Gingival hyperplasia: what to do if the gum has grown?

Gum hyperplasia is a condition in which tissues begin to overgrow. They overhang over the teeth, forming false pockets, cover most of them, preventing hygiene procedures. In the literature there are several terms describing this condition: gingival overgrowth, hypertrophy or hypertrophic gingivitis.

The main danger of tissue overgrowth is that it promotes the multiplication of bacteria, provoking serious diseases such as periodontitis.

Causes of gingival hypertrophy

The main cause of tissue hypertrophy in the mouth is poor hygiene. Food residues, decay products settle on the enamel of the teeth. They accumulate, causing inflammation of the mucosa, one of the manifestations of which is hyperplasia.

Other causes include:

Taking certain medications

A side effect of some anticonvulsant drugs and immunosuppressants, certain cardiac drugs is gingival overgrowth. However, you should not interrupt their intake or reduce t…

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Inflammation of the tooth root: symptoms and treatment

Reading time ~ 5 min Number of readings: 27045

Your tooth is aching, reacting to chemical (sour, sweet) and temperature (hot, cold) stimuli. In addition, it feels as if it has grown and is obstructing the mouth. These are classic symptoms of tooth root inflammation. In dentistry, it is called periodontitis.


The disease is provoked:

Everything starts with a small carious spot. It is difficult to see it, the disease progresses, affects more and more tissues, reaches those that are located deep. The infection affects the root and periodontitis develops.

With a strong blow, periodontitis develops rapidly. If the tooth is traumatized regularly, as a result of improperly placed fillings or inadequate prosthetics, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time.

Pain in the root of the tooth can not be ignored, otherwise the inflammation will acquire a chronic c…

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Fijación de coronas: métodos y materiales de fijación

¿Qué importancia tiene la retención de las coronas dentales y qué tipos de retención se utilizan?

En la odontología moderna, la conservación de los dientes naturales se considera la tarea más importante. Para ello, se utilizan diversos métodos de tratamiento terapéutico e incluso quirúrgico. La colocación de coronas artificiales puede ser un método independiente, por ejemplo, si hay abrasión patológica del esmalte o parte del tratamiento. Esto ocurre durante la intervención endodóntica. Se extrae la pulpa (nervio) del diente, éste se vuelve quebradizo y se utiliza una corona para protegerlo de la caries.


Indicaciones de restauración:

Destrucción significativa de la parte de la corona; colocación de puentes; borrado patológico del esmalte; depulpación; traumatismos.

Las coronas son de metal, cerámica y metal-cerámica. Las coronas de porcelana y plástico prácticamente no se utilizan debido a su fragilidad. Los materiales modernos se caracterizan por su especial solidez y resistencia al desgaste. T...

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Implantes dentales alemanes: tipos y características

A los pacientes rusos les gustan los implantes alemanes por su larga vida útil. Muchos de ellos tienen garantía de por vida. La calidad de los productos está confirmada por certificados de la Unión Europea y el sistema de calidad ISO 13485 para productos médicos.

Los implantólogos los aprecian porque el sistema puede adaptarse a cualquier caso clínico. Además, todos los protocolos de implantación están cuidadosamente diseñados para minimizar las complicaciones.

Entre los países productores de implantes, Alemania ocupa uno de los primeros puestos, principalmente porque los fabricantes se apoyan en una sólida base científica. Los científicos desarrollan nuevos tipos de superficies, roscas y formas de implantes para aumentar el nivel de injerto y acelerar la osteointegración. Revistas médicas de prestigio publican periódicamente datos de investigación que confirman un alto porcentaje de éxito del injerto.

Existen varios tipos de implantes alemanes en el mercado dental ruso.



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Implantes dentales rusos

Los implantes dentales empezaron a fabricarse en Rusia a mediados de los años noventa. Esto permitió a los ingenieros e implantólogos utilizar la experiencia extranjera y los datos de la investigación científica en sus desarrollos. Los implantes dentales rusos cumplen los requisitos modernos en cuanto a las propiedades físicas de los productos: en su producción se utiliza titanio médico de alta pureza, y la superficie se procesa mediante chorro de arena. Por desgracia, en el campo de la tecnología y la metodología, los productos nacionales son inferiores a los extranjeros.


Los implantes Conmet aparecieron en el mercado en 1996, fueron los primeros implantes producidos en Rusia.

