Tandstillingen er den indbyrdes placering af tandrækkerne, når kæberne er helt sammenvoksede.
The formation of the dento-mandibular system begins during intrauterine development. By week 11, the fetus has the jaw bands defined. Almost all babies are born with an incorrect bite. The lower jaw is shifted backward. Dentists call this phenomenon retrognathia. When a baby actively sucks, the muscles are exercised. By 6-8 months of breastfeeding, and a little later, with artificial feeding, the lower jaw takes the correct position. For artificially fed babies, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body, the opening in the nipple. If the formula does not flow from the bottle, you have to make an effort to get it, the child's tongue and jaw muscles get enough load and bite anomalies can be avoided.
Stadier af biddannelseDen første fase er afsluttet, når tænderne bryder frem. Så er den dannet:
Midlertidigt bidPeri…