Tooth fluoridation is an effective way to protect teeth from decay and strengthen the enamel structure with certain fluoridated products.Fluoridation of teeth: methods, benefits and harms фото

Fluoride is an important element for the body, its daily requirement is about 3 mg. It comes to us with water, some foods. If it is insufficient, it destroys the bond of calcium compounds concentrated in the enamel, the surface becomes vulnerable, which leads to increased sensitivity and damage to the tooth tissue.

Mechanism of fluoridation procedure

Fluoride-containing products are applied to the visible surface of the teeth and get into the enamel tissue, replenishing the lack of trace element F.

Tooth fluoridation is safe and completely painless. Suitable for adults and children from 2 years old.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for fluoridation of teeth in dentistry:

  • increased sensitivity of enamel, reaction to cold, hot, sour and sweet foods;
  • susceptibility to carious disease, as a caries prevention;
  • after the use of braces and other orthopedic constructions;
  • fluoride deficiency;
  • after bleaching the enamel of teeth.

Contraindications of the procedure, when there will only be harm fluoridation:

  • allergy to fluoride-containing preparations;
  • excess fluoride in drinking water;
  • fluorosis (discoloration of teeth from fluoride oversaturation from childhood).

Types of fluoridation

There are two types of fluoridation: superficial and deep fluoridation of teeth.

Simple tooth fluoridation

There are three methods of the simple method used in dentistry:

  1. Applying fluoride varnish to the tooth surface with a brush. An invisible film is created. The procedure is repeated several times. The cost of fluoridation with varnish is available to everyone. Despite the fact that fluorolac therapy has been used for a long time, the remedy is still working and relevant.
  2. Electrophoresis. The best permeability of the tissue for fluoride molecules is achieved by small electrical pulses. At the first stage, electrodes with impregnation of 10 percent calcium are attached to the teeth, at the second stage, this action occurs with sodium fluoride 2-4%. 10 treatments are usually sufficient.
  3. Individual mouth guards filled with fluoride. They are made quickly during a visit to the dentist, an impression is taken and the mouth guard is hardened with the shape of the patient’s teeth. The material is elastic. The doctor fills the mouth guards with a product with a photor. The patient wears them for 5-10 minutes. 10 procedures are recommended.

dental fluoridation techniques

Deep fluoridation of enamel and dentin

The simple method is superficial, the fluoride particles are large and cannot penetrate deeply. Deep fluoridation of teeth uses a solution of fluoride magnesium silicate, whose molecule size is so small that the remedy acts deeper in the tissues, enriching them with a higher concentration of fluoride. Fluoride and calcium create strong crystalline bonds. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are covered with a “sealing” preparation. Fluoride compounds remain under it for a year and a half.

Deep fluoridation is carried out up to twice a year, not more often. The effect of this method before the simple – 5 times higher.

Is it necessary to fluoridate teeth after cleaning and whitening?

Is it necessary to fluoridate after cleaning? Yes. The permeability of enamel becomes higher due to the removed plaque, and the sealing effect lasts longer on the teeth. Fluoridation after professional cleanings and whitening is not mandatory, but if your doctor suggests it – don’t refuse, especially after whitening. It will make the enamel less sensitive.

Is it possible to do fluoridation at home

The price of fluoridation of teeth in Moscow with a deep method will cost 2000-3000 rubles (all teeth), but you can do it yourself. Freely sold in pharmacies and specialized stores preparations for fluoridation at home.

  • Fluorolac. Follow strictly the instructions, which indicate how and how many times to apply fluoride varnish.
  • Therapeutic and preventive pastes and gels. In the composition should be sodium fluoride, aminofluoride and other fluorides. It should be remembered, you can not use such a paste for a long time, so that there is not an overabundance of fluoride in the body. It is obligatory to alternate with other types.

fluoride varnishes and treatment pastes

For effective fluoridation, it is better to consult with a dentist on the choice of preparations for home use. The result will be more durable if you do before this professional cleaning of the teeth, remove plaque and tartar.

Is there any harm from fluoridation?

The benefits of fluoride are obvious – strengthening of enamel, prevention of caries, but in itself it is a dangerous element. If it is excessive in childhood, there is such a disease of teeth as fluorosis. Teeth do not look aesthetically pleasing, the color of the enamel is different, stains appear.

Do not do fluoridation of teeth, if the patient lives in an area with high fluoride content in the water. And use toothpastes, gels, rinses without fluoride.

Can the procedure be done on children and pregnant women

During pregnancy, lactation and in children it is recommended to do fluoridation of enamel and dentin. The procedure carried out by a professional in the clinic is completely safe. It will save from caries, calcium deficiency and other troubles in such a special period of life, when there is often a lack of fluoride.

A contraindication may be an allergic reaction to fluoride-containing substances.

Differences from remineralization

Any method of fluoridation of dentin is part of remineralization, artificial saturation of micro-, macroelements of the enamel structure by applying dental pastes, gels rich in calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc. to the surface. The purpose of the procedures is the same – prevention of caries, strengthening of enamel and replenishment of microelements lost during demineralization. If pastes, gels for remineralization of tooth tissue contain several components, fluoridation products contain fluoride ions.

Fluoridation increases the rate of remineralization several times. Since fluoride seals the dentinal tubules, the use of mineral complexes must be separate. Remineralization first and fluoridation of the teeth is the final step.

Effect of fluoridation

Although the enamel of teeth contains less fluoride than calcium, but it is simply necessary for the strength of enamel. When fluoridating dentin, fluoride combines with tissue molecules to form fluorapatite hydroxide, which is more resistant to acids. It is acids (acidic food, products of bacteria in dental plaque) destroy tooth tissues, demineralization occurs, washing out of micro- and macroelements that play an important role. Timely fluoridation of dentin prevents this process.

After the procedure:

  • enamel becomes stronger;
  • natural shine appears;
  • caries susceptibility is minimized;
  • calcium and phosphorus are better absorbed and retained by the tooth tissue;
  • enamel sensitivity is reduced.

Care after treatment

To maintain the thin film of fluoride after the procedure, allow it to saturate the enamel tissue and have time to help form strong crystalline bonds, it is necessary to:

  • for several hours after fluoridation of teeth neither eat nor drink hot and cold things;
  • do not eat hard or acidic foods on the first day.

Dental fluoridation is a time-tested effective means of keeping teeth healthy, both permanent and deciduous.

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