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The implant is installed, all the excitement behind, the patient begins to be overcome by the question: what to eat after dental implantation and when? The last meal was before the operation, then the time for the procedure, comes out for 4 hours at least a person without food. Hunger makes itself felt. But! In this situation, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Is it possible to eat immediately after dental implantation

Immediately after surgery, you can not eat. The rule is due to several reasons:

  • Food can get into the wound (fraught with complications of the postoperative period);
  • With anesthesia still in effect, it is easy to bite the cheeks, lips, tongue. Numb tissue will not signal whether the food is hot or cold. It is impossible to assess the correct temperature of the food: you can burn yourself, get injured.

It takes time not to disturb the tissues, give them a little to calm down after undergoing surgical manipulations. You will have to be patient.

So when can I eat after tooth implantation?

  • If the implant was implanted into the bone tissue one-stage with additional bone tissue buildup, eating after implant placement is resumed in 2-3 hours;
  • In case of surgery according to the classical protocol or in one stage (e.g. basal implantation), the “hunger” period is shortened to 1-1.5 hours.
The doctor will definitely give a memo, where it is written how long it is possible to eat after dental implantation, what menu should be adhered to.

Which products can be eaten immediately, and which after a certain period of time

After the allowed time(2-4 hours) eat after dental implantation the food that does not create a load on the operated area. The basis of the menu consists of pureed, liquid dishes: puree soups, porridge, vegetable and fruit purees.

Even before the operation it is better to buy baby food, after dental implantation, it will come in handy. Jar mashed potatoes, instant porridge will save you from questions about what to prepare, save time, which is better to give to rest, rehabilitation.

After the dental implant engraftment, after a few months, you can switch to food of medium hardness, not rubbed – vegetables stewed in pieces, minced meat products. And only after the permission of the dentist at the next visit you can add to the diet the usual, familiar food.

List of recommended foods to eat after implantation

In order to ensure that the rehabilitation process is not delayed, and only positively affect the restoration of tissues, osteointegration of the titanium post, strengthen the immune system, experts have determined what you can eat after the installation of implants:

  • fermented milk products: soft cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts;
  • pureed soups, broths;
  • vegetable puree, beaten with a blender or otherwise softened;
  • omelet;
  • pureed fruits without small seeds;
  • all baby food;
  • water at room temperature will be the best drink these days, you can not sour juices without sugar, not hot not strong green or herbal tea.

nutrition after dental implants

Example of diet for a day

Eating after a tooth implantation is easier if there is a cheat sheet – a menu for the day. It should be varied and recommended in the postoperative period. Here is an approximate daily ration:

  • Breakfast 1: oatmeal porridge with slices of banana, butter. Boiled with milk or water. Green tea warm.
  • Breakfast 2: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream. Herbal tea not hot.
  • Lunch 1: vegetable soup-mashed potatoes. Meatballs with mashed potatoes. Uzvar.
  • Lunch 2: chicken broth with pureed potatoes. Mashed boiled cauliflower, broccoli, steamed meatballs. Pumpkin juice.
  • Dinner 1: steamed fish cutlet with a side dish of rice cereal. Kefir.
  • Dinner 2: chicken cutlet with shredded buckwheat porridge. Compote.
  • Snacks: any baby food, porridge, fruit puree, yogurt.

It is important not to starve during the recovery period, always have on hand what to eat after dental implantation is allowed.

How the method of implantation affects nutrition after surgery

Above we touched on the topic of how long you can eat after dental implantation. You can start eating after 1-1.5 hours in the classical and one-stage methods of implant placement. This is due to the minimally invasive way of implanting the post into the bone, without incisions, sutures, by puncture. Within 21 days, gradually increasing the load on the prosthesis, the patient goes to the usual menu. It is necessary to take into account all your sensations at each step of the transition from soft food to harder food!

Chewing load in All-on-4, All-on-6 implantation is also important. It stimulates the metabolic process in the cells, accelerates regeneration, engraftment of artificial roots.

If one or more teeth were restored, the chopped food is chewed on the opposite side from the operated side. It is not allowed to eat hard food with implants at once.

What not to eat and drink

During rehabilitation:

  • you must not eat or drink hot food – it provokes blood flow to the operated area, which is unacceptable;
  • too cold is not allowed;
  • alcohol is forbidden;
  • smoking should be postponed for several days to weeks;
  • hard food is forbidden;
  • salty, spicy, sour;
  • coffee, strong tea.

Recommendations on vitamins and foods containing them for the fastest rehabilitation

Nutrition after dental implantation should be diverse, enriched with vitamins, trace elements. Recommended:

  • calcium-containing vitamins, products: fermented milk yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • vitamin D and Omega. Supplements help the absorption of important calcium. Include in the diet dishes from fish, cod liver;
  • vegetables, fruits – a treasure trove of various vitamins, alternating, you can provide the body with valuable minerals, vitamins, strengthen immunity.

dental implant vitamins

The doctor can prescribe a vitamin complex. Do not refuse. The success of the operation in compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist-implantologist on nutrition after dental implantation, care. The main thing is done, very soon you will be able to enjoy the usual rhythm of life.

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