Diet after teeth whitening

Reading time ~ 7 min Number of readings: 77740

Who among us does not dream of a snow-white smile. Dentists have made such a dream available to almost everyone. Getting a shining white smile is easy, but how to keep it?

One of the conditions is the diet after teeth whitening.

What is a "white diet"

Regardless of the type of whitening applied, in order to consolidate the effect, it is important to avoid certain products, primarily coloring. Therefore, the diet after such manipulation is called "white" or "transparent". Applying such a diet, you do not have to starve. Just some products are temporarily excluded.

Why do you need restrictions

After the procedure, the enamel of the teeth:

Becomes more sensitive. With time, hypersensitivity passes, but in the first 48 hours, the reaction of substances contained in food can be strongly pronounced. Even gentle manipulation increases…
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Tooth inflammation: causes and treatment

Modern people have a fast pace of life, with lots of things to do, meetings and commitments. Therefore, most of us tend to ignore small symptoms such as a aching tooth, soreness when biting or redness of the gum. The result: tooth inflammation, pain, discomfort, postponed appointments and rescheduled plans. Symptoms of tooth inflammation Inflammation is the body's response to an attack by bacteria. Tissues begin to produce immune cells, signaling to the hematopoietic organs that more white blood cells are needed. As a result, the blood vessels dilate, the place where the germs have penetrated, swelling and redness. Nerve endings connect the pain syndrome so that we react as quickly as possible. Main signs In each case, it can manifest itself differently. Sometimes, it is a pain when biting, sometimes - continuous. It can intensify at night and subside during meals. It can go to the temple, ear, even the nose. It can be aching or sharp. It may or may not be visible. This is…
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Tooth pain after whitening

Who among us does not dream of a dazzling smile? And now the dream has come true, teeth shining white, however, the joy overshadows one "but". The teeth hurt a lot after whitening. You don't want to smile, you can't eat properly and it seems that it will always be like this. The fact is that the sensitivity of teeth after whitening significantly increases. Why? In order to get rid of pigment stains and organic substances that stain the teeth, a chemical reaction is used. When exposed to light or a chemical agent, oxygen is released from the gel that coats the teeth. An oxidation reaction occurs. The pigments disappear, but the enamel becomes porous for a while. External stimuli, for which it served as a barrier, can now penetrate through it into the dentin. Teeth begin to react to: temperature stimuli (cold, hot); chemical reagents (sweet, sour, salty); tactile stimuli (brush, food, even the tongue). What to do if your teeth hurt after whitening First of all, do n…
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All-on-3 implantation (Trefoil)

Reading time ~ 6 min Number of readings: 2185

Nobel Biocare was the first company to offer many methods to restore teeth. Among them: zygomatic implants, implants with immediate loading, All-on-4 protocol. One of the company's latest developments is the All-on-3 or Trefoil method. The method was patented in 2015, but began to be widely used in 2017. Scientific studies with the results of grafting in the long term are impossible to conduct due to the novelty of the technique.

Differences of the Trefoil protocol from other methods The design is placed on three implants. 3 titanium posts are inserted into the lower jaw, strictly vertically, at the same level. The titanium arch (beam) is an innovative invention. 5 joints allow for a stress-free fit (passive fit), which compensates for vertical, horizontal and angular deviations of the implants. The arch is manufactured in advance, without taking into account t…
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Implantation at the same time as a sinus elevator

Implantation is the replacement of a lost tooth with an artificial tooth. In order for the implant to function like a natural tooth, it must be securely anchored. Unfortunately, once we lose a tooth, the bone tissue begins to decline. Over time, the atrophy becomes so pronounced that there is simply nowhere to insert the metal post, there is not enough room for it.

In the upper jaw, bone loss is accompanied by the lowering of the maxillary sinus membrane. As a result, there is not enough bone volume, and there is a risk of the membrane rupturing during surgery.

Dentists have developed a method of bone grafting, which raises the wall of the maxillary sinus. They called it sinus lifting, from the words "sinus" (maxillary sinus) and "lift".

What is a sinus elevator for implantation?

The main task of sinus lifting is to ensure sufficient bone volume for implant placement.

