Child Care Center works as Dental centers at the following address Creative Tower, 127, Sheikh Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi Road in Fujairah. Phone number +971 9 2233302.
Makseviisid (kaardimaksed, sularahamaksed), teeninduskeel (inglise, hindi, araabia, urdu, tagalog)
Ortodontid, hamba täidetavad hambaproteesid ja hambaimplantaadid minu lähedal
Those who want to have their teeth treated have a filling or a dental implant in dental clinic Child Care Center located in Fujairah at the address Creative Tower, 127, Sheikh Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi Road, are most of all interested in prices and the list of services provided.
- ametlikus sotsiaalmeediagrupis;
- lähimas hambaravikliinikus;
- by phone number +971 9 2233302 ;
- on the official website Child Care Center.
Lühike teave ettevõtte kohta:
- Ettevõtte nimi:
- Hinda: (5-st)
- Võimalused arve maksmiseks:
To find out prices and make an appointment with a dentist in Child Care Center call us +971 9 2233302 . Our staff will answer all your questions and make an appointment with your doctor. Or go to the nearest dental clinic located at Creative Tower, 127, Sheikh Hamad Bin Abdullah Al Sharqi Road.
Kui te ei leia seda, mida otsite, vaadake allpool oleval lehel olevaid soovitatud organisatsioone. Kliinikud pakuvad selliseid teenuseid nagu hambaimplantaadid, ortodontid, hamba täidetavad hambaarstid, parodontoloogid ja laste- või erakorralised hambaarstid.