Piezosurgery machine

Reading time ~ 2 min Number of readings: 2668

Piezotome is a progressive equipment for surgery with ultrasound. The principle of its operation is based on local destructive effect on bone tissue ultrasound radiation.

How the piezotome works

Ultrasonic device structurally consists of a "scalpel" with nozzles and a regulating unit, which sets the necessary frequency of oscillations to achieve the desired effect. The frequency range of the equipment is wide - 10-29000 Hz, with an amplitude of vibrations in the range of 60-200 microns. The power and frequency are selected by the dentist depending on the surgical objectives. This contributes to effective work with bone tissues of different structure and density.

Author of the article: Omerelli Emir Romanovich

Work experience: 13 years

Specialization: maxillofacial surgeon-implantologist and candidate of medical sciences.

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Artificial gum – what is it and does it need to be done?

Reading time ~ 4 min Number of readings: 19642

Restoration of dentition solves not only functional problems, replacing lost teeth with artificial ones. Prosthodontists attach equal importance to the aesthetic component of prosthetics. Functionality and aesthetics are combined by the use of artificial gum.

Most often such a design is used in the manufacture of removable prostheses. Crowns are fixed in the base, creating a complete imitation of the gum and teeth in it. The material for such products are polymers: acrylic, nylon, AcryFree. The latter two are hypoallergenic, but acrylic can cause an allergic reaction. The teeth on the artificial gum transfer part of the load to the base, but this distribution is uneven. Adequate distribution is possible only with prosthetics on implants.

Artificial gum on implants

Gum problems can be expressed in different ways during implantation:


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Tooth extraction using ultrasound

Reading time ~ 3 min Number of readings: 7024

Even quality oral care does not eliminate the possibility of trauma or other factor that may require tooth extraction. The need to pull it out with forceps or saw it into pieces with a milling machine for fragmentary removal causes unpleasant associations, becomes a reason to postpone going to the dentist.

The innovation of 2017-2018 was the use of ultrasound equipment in dentistry - piezotome, for tooth extraction. Previously, ultrasound was used for the removal of dental calculus, treatment of periodontal disease.


Piezotome includes a block-regulator, which sets the parametric parameters (frequency of oscillation, amplitude), and ultrasonic scalpel with interchangeable attachments. Depending on the quality, structure, density of bone tissue, the surgeon sets the frequency in the range of 10-290000 Hz, amplitude 60-200 microns.


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Bleeding from the hole of the tooth: causes and ways to stop bleeding

Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that cannot be performed without damaging tissue and blood vessels. This causes bleeding from the tooth cavity. The blood forms a clot that protects the wound from bacterial invasion. Usually, it stops discharging from the wound after a few minutes, but there are cases when bleeding continues for hours or even days.

Causes of bleeding from the hole of the extracted tooth

In dentistry, there are general, local and mixed causes. Bleeding can occur due to a doctor's error, non-compliance with the recommendations of the patient or taking medications to treat common diseases.

Local causes Rupture of blood vessels during traumatic surgery; Breakage of the root septum or alveolus (hole); Inflammation in the area of the tooth that was extracted; the action of adrenaline (after the constriction of blood vessels, there is a second phase - their expansion); melting of blood clots blocking the vessels under the in…
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Fistula on the gum – how to treat and identify causes

Gingival fistula is a pathological condition, the result of purulent inflammation near the root of the tooth with perforation of the gum tissue. This is a channel in the thickness of the gum, through which pus comes out from the focus of inflammation.

Diagnose and treat the disease by dentists: therapist, surgeon, sometimes a surgeon of maxillofacial specialization.

What is a fistula, how it looks, symptoms

Externally, the fistula is a convex formation with a noticeable spot of white color on it. This means that the pathological process is accompanied by the formation of pus in large quantities.

The fistula is of two types:

External, when the gingival fistula comes to the surface; Internal, when the process remains hidden inside the gum, due to the fact that the fistula channel does not reach its surface. The inflammatory process can only be detected by radiologic examination.

Symptoms of a dental fistula are…

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Vaklende tænder: årsager og behandlinger

Normalt har sunde tænder en lille mobilitet på grund af ligamentapparatets elasticitet og behovet for at dæmpe tyggebelastningen. Fysiologisk mobilitet er 0,06 - 0,15 mm, helt umærkelig for en person. Overdreven mobilitet, der kan mærkes, når man trykker på tanden, er en anomali, der kræver tandlægebehandling. Selv om den mobile tand ser normal ud og ikke gør ondt, indikerer løsrivelse en overtrædelse af tandkødsforbindelsen, som er fyldt med tab af en tandlægeenhed.

