Implantation is a surgery to place dental implants. They are made of a biocompatible titanium alloy and replace the root of an extracted tooth, designed to support a crown. During the procedure, the doctor implants the implant into the jawbone through an incision, puncture or into a fresh hole. The operation is performed under anesthesia, which eliminates painful sensations. The timing and order of dental implants depends on the treatment protocol. It is selected by the attending physician based on the complexity of the clinical case, the condition of the oral cavity, age and health of the patient.

Dental Implants - Placement Process and Lifespan

What is a dental implant

A dental implant is a construction made of biocompatible material that mimics the root of a living tooth. Once embedded in the bone tissue, it holds a crown, bridge, or removable denture. Unlike traditional prosthetics, the installation of implants restores the physiological load on the jaw, prevents bone atrophy. According to the structure and design distinguish:

  • Classic (two-piece) – collapsible. Suitable for protocols with delayed loading. They consist of two separate elements: the intraosseous part and the abutment. The abutment is placed after implant engraftment and the prosthesis is fixed on it.
  • Single-unit (monoblock) – non-disassembled, longer. They are used for protocols with immediate loading. The implant and abutment form a single structure. After implantation, the abutment remains above the level of the gingiva. The prosthesis is fixed on the 2-3 day after surgery.
  • Mini-implants – reduced in size (compared to standard models). Products are not designed for loads and are intended for the attachment of removable prostheses.

There are also differences in the composition of the material and coating, the type of thread.

Indications for the installation of implants

  • Removal of one or more teeth in the smile line or lateral areas
  • End defects in the absence of the outermost teeth in the row.
  • All teeth have been extracted – complete adentia
  • Intolerance to removable dentures due to gag reflex, allergy to acrylic.


  • Early childhood and adolescence
  • Blood diseases, in which coagulation is impaired
  • Diabetes mellitus in severe uncontrolled form
  • Advanced tuberculosis
  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Serious endocrine disorders
  • Oncologic processes in the stage of exacerbation
  • Intolerance to anesthesia drugs
  • Serious CNS disorders
  • Chronic alcoholism, drug addiction
  • Patient does not fulfill the recommendations for care

Temporary contraindications to surgical intervention are unsatisfactory condition of gums and enamel, pregnancy, period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and flu.

Thanks to the development of technology, dental implants have become available to patients with hepatitis and diabetes, people with reduced immunity. Using minimally traumatic techniques, the procedure is allowed for elderly patients.

Stages and terms of installation


At the first consultation, the doctor collects anamnesis and examines the oral cavity. The treatment scheme is selected, the possibility or inadmissibility of surgery. It is obligatory to examine the patient with narrow specialists in systemic diseases. Assignment of tests, X-ray diagnostics to assess the state of the jawbone.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is necessary when detecting foci of caries, periodontal disease, to eliminate pigmented plaque and tartar. In the classical two-stage technique, bone augmentation is indicated. Osteoplasty is also indicated when a dental implant is placed in a fresh hole using a one-stage protocol to improve primary stabilization.


Placement techniques are used that differ in their degree of traumatization:

  • Theflap method is used in the classic two-stage protocol. To access the jawbone, the doctor makes an incision on the gum with a flap detachment, forms a bed for the introduction of the titanium root. After installation, a plug is placed on it and stitches are placed on the wound. After 10 days they are removed. The metal structure is completely hidden under the gum.
  • Mini-invasive is used in express methods. Titanium monoimplant is implanted through a circular microincision or puncture. The abutment protrudes above the gingiva and is loaded with a temporary prosthesis.
  • Placement in the cavity after tooth extraction is performed with immediate implantation. The procedure combines surgical tooth extraction with implantation.
  • Thelaser method is the most minimally traumatic and painless. It is called bloodless: the blood under the influence of the laser beam is immediately clotted.

Installation of a gum shaper

It is performed during the installation of classical implants. The design is a titanium screw with a small thread pitch and a head on the upper part. The gum shaper is made separately for each tooth. The product is screwed into the artificial root after its ingrowth into the bone, i.e. 4-6 months after surgery. Installation of the structure forms the contour of the gum before fixing the crown to fix the prosthesis. On compliance with the technology depends on the tightness of the fit of the prosthesis to the soft tissues. In the gap will get food, which leads to inflammation.