La empresa Conmet suministra los siguientes tipos de implantes:

Cilíndricos. Diámetros de 3,5 a 5,5 mm y longitudes de 8 a 16 mm. Cónicas. Su diámetro es de 3,4 a 4,5 mm con la misma longitud que los cilíndricos. Clásicas. Tienen un diámetro de 4,0 a 4,8 mm y una longitud de 8 a 12 mm. Mini. Tienen un diámetro de 1,8 a 2,0 mm y una longitud de 8 a 12 ...
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White spots on the teeth

A snow-white smile is the dream of many people, but there are times when the whiteness of teeth is not pleasing, but upsetting. This happens when white spots appear on the teeth. The appearance of chalky spots indicates a deficiency of minerals in the surface layer of the tooth (demineralization). Tooth enamel does not regenerate like nails or hair, so its loss can have serious consequences. Gradually, the tooth surface loses its matte shine in the area of the stain and becomes rough. This leads to the rapid growth of colonies of bacteria, which soften the enamel and provoke inflammatory diseases.

Causes of white spots on teeth

Mottled enamel is characteristic of milk and permanent teeth, occurs in children and adults. Provoke demineralization can environmental conditions, improper nutrition and poor oral hygiene. White spots appear at:

Hypoplasia of teeth - inhomogeneous thinning of enamel, as a result of improper formation of hard tissues.


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Dental injuries – types and treatment methods

Tooth trauma is a violation of its integrity, damage to surrounding tissues, and change of position in the jaw. They occur most often in children. Moving games, sports, chewing on hard objects - any activity can cause damage to the teeth. Injuries are usually divided into acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur when there is a sudden strong impact on the teeth as a result of a blow during sports, a fall, or an accident. They are often combined with jaw injuries.

Chewing on hard objects, bad habits, complications of non-carious tissue lesions, medical errors are the cause of chronic injuries.

Types of trauma

Traumatic injuries to the teeth are distinguished by the place of receipt. They are domestic (home), road (automobile), sports.

In dentistry, different classifications of injuries are used - according to Ellis, according to WHO, according to Groszykov. In pediatric dentistry, the ICD-C system is most often used, in adult dentistry…

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Why do teeth turn yellow? Causes and treatment methods

In our culture, the standard of beauty is a snow-white smile. In fact, healthy, strong teeth are yellowish. The minerals in the hard tissues give them not only their strength, but also their yellowish hue. If pigmentation gets out of control, instead of a healthy shade of enamel, we get completely unattractive yellow teeth. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a psychological one. A person with yellow stains on the teeth is embarrassed to smile, prefers not to enter into conversations, becomes withdrawn. Dentists pay a lot of attention to the problem, developing new and new methods of brightening the enamel.

Why teeth turn yellow

It all starts with a small plaque. After eating and drinking, a thin film - pellicle - settles on the enamel. Bacteria begin to multiply on its surface, forming plaque. No brush can remove it completely. A dental plaque is formed, prone to staining under the influence of pigments, drugs, resins.

Alas, plaq…

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Implantes Xive: tipos y características de implantación

Una fuerte fijación, un alto índice de injertos y una baja probabilidad de complicaciones son los factores que han hecho de los implantes Xive uno de los sistemas más populares del mundo. La marca está fabricada por Dentsply Sirona, un grupo internacional de fabricantes líderes de productos dentales. Dentsply Sirona invierte parte de sus beneficios en investigación científica, todos los desarrollos son confirmados por estudios y publicaciones científicas. La producción de implantes Xive en Alemania está bajo el control de la Comisión Europea, todos los productos están sujetos a la certificación europea.

Características del sistema Xive La forma cilíndrica del poste y una rosca especial patentada proporcionan una gran estabilidad primaria (mecánica); la superficie Friadent plus favorece una elevada adhesión de las células óseas, aumentando la estabilidad secundaria (biológica) el hombro prolongado del implante facilita el tratamiento protésico al cerrar el espacio entre el hueso y el poste; adecuado para prótesis de dos fases, de una fase y transg...
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Eating with braces: what can and cannot be eaten?

Braces are the most effective way to correct your bite. Treatment with braces is not only the doctor's work, but also the patient's own efforts. It is necessary to keep an eye on the structure, hygienic procedures should be performed regularly and carefully, and also to follow certain dietary rules. But do not think that semolina is all you can eat with braces. Strict restrictions are necessary only in the first days. Then the list of allowed products is expanded, although some prohibitions remain.

The right diet will help to protect the structure from breakage and maintain oral health.

What to eat with braces on the teeth?

As we have already said, much depends on the timing. In the first days after installation and every time the doctor tightens the arch, you will have to eat only pureed food: cream soups, yogurt, cottage cheese, jellies and mousses. Such a diet reduces the load and facilitates adaptation.

The first meal is…

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