The essence of the method is that when the sin…

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Recommendations after implant placement

An implant is a metal screw that is screwed into the bone to replace a lost tooth. In order for it to be able to perform all the functions of the natural root, the implant must take root and grow bone tissue. This ensures its stability in the gum. The period of engraftment varies from patient to patient and takes 3-5 months on average. To ensure that the post is fixed in the gum and does not wobble under load, dentists ask to follow a number of recommendations. This minimizes the risks of complications and rejection, accelerates healing and improves quality of life.

Implantation is a surgical intervention. After any surgery, you need time to recover. Especially important are the first days after dental implants, when the mucosa is vulnerable to infection and the implant has not yet stabilized sufficiently.

What you can and should do in the first few days after implant surgery

Immediately after surgery, most patients feel some weakness. This is…

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Possible complications after dental implants

Implantation is a method of restoring teeth by screwing a titanium post in place of a missing root. Dental implantation is the only procedure to date that restores the functionality and aesthetics of teeth to their full potential.

However, it is worth bearing in mind that implantation is a surgical intervention and, like any operation, has its consequences. Sometimes they are insignificant and pass on their own. In some cases, the problem must be solved by the doctor.

Complications after dental implantation are conditionally divided into 3 types:

Operative Postoperative early Postoperative late What can happen during surgery

No matter how expensive and high-quality implants are, complications during surgery depend on the qualifications of the implantologist. This is why choosing a doctor is so important. Experienced doctors practically never have misfires in the form of:

Bleeding due to vessel damage

Bleeding can b…

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Swelling after dental implants

Deciding to get implants is not an easy step for many people. The patient is lost, afraid of the possible consequences of the procedure. One of the frequent questions that our doctors are asked after the surgery is how to relieve swelling after tooth implantation? In general, swelling of the gum after implantation is a normal physiological reaction to the surgical intervention, an experienced surgeon warns about it at the initial stage of treatment planning. Why swelling occurs If the gum swells after implant placement, you should not start to worry. Swelling is normal. In itself, it represents the influx of lymphatic fluid to the traumatized tissues. Accumulating in a certain area, lymph becomes the cause of visible swelling, swelling. This is necessary for cell regeneration, cell repair and is a natural defense of the body. Facial swelling after tooth implantation Swelling of the gum occurs after implantation, tooth extraction, sinus elevator. The result of any surgica…
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Broken tooth – what to do? Methods of restoration and repair

A tooth has chipped off. This happens as a result of a blow from a fall, an accident, an occupation of a sort. But this list of reasons why a part of the tooth broke off is not limited to this. The list includes:

Harmful habits

Those who like to chew on seeds, nuts, breadcrumbs and their nails have a higher risk of damage.

Improper placement of the post inside the canal

The tooth is restored with a post only if no more than 40% of the crown part is damaged. In case of severe damage, inlays are used. But not always the dentist wants to bother with the manufacture of microprostheses. He inserts a post, fixing it with filling material. Such a construction does not withstand chewing and does not last long. The tooth wall breaks off.

Injury caused by improper occlusion

Occlusion is the position (contact) of the teeth when they come together. An improper bite (congenital or formed by an incorrect denture) leads to too much s…

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Zahnverlust: Ursachen, Behandlung

We find the toothless smiles of small children adorable. This is not the case with adults. Missing teeth not only spoil the smile, they greatly reduce the quality of life. The loss of teeth changes diction, leads to a distorted facial oval. Food is not fully chewed, GI problems and jaw joint defects develop. Loss of teeth can lead to social isolation, depression, neurological disorders. Why do teeth fall out? The causes vary, from trauma to inflammatory oral diseases. 6 Reasons Why Teeth Fall Out in Adults 1. Periodontitis (or periodontal disease) Our teeth are more than just a root in the gum and a crown on top. The tooth is surrounded by supporting ligaments, tissues, and cementum. Healthy tissues hold the tooth securely in the alveolus. It performs all of its functions to the fullest. Poor oral hygiene contributes to the accumulation of bacterial plaque. From there, germs penetrate the gums and cause inflammation. Periodontitis (periodontal disease) develops. In this c…
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