The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. The doctor cuts the soft tissues above the implant, removes the plug. The structure is screwed in with a ratchet and sutures the wound around the shaper.

How the abutment is inserted

The abutment is inserted into the titanium support in place of the gum shaper two to three weeks after the procedure. The abutment is necessary for a secure attachment and a tight fit of the denture. There are several types of structures: standard, individual, temporary. In monoblock implants, the abutment is connected to the root part, so this stage is absent when using implantation of teeth with immediate loading. With the use of single-unit implants, the number of procedures and visits to the doctor is reduced and the treatment time is shortened.

Placement of a crown or denture

Loading of the artificial root with a denture can be immediate or delayed.

In a one-stage protocol, prosthetics are placed on the 2nd or 3rd day after the titanium root is implanted. If 3 or more teeth are missing, an adaptation prosthesis is placed, which includes an acrylic gum with a titanium arch and crowns made of medical plastic. It masks the defect, connects the installed implants into one structure, restores the masticatory functions of the jaw system. When replacing single defects, a temporary crown is placed, which is taken out of the bite. This will reduce the load, prevent loosening of the metal root. After osseointegration, adaptive prostheses are replaced with permanent ones.

In a two-stage protocol, permanent prosthetics are made 4-6 months after the introduction of the artificial root, when it has grown into the jaw. To mask the defect, the patient is shown to wear a removable prosthetic structure.

For the crowns of permanent prostheses, metal-ceramics, metal-free ceramics or zirconium dioxide are used.

How long does the whole process take

The timing of dental implantation will be known after examination and diagnosis. The doctor will assess the complexity of the clinical case and develop a treatment plan. The duration depends on the following factors:

  • Health indicators. In case of systemic diseases, additional examination by specialized specialists is required.
  • Oral cavity condition. Caries, gum disease, insufficient hygiene prevent surgical intervention. Therapeutic procedures increase the duration of the preparatory stage.
  • Temporary contraindications. The procedure has to be postponed until the end of pregnancy and lactation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, undergoing a course of treatment with anticoagulants and some other drugs.
  • Protocol of the operation. The classical technology is the most time-consuming. The process of dental implant placement from the first consultation to prosthetics takes up to one and a half years. The technique involves osteoplasty to fill in the missing bone volume. It is recommended to install the titanium root after a few months, when the bone substitute material has healed. Prosthetics with a permanent crown is carried out after osseointegration. One-stage implantation takes up to a week with preparation and diagnostics in a satisfactory state of health and oral cavity.
  • Complications. ROOTT implant systems have a very high survival rate. Complications after surgery are rare if postoperative recommendations are not followed. In case of rejection, the procedure of implantation of the artificial root will have to be repeated. This will increase the duration of treatment.

Is it painful to install implants

Surgical intervention is carried out under anesthesia, the usual “freezing” is used – injectable drugs for local anesthesia. The patient does not feel pain, when screwing the titanium root into the jaw, there is a feeling of vibration or pressure in the impact zone.

Anesthesia is required for caries treatment during preparation for surgery, bone grafting. Anesthesia is used during implant insertion into the jaw, installation of gum shaper and abutment (in two-stage technique).

If the purpose of the operation is to restore the entire tooth row, pain sensations after the end of anesthesia are quite strong. After the procedure, the patient is offered to spend a few hours in the clinic, in the rest room under the supervision of the doctor.

Some clinics use general anesthesia when installing implants. They explain this need for extensive surgical interventions, in which it is necessary to install 10 or more implants.

We do not recommend and do not perform general anesthesia, because it is important for the implantologist to monitor the patient’s condition and reactions during the operation. In addition, panic attacks, tachycardia even in the distant future are possible with the use of narcotic drugs. We use local anesthesia, select drugs and doses individually for each patient.


Often people easily tolerate surgical intervention. The very next day they go to work and return to their normal activities.

After dental implant placement, the rehabilitation period comes. It depends on the treatment protocol and ranges from a few days to two weeks.

