lay…

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Pain after a tooth filling

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 58540

Having finished treatment, we leave the dentist's office with a sense of relief. Then the effect of local anesthesia ends and it is found that the tooth hurts after the filling. There is no reason to panic and immediately make an appointment. Pain is a natural reaction to medical intervention:

To prepare the tooth, it is drilled. Nerve endings in the hard tissue react to this process by sending pain signals to the brain. The deeper the drill bit goes, the more painful it is. When the pulp (nerve) is removed, the adjacent vessels and nerve endings are traumatized. The antiseptic used to treat the cavity has a strong irritant effect. It can get on the surrounding tissue, causing discomfort.

This kind of painful sensations pass on their own, within a period of up to 2 weeks. The main feature: unpleasant sensations gradually subside, come to naught. Baca lebih lanjut

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