Infinity Health Care works as Dermatologist / venereologist services, Dental centers, Plastic surgery, Gynaecologist services, Pediatric services at the following address in Al Ain. Phone number +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030.
Betalingsmetoder (kortbetaling, kontantbetaling), servicesprog (engelsk, arabisk, tagalog)
Tandlæger, tandfyldninger og tandimplantater i nærheden af mig
Those who want to have their teeth treated have a filling or a dental implant in medical center Infinity Health Care located in Al Ain at the address , are most of all interested in prices and the list of services provided.
- på den officielle gruppe på de sociale medier;
- på den nærmeste tandklinik;
- by phone number +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030 ;
- on the official website Infinity Health Care.
Kort information om virksomheden:
- Virksomhedens navn:
- Tak: (af 5)
- Måder at betale regningen på:
To find out prices and make an appointment with a dentist in Infinity Health Care call us +971 3 7618824, +971 508681030 . Our staff will answer all your questions and make an appointment with your doctor. Or go to the nearest dental clinic located at .
Hvis du ikke finder det, du leder efter, kan du tjekke de anbefalede organisationer på siden nedenfor. Klinikkerne tilbyder tjenester som tandimplantater, tandregulering, tandfyldning, paradentosebehandling og børnetandpleje eller akuttandpleje.