Hammasimplantaatio on poistetun hampaan juuren korvaaminen bioyhteensopivalla metallisauvalla, joka sulautuu elävään luukudokseen. Implantin yläosa proteesataan kruunulla tai sillalla, joka tarjoaa esteettisyyttä ja toiminnallisuutta. Jotkut kieltäytyvät leikkauksesta ja tuomitsevat itsensä epämukavuuteen ja huonoon toimintakykyyn, joita irrotettavien proteesien käyttö aiheuttaa.
Lyubov Aleksandrovna, Podolsk "Dentalroott" is the third clinic where I turned with a desire to restore my teeth. In the first in our Podolsk I was refused because of diabetes (although in a compensated stage). In the second one in Moscow they voiced a cosmic price for 4 implants, a lot of additional procedures plus bone grafting, and without it, they said - no way. Well, I didn't stop there. Dr. Voznyuk, whom I consulted at the Ruth Clinic, carefully studied my scans and anamnesis and told me that it was possible to place implants directly, without grafting - but special basal implant…Hammasimplantit - Asettamisprosessi ja käyttöikä
Hammasimplantit - tyypit ja hinnat, valmistajien vertailu
Avoin purenta
Bite disorders occur in different forms. One of them is an open bite. It is fixed quite rarely - up to 2% of patients have such an anomaly. In 12% of children under a year of age, there is an incorrect bowing, by the age of 6 years - 5.6%, and in adults the percentage is quite small - 1.8 - 2%.
What is an open biteAn open bite is an incomplete closing of the frontal row of teeth or the lateral sections. A vertical gap is formed, which causes not only an aesthetic problem, but also functional disorders. Quite often this type of pathology can be combined with another form of occlusion, and it is necessary to treat a distal open bite or mesial bite.
SignsVisual signs of an open bite:
downward shifted chin and enlarged lower part of the face; half-open mouth; the upper lip is narrow and taut at the moment of closure; palate shifted downward and backward; the nasolabial fold is smoothed.Intraoral sympto…
Mesiaalinen purenta
Mesial bite is a disorder of jaw closure, when the lower jaw protrudes more forward and overlaps the upper incisors. This brings the patient not only problems of a psychological nature, there is no proper aesthetics, possible discussions of the defect from the outside, but also affects health in general. And the treatment of mesial bite in an adult, child is long and difficult. There is work from all sides: myofunctional gymnastics, massage of the alveolar process, the use of orthodontic constructions and periodic visits to dental specialists.
What is a mesial biteA mesial (medial) bite is an occlusal anomaly where the jaws do not close together properly. The forward position of the lower tooth row to the upper tooth row is noticeable even visually.
Mesial jaw occurs in the population up to 10% of the total number (quite often the pathology is observed in the Mongoloid race). And unlike the distal bite, mesial occlusion is diagnosed less …Crossbite
Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 13499
Crossbite occurs in 2% of patients. These are children and adults. There are many variations, quite often this type of occlusion is combined with other anomalies. Improper bite can be treated, but it should be started as soon as you notice deviations from the norm. Otherwise, therapy alone may not be enough.
What is a crossbiteCrossbite is a crossbite - the upper and lower jaw closing in a horizontal plane. Violation on one side or both, in the frontal zone or lateral. Occlusion occurs in a crossed position, the tooth rows, individual elements are overlapping.
Signs of crossed occlusionOne of the visible symptoms is certainly the asymmetry of the face:
the corners of the lips are at different heights, causing the smile to be shifted (crooked); the chin line is deviated from the central axis.Visual asymmetry in crossbit…
Why teeth crumble: causes and treatment
Reading time ~ 6 min. Number of reads: 9695
Unfortunately, due to many reasons, health problems happen that simply crumble teeth. This can occur at different ages, with baby teeth in children and permanent teeth in adults. What to do? Of course, it is worth going to the doctor. Go to the dentist, and he, after examination, can refer to a narrow specialist and advise to undergo examination.
SymptomsIt is difficult to miss such a fact when a tooth is cracked. Usually it happens while eating, and you can feel a hard piece of enamel in your mouth. Sometimes there are many small pieces at once. There is a sense of panic. After all, we know from school that enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. Why does this happen, what causes teeth to crumble and crack?
It happens that it all starts with stains on the enamel - this is a symptom that not everything is in order. And you need to make a v…
Fluoridation of teeth: methods, benefits and harms
Remineralization of teeth
Stomatitis: symptoms, types and treatment methods
All of us at least once in our lives have had unpleasant sensations in the mouth. On examination, there were visible spots, so characteristic that it was immediately clear - stomatitis. Such inflammation of the mucosa, which captures the lips, tongue, gums. Although stomatitis in adults is less common than in children, the problem is widespread, .
Symptoms of stomatitisWhen stomatitis manifests itself as an independent disease, it is called primary. And secondary is a symptom of another pathology.
Manifestations of the disease depends on the type and severity, but all inflammations are characterized by signs of the following syndrome: reddening of the mucosa in one or more places: on the cheeks, under the tongue and on it, on the gums. Then the area of redness swells, darkens, covered with whitish plaque. Pain appears, which increases during eating and drinking. Quite quickly, the spot turns into an aphtha (ulcer), covered with grayish (fibrin…