Denture allergy – symptoms and treatment

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 36196

Allergy is a reaction of the body's immune system to a certain substance, allergen (antigen). The first time, the immune system simply "memorizes" the antigen, with repeated interaction in some people begins inadequate, exaggerated reaction. Once the antigen enters the body, antibodies are produced: histamines and cytokines. Redness, swelling, hives, and difficulty breathing appear.

Allergies to dentures can be:

immediate; delayed.

The first is very rare, the second is more common.

Causes of allergic reactions

Allergies can be caused by both metal and plastic structures.

Alloys of nickel, chromium and cobalt are in the group of allergens and can provoke severe allergic reactions. Unfortunately, these alloys are part of many orthopedic constructions. Another group of allergens is represented by protein monomer, which i…
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Lack of teeth

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 3556

A missing tooth is a phenomenon that scares people not only in scary dreams, but unfortunately also in reality. The reasons for the lack of teeth in the row are different. In most cases, they are consequences of neglected diseases or trauma to the jaw area. Modern dentistry involves various methods of restoring the tooth row, which differ in efficiency, cost, quality and durability of the result.

How to restore a missing tooth?

You can restore a missing tooth by means of prosthetics - removable or fixed, as well as implantation.

In case of missing teeth, removable prosthesis is used if there are contraindications to fixed prosthetics or as a temporary one, when teeth are extracted for the time of healing of the wells before implantation. End defects are also an option for patients who lack a large number of teeth and the condition of the existing teeth…

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How the crown is made and fitted

Many patients are faced with the need to restore their teeth with prosthetics. And, of course, they are interested in how a crown is placed on a tooth, what material it is made of, which one is better, what are the stages of crown fabrication and whether it hurts. Above all, understanding the process adds to the patient's confidence before the unknown. Although, one thing he and the doctor know for sure - after the crown is placed on the tooth, aesthetics and functionality returns. And hence self-confidence.

Dentistry characterizes such a term as "crown" as follows - it is a prosthesis, put on a tooth or implant, can be part of a bridge or other prosthesis. In this case, crowns are attached to the base, the arch of the structure, imitating the missing elements.

They are made of various materials that have proven themselves in dental practice.

In what cases is it necessary to use this type of prosthetics?

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Pain after veneers are placed

Reading time ~ 4 min Number of readings: 19266

Veneers are thin plates (microprostheses) made of ceramic, composite, zirconium dioxide, which are attached to the front surface of the teeth. Installing a veneer involves treatment of the dental surface. They call it anatomical contouring of the enamel. In fact, the procedure is a grinding of the upper layer of enamel to the thickness of the dental onlay (0.2-0.5 mm). This is necessary for the microprosthesis to firmly cover the tooth, not protrude forward in relation to neighboring units.

Mild pain after the installation of veneers - a normal reaction to the intervention. There may be sensitivity to hot, cold, soreness when biting. Such sensations pass on their own within a few days. Mild discomfort is normal, pathology is indicated by the appearance of sharp, throbbing pain.

Possible causes of complications

If the teeth hurt after the veneer…

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What should you do if you have a toothache during pregnancy?

Toothache during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. During this period there are changes in the hormonal background of metabolism, the woman's body becomes very vulnerable. Often pregnancy serves as a catalyst for oral problems. Teeth begin to react to cold and hot. There are painful sensations during hygienic cleaning, gums can bleed. The acidity of saliva increases, the tooth row is subjected to increased bacterial load.

There are more than enough prerequisites for toothache. Even with regular oral care and visits to the dentist, almost half of women during pregnancy face caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory dental pathologies. If the tooth hurts during pregnancy, you need to go to the dentist immediately.

Toothache should not be tolerated, especially during the period of carrying a child. Painful attacks negatively affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system, can provoke involuntary uterine contractions …

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How to get used to removable dentures quickly?

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 18022

At first, after the procedure of removable prosthetics, the patient may be constantly interfered with something, causing painful sensations and other inconveniences:

Unaccustomedness. For an unprepared person, the presence of a foreign body in the mouth brings a feeling of discomfort. Excessive salivation. The brain mistakes the object in the mouth for food that needs to be moistened for better digestion. A feeling of discomfort when chewing food. The distribution of the load is slightly different from the habitual jaw. Violation of diction. The device becomes in the way of the tongue and prevents it from moving. Loss of taste. The device can close the receptors, changing the saturation of flavor. Discomfort. How long does it take to get used to dentures?

It is difficult to talk about a certain time of habituation. This…

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How to quickly get used to removable dentures

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 123356

The prosthetics are complete. Behind are left casts, fitting. It's just a matter of getting used to your new jaw. It turns out that this is not so easy. Any removable construction is perceived by the body as a foreign body. It takes time for the body to start accepting the removable jaw as its own. How do I get used to removable dentures?

The dentist necessarily warns the patient about the reaction to the denture:

increased salivation; nausea; urges to vomit; tension of the cheeks and lips; impaired diction; difficulty chewing.

All attention is focused on the foreign body in the mouth. It is difficult to fight the urge to remove the denture.

In some cases, there are atypical reactions to dentures. You should see a doctor immediately if:

there is redness and swelling where the dentures come into contact with the …
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Does a tooth need to be depulped before dentures?

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 40034

Tooth restoration is a multi-step process. First, a diagnosis is made. Then carry out a system of preparatory measures: treat tooth decay, remove plaque. Part of this process is depulping the tooth before prosthetics.

Depulping is the removal of the pulp, the tooth tissue that is permeated with nerve endings and blood vessels. The blood vessels supply blood, nutrients, and nutrients to the tooth. Nerve endings signal pathological processes, helping to save the tooth by treating it in time. In addition, the pulp is involved in the formation of dentin, the supporting tissue of the tooth.

When depulpation is performed before prosthetics

Not so long ago, nerve removal was a routine process prior to the placement of fixed structures. Recently, the views of dentists have changed. The fact is that a tooth without a pulp is considered "dead". There i…

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How to properly store removable dentures?

There are many ways to restore teeth, including removable dentures. They help restore the beauty of the smile, restore chewing function, and improve self-esteem. To keep the restorations looking attractive and lasting for several years, they need to be cared for. Cleaning and disinfecting dentures is an important part of the care routine.

After installation, the dentist will definitely give recommendations on how to use the dentures. He will warn that in the first days the restoration will interfere. It is necessary to psychologically adjust and survive this time. After a few days, it will become easier. Usually, the first day is the most difficult. Then will be followed by a difficult 5-7 days of habituation, but they are not so tense. During this period, orthopedists advise to keep the prosthesis on overnight and to take it out of the mouth only for cleaning.

During these days, the patient is practicing the skill of removing and putting on …

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Methods of denture retention

October 21, 2021 Reading time ~ 7 min Number of reads: 44455

Dentures restore the dentition and its function when several or all teeth are lost. Getting back the ability to chew, smile and speak normally without fear makes a difference in patients' lives. However, the success of prosthetics depends largely on how dentures are attached and how strong that attachment is.

Each type of prosthetic restoration has its own method of anchorage, or even several.

The prosthodontist's job is to provide not only fixation of the dentures (keeping it in the mouth at rest), but also stabilization (holding it in place while the jaws are working).

Methods of denture retention in the complete absence of teeth

The retention of the removable denture plate in the mouth at rest is due to a combination of several factors:

Adhesion (sticking, adhesion). In the presence of a moist layer, 2 touching ob…
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