Patologisk tandmobilitet opstår ved forskellige tandproblemer eller traumer. Hvad skal man gøre, hvis en tand vakler? Gå til tandlægen. Rettidig diagnose og behandling vil bevare tandrækkens integritet og genoprette det ligamentære apparats funktion. Behandlingsmetoden vælges i henhold til defektens sværhedsgrad, placeringsområdet og tilstedeværelsen af samtidige faktorer. Specialister fra RUTT-klinikken i Moskva efter en omfattende diagnose...

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Er det muligt at transplantere en tand? Funktioner ved autotransplantation

Læsetid ~ 6 min Antal aflæsninger: 16512

Transplantation af tænder fra dit eget tandsæt er en procedure, der bruges som et alternativ til implantater. Alle har tænder, som ikke deltager i tyggeprocessen, ikke påvirker biddet og ikke har nogen vigtige funktioner. Det er visdomstænderne. Det er dem, der oftest bliver til donortænder. Men ikke altid.

Der er tænder, der vokser uden for buen, ødelægger smilet og fremkalder betændelse. Du kan slippe af med problemet ved ortodontisk behandling: installation af skinner, plader, bøjler. Der er tilfælde, hvor den eneste løsning er ekstraktion. Så har tanden en chance for at blive til gavn for sin ejer. Den kan transplanteres til det sted, hvor tanden blev tabt eller skal trækkes ud.

En anden kilde til donorer til transplantationer er ekstra komplette tænder. Nogle mennesker får tvillingetænder. Sådanne enheder er direkte kandidater til ekstr...

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Nekrose i kæben: årsager og behandlingsmetoder

Kæbenekrose er en alvorlig betændelsessygdom, hvor knoglerne i ansigtsskelettet blotlægges og dør.

Celledød fremkaldes af:

Strålebehandling. Desuden kan nekrose i kæbeknoglen udvikle sig et stykke tid efter endt strålebehandling, hvilket gør det vanskeligt at stille en diagnose. Indtagelse af syntetiske stoffer. Lægemidler ødelægger osteoblaster - grundlaget for knoglevæv. Indtagelse af bisfosfonater. Disse lægemidler ordineres til osteoporose (i små doser) og onkologiske sygdomme, der påvirker knoglerne i skelettet (langsigtet, i store doser). Nedsat immunitet som følge af sygdomme (gigt, blodsygdomme, polyarthritis, diabetes) eller kemoterapi. Infektionssygdomme - generelle og orale. Skader på kæben. Årsager til ødelæggelse af kæbeknoglen

Sygdommen udvikler sig, når flere faktorer kombineres. Med andre identiske tilstande falder patienterne i risikogruppen:

med dårlig mundhygiejne; med parodontitis; efter tandlægebesøg...
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Pain after tooth extraction: how much does it hurt and how to relieve it?

February 24, 2022 Reading time ~ 8 min Number of reads : 104020

Extraction (extraction) of a tooth is a surgical intervention accompanied by damage to the peri-dental tissues (gum, bone cavity, mucosa). Pain after tooth extraction is a normal reaction of the body to surgical intervention. Depending on the complexity of the clinical situation, the volume of the operation, after the procedure, when the effect of anesthetic stops (after 3-4 hours), the patient begins to feel aching pain in the injured area.

Why and how much does it hurt?

Pain occurs due to traumatic swelling of tissues, compression of nerve endings. The more complex and voluminous was the operation, the more intense the pain in the gum after tooth extraction. Normally, the symptoms after the extraction of an incisor or molar are as follows:

Aching pain, persists for 1-3 days, but subsides day by day; slight swelling, hematoma, rednes…
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Whether wisdom teeth need to be removed

Wisdom teeth (eights, third molars) are the last units on each side of the tooth row. They are the last to erupt when the dentoalveolar system is fully formed. And in most cases, their appearance causes a lot of problems. Since they often do not have enough space in the row, they grow incorrectly: at an angle, sideways, horizontally, interfere with neighboring units, traumatize the mucosa of the cheeks, tongue.

Whether it is necessary to remove wisdom teeth - depends on the clinical situation. The doctor will not remove the third molars "just in case". There must be medical indications for this. The anatomy of the eights is more complex, they are the largest units in the row with a developed root system. Although they belong to the chewing group of teeth, they do not take part in the process of chewing, this function of the units is weakened or absent. The primary function of the third molars is to keep the teeth in the row from moving apart.

What pro…
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