Swelling, pain, slight blood discharge immediately after the procedure is considered normal. To eliminate them, cold compresses on the cheek are indicated, anesthetics are administered. On the 2-3 day after the installation of a tooth implant, bruises appear on the face – a consequence of traumatization of blood vessels, this is a variant of the norm. To restore the tissues, use gels for resorption of bruises.

After denture placement, discomfort may occur when eating and talking. The adaptation period lasts 3-4 days. If there are difficulties with diction, train the articulation of sounds with the help of cursive phrases, reading aloud. During training, keep a few sugar-free candies in your mouth, clearly pronounce each word.

Referral to a doctor after surgery is required if:

  • bleeding from the gum continues or increases after 2-3 hours;
  • on the third day after surgery, the pain has not disappeared or increased;
  • numbness does not go away, spreads all over the face;
  • severe swelling appeared on day 2-3;
  • fever spiked, hyperthermia persists for 3-4 days after root implantation;
  • sharp pain occurs when pressing on the implant area after a week;
  • sutures have diverged;
  • after fixing the temporary crown, the teeth do not close, it is difficult to chew;
  • there is mobility of the prosthesis.

Recommendations after surgery

In the postoperative period, the patient should follow the doctor’s recommendations:

  1. For three hours after the procedure, food should not be consumed. Then it is recommended warm soup or yogurt, soft cottage cheese, mashed potatoes from cooked vegetables.
  2. For the first three days, too cold or hot food is recommended. The diet should be expanded gradually. Solid foods create a load when chewing, they should be temporarily excluded.
  3. While eating, try to minimize the mechanical impact on the wound area, give up the habit of chewing on a pencil.
  4. Replace coffee and black tea with herbal or fruit compote.
  5. Avoid smoking, alcohol, heavy physical exertion.
  6. In the diet should provide enough fluids and foods rich in calcium, vitamins P and C.
  7. To reduce swelling, use cold compresses on the cheek or ice, wrapping it with a towel.
  8. Eliminate unpleasant sensations will help to eliminate painkillers prescribed by the doctor.

What you need to do to prevent rejection:

To prevent peri-implantitis, properly care for the oral cavity, take antibiotics for seven days. Do not touch the area of the sutures with your hands or tongue! In the period up to 3-4 days after the procedure, it is necessary to make mouth baths with antiseptic solution. When the swelling decreases, it is recommended to rinse your mouth gently. Brush your teeth not earlier than the fifth day after surgery. Use a paste to prevent inflammation of the gums. Please note: it is better to use a new brush with soft bristles!

During the rehabilitation period, refuse from sports training, sauna visits, overheating and hypothermia, air travel. If the procedure was carried out using a sinus elevator, coughing and sneezing should be done with caution. You should not puff up your cheeks much, open your mouth wide.

Is implantation dangerous

If the treatment protocol is followed, the procedure is safe. In terms of risk, it is compared to the removal of a wisdom tooth. Sometimes complications arise after surgical intervention. If you contact the clinic, they will be eliminated. An experienced surgeon will offer a suitable implant system, take the necessary measures to prevent postoperative complications.

Price of implant placement

Patients of ROOTT Clinic are offered a turnkey payment system for each service. Each package includes all necessary manipulations, materials. The cost of implant placement includes:

  • implant system;
  • surgical procedure;
  • adaptation prosthetics for one-stage protocols;
  • preventive examinations during the period of osseointegration.

Bone grafting, sinus elevator, and permanent prosthetics after implant grafting are charged separately. You can read more about pricing here.

Staged payment, registration of a loan for dental treatment is possible.

Service life and guarantees of the clinic

The life of the implant depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the patient’s behavior. If the implantologist’s recommendations are followed and the implant is used correctly, the implant will last a lifetime, dentures – up to 20 years.

The implants of the ROOTT system are provided with a lifetime warranty. The conditions are valid only if the patient follows the rules of oral care. If the implant is rejected before the permanent denture is installed, the titanium root is reinserted free of charge.

Mandatory monthly check-ups are obligatory for 12 months after the surgical intervention. The results are stored in the patient’s service book. If the client ignores these requirements, there are no warranty periods.

Be sure to take time for professional oral hygiene. It is indicated at least once a year. When implanting a full jaw in the clinic, the procedure is free of charge.

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